
https://launchpad.net/@@/person Real Name

Karthick Murugadhas

https://launchpadlibrarian.net/16121192/gem-sm.png Location


https://launchpadlibrarian.net/9608570/ubuntu_emblem.png Ubuntu Forums Profile


https://launchpad.net/favicon.ico Launchpad Profile


favicon.ico Askubuntu profile


https://launchpad.net/@@/language IRC

karthick on irc.freenode.net

ubuntuuser.ico Registered Ubuntu User


uversion.ico Currently using

Trusty Tahr

About Me

Myself Karthick, an IT Graduate. I have started using Ubuntu since version 8.04 (Hardy Heron) has released. Ubuntu is just awesome and it is easy for beginners to learn new things quickly.

My Involvement with the Ubuntu Community

The areas that I involve myself with are listed below. If you ever have a query that you are unsure about, please do not hesitate to get in touch; I do not bite. Consider me as a friendly librarian. I may not know the answer immediately, but I can point you to where to find information.

Ubuntu I am one of the active members of AskUbuntu forum,also i am among the top 10 by reputation.

Ubuntu I became Ubuntu Beginners Team member on 12th January 2011.


Ubuntu Creating Awarness Programs on UBUNTU Operating System and distribute Ubuntu CD's to the team.

Ubuntu Conducted a workshop on ubuntu in my college to my juniors.

Ubuntu Code Development

Ubuntu Forums Work

Ubuntu Member of the Ubuntu Forums since August 11th, 2009

Ubuntu I help out mainly in Absolute Beginner Talk,General Talk and Desktop Environments.

My how to:

Askubuntu Work

Ubuntu Helping users in askubuntu.com

IRC(Internet Relay Chat)

My registered IRC nickname is karthick87. I usually present in the following channels to either learn from or help out.

I ensure that I am logged on to #ubuntu-beginners. If you do not yet have your IRC set up then you can click UbuntuBeginners

IRC Channels

Ubuntu #ubuntu-beginners

Ubuntu #ubuntu-beginners-team

Ubuntu #ubuntu

Ubuntu #ubuntu-doc

Ubuntu #ubuntu-in

Future Goals

My goal is to involve growing with ubuntu where I can continue to learn, help people, take on additional responsibilities, and contribute as much as I can. I am planning to conduct an workshop on linux platform to create awarness to show people how linux is secure than windows.

My Hobbies

Ubuntu Hearing songs and Watching TV.

Ubuntu Love to play games in my XBOX.

Ubuntu Surfing internet to get latest technical updates.

Ubuntu Reading & Writing new Linux tutorials for beginners.


If you wish to describe any of my contributions to the Ubuntu Community, please feel free to do so below. Thank You.

General Testimonials

Karthick is one of the most industrious answerers on AskUbuntu.com. While posting very many answers indeed, his follow-through and reliability still remain exemplary. He has become a substantial part of the great community support at AskUbuntu.com. — Stefano Palazzo

In the short time I have known Karthick on the Ubuntu Forums, it has been apparent that he is an active and eager participant. His energy and enthusiasm to help other users is a lesson to us all and I, personally, have learned much from him. I wholeheartedly support his application for both Ubuntu and UBT membership. -- Rubi1200

Testimonials for Beginner Team

Seeing karthick's work on multiple places wrt forum related stuff I whole heartedly pitch for him to get UBT membership and ubuntu membership sometime down in a month or so.. great work! keep on rocking! -- bhavi (27th November 2010)

Having got to know Karthick, I fully support his application for UBT. Always helpful, cheerful and knowledgeable, whilst not being afraid to ask questions when unsure as to the best way to help a beginner. An absolute asset to the UBT. Advocacy counts so much for me, explaining that there is "another way" and then supporting it.phillw (6th December 2010).

Testimonials for Ubuntu Membership

+1 for Ubuntu Membership -- I appreciate the attention to detail when helping new users with their problems. -- jorge 2010-12-30 22:33:58

I support Karthick's Ubuntu Membership. He is a gem in our community. He is always ready to help and I have met him a few times on #ubuntu-in. His work on askubuntu.com is fantastic -- manishsinha 2011-02-02 11:55:58

karthick87 (last edited 2017-03-23 18:13:55 by karthickmurugadhas)