
Revision 2 as of 2016-09-20 14:15:17

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Page used to document about Ubuntu running Open Power machines.


Netboot installation over IPMI

Ubuntu installer is loaded via kexec when netboot installation is used. The kexec by default will append Petitboot (the bootloader) command-line on Ubuntu's installer kernel. Ubuntu installer parses this command-line and if it has one or more "console=" entries, it will display the installer by default on the last console. We experienced situations in which the last console was tty1 and from the ipmi console perspective, installer seemed hanged since the output was in another terminal.

That said, we have a recommendation on netboot installation over IPMI: append manually your preferred console on Ubuntu's kexec procedure, so it will surely shows the installer output on the right console. Example:

kexec -l vmlinux --initrd initrd.gz --apppend="console=hvc0"