
Revision 11 as of 2006-06-17 23:56:36

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BRG'day and welcome to my ubuntu wiki page. BR BRby forum community member u.b.u.n.t.u BR(started Sunday 11 June 2006) BR BR BR BRubuntu BRhumanity towards others BR

BR BRHow to add a second Hard Disk Drive (HDD) BR BRThere are 5 steps. BR1. Make a mount folder for the HDD. BRsudo mkdir /media/storage BR2. Open to edit your fstab file. BRsudo gedit /etc/fstab BR3. Add this line to the bottom of your fstab file and then save. BR/dev/hdb1 /media/storage ext3 defaults 0 0 BR4. Mount your HDD. BRsudo mount /dev/hdb1 -t ext3 /media/storage BR5. Give yourself access permission to your HDD. BRsudo chown -R username: /media/storage BR BRNotes. BR"/media" is the folder HDD are usually mounted. BR"/media/storage" - where "storage" can be any name your choose. BR"hdb1" is the name of your HDD you are adding. BR"username" is the name your log in with. BR

BR BRNautilus (File manager to always see the path.) BR BR1. To always see the path in Nautilus. BREdit > Preferences > Behaviour BR2. Tick the box. BRAlways use text-enty location bar BR

BR BRRestart X (Restart gnome without fully rebooting.) BR BRctrl-alt-backspace BRWait a few seconds for the login screen to appear. BR

BR BRFirestarter (Firewall GUI for iptables.) BR BR* Check to see if Firestarter is running. BRsudo /etc/init.d/firestarter status BR BR BR* Add Firestarter to start-up programs. BRSystem > Preferences > Sessions BRClick. BRAdd BREnter the text. BRsudo firestarter --start-hidden
