
My name is OerHeks, an active Ubuntu user since 2009, living in Haarlem, a small town 10 miles from Amsterdam, Netherlands. Interested in Desktop use, and you can find me daily in the IRC channels, to learn and give support.


My involvement in Ubuntu up to now includes Ubuntu IRC-channels & mailing lists & trying to help anyone to understand the freedom and power of open source tools, showing how to use them and give background info about how these can change your life, being creative and succesful. Also Operator in #ubuntu-nl


Special interest is helping understand the possibilities of your hardware, pros and cons, and give you free advise what is profitable to upgrade to make using Ubuntu more fun.

Contact Information

IRC #Ubuntu and #Ubuntu-nl Email oerheks @ Launchpad


Giving Support in IRC channel(s), AskUbuntu & and help with filing bug-reports.


Help spreading the best linux version to all people who need a clean, safe and free operatingsystem.

Future Goals

I would like trying to unite all solitairy manual writers back to ubuntu official wiki pages, as many fragmented howto's confuse new users. All those 'islands of knowlegde' should be one trusted continent.


OerHeks is one of the most visible persons in the IRC channels of the Dutch LoCo. He has spent countless hours answering all sorts of questions about Ubuntu, and providing help when things go wrong. (recent example here) I wholeheartedly endorse his application for Ubuntu Membership. - Marten de Vries (10th nov 2014)

OerHeks is very active in #ubuntu-nl. He frequently helps people along in their journey into the world of Ubuntu, usually in a friendly and optimistic way Smile :) As a small thank you for the countless hours he spent in the community, I endorse his application for the Ubuntu Membership fully. - Olivier van der Toorn (10th nov 2014)

OerHeks is a really visible and active person in #ubuntu-nl, and he never ceases to help people. He is always friendly and down-to-earth. He lives in Haarlem and seems to enjoy being there, which really says a lot about him as a person. I fully endorse his application for Ubuntu Membership. - Cugel (10th nov 2014)

OerHeks tries to help everyone with their Ubuntu problems and therefore should be recognised for his stake in Ubuntu support. It really helps new users to stay. Therefore, he is a good candidat for Ubuntu Membership. - computergeoffreyl (14th nov 2014)

OerHeks is one of the most active people in the Dutch IRC channels. He's polite, attentive and very patient when answering other people's questions. He makes for very pleasant smalltalk, too. I fully support his application for the Ubuntu membership. - Stefan de Vries (10th nov 2014)

OerHeks is always around in the Dutch and international IRC channel to help people who have problems with ubuntu. I was surprised to hear that he isn't an official ubuntu member yet, this should be fixed as soon as possible ;). - Redmar (21th nov 2014)

OerHeks is one of the most visible and active people in the Dutch IRC channels. He always tries to help with a lot of patience. No matter how complicated your questions are, OerHeks will just help until the problem has been fully solved. He helps in a very polite, friendly way, which makes it a pleasure being helped out by him. I fully endorse his application for the Ubuntu membership. - Timo Diedering (29th nov 2014)

oerheks (last edited 2014-11-29 08:15:46 by 31-151-95-35)