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What lenses are available for Unity?

If the lens has (a) scope(s) remember to add them to your answer as well.

=== '''Ask Ubuntu''' ===

A lens to search and interact with Ask Ubuntu.


== Google Books ==

A lens to search books and authors on Google Books.


'''Dash-based Calculator'''

The scope works using GCalctool – the default calculator installed in Ubuntu. With such a robust backend the scope is capable of handling most basic mathematic operators and requests such as ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘%’, ‘sin’, ‘pi’, etc.

Currently still in testing

More Information @ OMG! Ubuntu

Bugs should be reported @ with the term [calculator] placed at the beginning of the subject line.

'''Ubuntu Cities Scope'''

Gets you a Map, the time, temperature and wind-speed in almost any city in the world for you in the dash.

Temperature is in Celsius and Fahrenheit and wind-speed is in kilometers/hour and miles/hour.

More on this scope at OMG! Ubuntu] and [ OMG! Ubuntu Update

Unity Music Lens for 11.04

"Unity Music Lens uses Zeitgeist to search for music played on your computer and displays it in a Unity Lens."

Starting in Ubuntu 11.10, the Music Lens also lets you search the Ubuntu One Music Store.


For Ubuntu 11.04, run the following in a terminal (source):

The Music Lens comes preinstalled in Ubuntu 11.10 and later.

Gwibber Lens for Unity

Gwibber Lens for Unity lets you to search, view and access posts, replies, messages and even images posted on your favorite social networking applications.


Ubuntu 11.10 and 12.04 LTS

Click to install: unity-lens-gwibber][

Ubuntu 11.04


== Reddit Lens ==

As described by a post on WebUpd8:

A Reddit user has created a cool Unity Lens for Reddit (a website where you can find what's new and popular on the web with a very active Linux section). By default it displays /r/linux, /r/ubuntu, /r/iama and of course, the main stories.

The search field for the Unity Reddit Lens is basically a filter for Reddit categories so if for instance you want to see the top stories in the /r/technology category, search for "technology"...


== Google Docs Lens ==

The Google Docs Unity Lens can be used to search in all your Google Docs files, open them in a browser and sort your documents by various criteria such as file type or ownership.


It can be installed from the Web Upd8 main PPA. Installation:

You need to enter your password manually. Just do:

And enter your password then run the lens:


== Web Sources Lens ==

This lens lets you perform a web search from your desktop without having to open a separate browser first. You type in your search terms and select which "source" you want to use to search with.


Add ppa:cscarney/unity-web-place to your Software Sources, then run in a terminal:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unity-place-websearch


Adult Lens & Porn Scope

It should go without saying that in-order to use the lens you must be of legal age within your country or province.

The following ‘Adult Lens and Scope’ set which lets you search, filter and watch adult videos directly from the Ubuntu desktop.

The lens is accessible by clicking on the ‘X’ icon in the bottom row of icons in the Dash.

You can enter search terms to find specific videos and/or use the variety of filters to help narrow down your searches or interests.


The lens and scope are available to install from a dedicated ‘Adult’ PPA.

(link for above)

From OMG! Ubuntu

YouTube Scope & Lens

Allows you to search and filter YouTube videos from the Dash. Now opens video in VLC (if installed as well).

Once both elements have been installed you will need to log out and back in before they show up.

Read more at OMG! Ubuntu

Tomboy Lens

The Tomboy Lens provides a number of basic features.

The Lens itself presents a note-only overview of your saved notes for easy launching, along with a ‘New Note’ entry for the creation of new notes.

The search bar within the Lens lets you search through the contents of all of your notes so you can whittle down and find whatever it is you’re after.

Add to your software sources:

Click to install

More information found at OMG! Ubuntu.

Grooveshark Lens

The Grooveshark Scope can be installed in Ubuntu 11.10 by adding the following PPA:

Then install the scope:

(Source: OMG! Ubuntu)

Unity Graphic Design lens

Unity Graphic Design lens is a specialized tool, aimed towards designers, acting as a global place that can easily offer various resources needed for design, all in the comfort of the Dash.

The lens comes with four scopes:

Designs gather data from Dribbble, website also known as Twitter for designers (here you can abundantly find various images suited for a wide range of tastes and needs)

Palettes, 1-click adds color pallets to GIMP/Inkscape

Icons opens the vast iconfinder's icon collection to get an icon, click on it (it will open in your default web-browser)

Brushes scope brings deviantart into the lens

Add the following official PPA (Oneiric, Precise)

Then log out and back into have it activated. Read more about this at


This lens parses the ~/.ssh/config and ~/.ssh/known_hosts file to simple start the gnome-terminal and open a ssh connection with the fitting host-name and/or user.

If you would like to search in the known_hosts file you should disable hostname hashing in /etc/ssh/ssh_config (HashKnownHosts no). Otherwise this lens only uses ~/.ssh/config to find possible host-names.


The lens is available to install from the ‘Scopes Packagers’ PPA.

(Link for above)

Features and examples could be found in the README file.

Pirate Bay Scope & Torrent Lens

The technology itself is perfectly legal, but it has been debated if its implementation in connection with copyrighted material or otherwise illegal material makes the issuer of the bittorrent file, as opposed to the copyrighted material itself, liable as an accomplice or infringer.

Allows you to search torrents without opening a browser, and allows drag and drop to transmission for downloading. You can also filter by torrent type (music, video, ect.) and size.

More information found at OMG! Ubuntu

For information as to what a Torrent is, take a look at this question.

Unity Bliss Lens

This lens puts applications into category folders in the dash, similar to the old GNOME 2 Applications menu categories.

According to Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen (the lens' creator) from this OMG! Ubuntu article:

“This is a very simple implementation of an apps lens for Unity. It can be used as a replacement for the default apps lens if you want something simpler, or it can be used as a solid starting point for writing your own lens.

Bliss is by no means official or anything. It is a quick hack to showcase how you can go about this, mostly intended for developers who want to do their own thing. That is also why you wont find a PPA for it (not from me at least)”

Instructions for installation:

  1. Download the package from by clicking the green button on the right side of the page.

  2. Extract the package into your home folder.
  3. Run the following in a terminal:

    cd unity-lens-bliss-0.1.3 ./configure –prefix=/usr –sysconfdir=/etc make sudo make install 
  4. Log out and back in to see it in the Dash.

(Adapted from this answer.)

Recoll Lens

Recoll is a full text search desktop tool which indexes the contents of many file formats including OpenOffice, MS Office, PostScript, MP3 and other audio files, JPEG and more. Besides regular searches, Recoll also lets you perform some advanced operations like searching for the author, file size, file format as well as operators like "AND" or "OR".

Unity Recoll Lens lets you use Recoll from Dash, without having to open any additional GUI. The lens comes with a few filters like Text, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Media or Message, but for more advanced searches, you'll have to manually enter the Recoll search query. Examples: author:"john doe" metallica OR megadeth /2007 (all documents from 2007 or older) dir:/path/to/dir (filters content from /path/to/dir directory)


Unity Recoll Lens is available in the Recoll backports PPA for Ubuntu 11.10 and 11.04. To add the PPA and install Unity Recoll Lens, use the following commands:

Once installed, you'll have to start the Recoll GUI (just search for Recoll in Dash) and let it index your files. Once it finishes, log out, then log back in and you should see a new Recoll search lens. The Recoll search results don't show up just on the Recoll lens but also on the home Dash, when performing a global search.

From, more information for Recoll lens found ''here''

Cooking Lens and Recipefy Scope

Searching for offline and online recipe's from unity has never been easier.

Install it from the Scope Packers PPA

Click to install, if ppa added: unity-lens-cooking][

also please checkout My Testing PPA for the newest changes ( unstable )

PS: I wrote it my self. I hope you enjoy it. You can visit the project on Launchpad for more info.

Unity Calendar Lens

Allows you to easily search and access your calendar. Unity Calendar lens categorizes its events in Recent and Upcoming, events filterable by Personal and Birthdays & Anniversaries.

If you want to use Unity Calendar lens with Thunderbird install Lightning extension

More information found at

Unity Binary Clock

This unconventional lens displays the time in binary format. Just add up the orange dots and you get your current time.

Add the following official PPA (Oneiric, Precise)

Read more about it at

Spotify scope

Spotify scope adds extra resources to Ubuntu's default Unity Music lens, displaying Spotify songs when a particular item is searched.

Spotify scope depends on spotify-client-qt, tool that must be installed before the scope.

A definitely interesting innovation about the above mentioned scope is the marking of its items, meaning one can easily differentiate between songs provided by Banshee and Spotify's, the latter featuring a Spotify symbolic icons.

The usage is simple, properly oriented towards its corespondent application, meaning, playing a Spotify song is as simple as clicking on it (the item will be opened via the Spotify client).


First, install the Spotify client (download the package and install it via Ubuntu Software Center).

Active the scope by logging out and then logging back in.

Information from

Unity Dictionary Lens

The Ubuntu Dictionary is an Unity Launcher plugin that allows you to find the meanings and definitions of words directly from the Unity Dash, using the GNOME Dictionary tool.

To install the Unity Dictionary Lens plugin in your Ubuntu 12.04 LTS operating system, open a terminal window (hit the CTRL+ALT+T key combination) and paste the following commands (one by one, hitting Enter after each one):


You will also need to restart your session after the installation. Be aware that this is only available for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin).



Wikipedia Lens

The Wikipedia Lens is pretty self-explanatory: it allows you to search Wikipedia for various articles.


This lens is available in a PPA for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Ubuntu 12.10, and can be installed using these commands:

(Source: OMG! Ubuntu!)

jokerdino/Sandbox (last edited 2012-05-12 15:56:38 by 202)