
For this class, you will not necessarily need django installed to follow along, though it is highly recommended. You will need bzr 2.x in order to get the code that we will be discussing. Instructions for getting the code will be given during the session.

Day 1

  1. What is it?
  2. Installation/Setup
  3. Creating a Project
  4. Creating an Application
  5. Configure a Database
  6. Basic View
  7. Custom URL

Day 2

  1. Models
  2. Meta fields
  3. Field types
  4. Foreign Key/M2M Fields
  5. Inheritance
  6. Django Admin
  7. String Representation

Day 3

NOTE: The code starting at tag:day3.1 requires database updates. You will need to delete your classroom_scheduler.db file and run "python syncdb", then re-create test Sessions and Courses from the Admin screens.

Or, you can download an updated database with sample data here: classroom_scheduler.db (username:root/passwd:password)

  1. Templates
  2. Built in Tags
  3. Built in Filters
  4. Custom Filters
  5. Forms
  6. Model Forms
  7. Forms in Views
  8. Custom Validation
    1. Single Field
    2. Multiple Fields
  9. Extra Listings
  10. Deleting records




mhall119/classes/LearningDjango (last edited 2010-02-26 19:03:46 by 206)