
Revision 104 as of 2010-09-07 17:13:06

Clear message

The List is meant to facilitate contact between everyone working to promote Ubuntu at all levels. Signing the list is not mandatory. When leaving your name and email address you acknowledge you have read and understand the Marketing CoC and that you will be open to anyone working on the goal of promoting Ubuntu.

If you have questions or ideas it's better to contact the related Team before contacting anybody directly.

The List


Active Mail Address

Website (optional)

Comments/info (write or leave blank)

Admins of Ubuntu websites and social networks

Admins of related (FLOSS, Linux etc) websites are also welcomed and encouraged to join the list.

Website URL

Admin's Name/Names

Active Mail Address

Info (Write or leave blank)


Rubén Romero

huayra at ubuntu d.t com

Hosts Ubuntu marketing material.


Mike Feravolo

mike at feravolo dot com


Simon Souyris Strumse

simonstrumse at gmail d.t com

Community space.

LoCo Teams

If you own a LoCo team remember and want to reach as many people as possible, Ubuntu Facebook admins will help you send a message to the people in your area as soon as possible. It's also recommended to create a facebook group or social space to facilitate contact with local Ubuntu fans.


Active Mail Address

Site URL

Facebook/Other site

Info (write or leave blank)

Remember to visist the LoCo team list to find and join your local team or to create your own.