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This is Arnaldo Janz Júnior (aka. JJ)'s (K)Ubuntu Wiki Page

I really like KDE project and Kubuntu just fitted as a glove to my needs: simple and powerful as Ubuntu, but with KDE :-D ... Nothing against GNOME (I actually think that it has some stuff better than KDE - and vice-versa), I just don't bite it's look and feel (what, at least in Kubuntu/Ubuntu, is the only matter).

What I really is bigger than KDE or GNOME choosing, is that those desktop's communities are, in Ubuntu, part of one big community, working to make a better project, and letting the user the choice for desktop he likes.

I only think that, following this line of being one only project, they should be named one only project, being only a part of a team of it: the ones who take care of KDE desktop for Ubuntu, those who take care of GNOME desktop for Ubuntu, the responsible for Xfce desktop for Ubuntu and the responsibles for Educational softwares/package for Ubuntu. As happens to Ubuntu Server. It's not another distro: it's still Ubuntu, with the necessary packages and settings for it's goal.

This way, in my humble opinion, there should be one only distro, Ubuntu, and those today's Ubuntu supported distros, should be projects of it, being like Ubuntu-Core, Ubuntu-GNOME-Desktop, Ubuntu-KDE-Desktop, Ubuntu-Xfce-Desktop, Ubuntu-Educational, Ubuntu-Server.

In practical terms, this would happen like it is now but, first of all, less confusing to end user (the main goal), that would, for example, try only one distro (Ubuntu), and choose the purpose he wants to use it: as a desktop (and choose his preferred one or try another one), for educational purposes, or as a server. He could select this at the time of downloading the iso and be directed to download the iso that matches its needs.

The teams would keep working on what they do today, the same way of today (each one on its desktop or purpose), but being a part of only one distro, what could make them (even a bit) more integrated (they could then help each other to achieve goals or "share" features between desktops - not necessarily code but, at least, the main ideas of those), that would, than, be even more easy to user to change the purpose of it's installation (he could change to Educational from installing - what I called here - Ubuntu-Educational package or switch/add desktops from installing/removing Desktop Project's packages).

I hope this to happen some (hopefully, soon) time. The Ubuntu distro and their users only have to win with that.

Well, beside all of this, I'm here, helping KDE desktop for Ubuntu and Ubuntu itself on what I can Wink ;-)


janz (last edited 2009-06-17 16:33:47 by 161)