
Revision 18 as of 2009-02-17 12:27:44

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About Me

Hello from Melbourne, Florida! I am a former Marine, and belong to Florida's Ubuntu Local Community Team. I really like how the Ubuntu community has created this network of Local Communities! I was a Debian "Woody / SID" user prior to using Ubuntu when it was first released. It's kind of ironic looking back, at the time I had recently purchased an AMD-64 Shuttle that was top of the line at the time. At the time there were only a handful of distributions that supported 64-bit, This oddly named distro appeared near the top of my google search, "Ubuntu" version 4.10. I first downloaded the i386 live cd and ran it on my shuttle with great succes, and went on from there to download and install the AMD 64 version, and then on to install Unreal Tournament Tournament 200x which released a 64-bit version of the game shortly after. I have used other Distributions, but in my opinion the only thing that can come close to the stability of and Ubuntu system is Beyond Linux From Scratch.



Bug Club


Since March of 2007 I have been running a linux special interest group that focuses on Ubuntu for a local Windows-based user group. They are known as the Brevard Users group. The Linux Sig consists of approximately 8 regulars that meet. Topics that are discussed are centralized about the users getting the most from their Ubuntu experience. I have done several presentations and demonstrations on everything from the file system hierarchy, to how to use Gimp to retouch photos, from customizing the gnome desktop environment, to what new and great applications can they use as alternates to the proprietary software they are using now. The best part about this group is that they are all over the age of 60 with the exception of one or two guys/gals. The group has remained small due the availability of the meeting rooms at the library they chose for this. Meetings start at 7:00 and usually conclude around 8:30. We meet the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.

Florida Linux Show

Helped man the Florida Team LoCo booth at the Florida Linux Show February 11, 2008. Handed out CD's and case badges and discussed technical issues that people mentioned when talking to us at our booth. Had several members show, and had a great time getting to know some of the members of the Florida Team. I would venture to say that we had the most traffic out of any exhibitors that were there.

Atlanta Linux Fest


I really like to play the Acoustic Guitar, when I am not busy downloading podcasts for my daily commutes to work. I also love to spend extra time with my Family!


Add your $0.02 Smile :-)