
Revision 15 as of 2015-03-05 13:40:15

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Open Source tools


SaltStack is a new approach to infrastructure management. Easy enough to get running in minutes, scalable enough to manage tens of thousands of servers, and fast enough to communicate with them in seconds.

Salt delivers a dynamic communication bus for infrastructures that can be used for orchestration, remote execution, configuration management and much more.

Installing Saltstack

SaltStack is available in Ubuntu, but could be installed from github also.

From Ubuntu

# apt-get install salt-minion # On the minion nodes # apt-get intsall salt-master # On the master node

From upstream

In order to do it, do the following on all machines you want to have controlled by saltstack as in the master node:

   # sudo apt-get install python-m2crypto  python-yaml python-m2crypto  python-zmq python-msgpack python-jinja2 python-dev python-pip git
   # pip install pycrypto
   # git clone
   # cd salt
   # sudo python  install

Start daemons

Once you have saltstack installed on all machines, you need to start the daemons.

For the minions, you need to specify which is the master node. The easier way to do it is configuring the hostname 'salt' point to the node IP, as for example:

# echo '        salt' >> /etc/hosts

Then, you are able to start running the daemons. On the master node, you should run # salt-master or use the salt.master.service systemctl service. For minions, you should call # salt-minion, or, again, the proper salt.minion.service service.


On master

Start the server with the following command:


Or, preferably using the daemon services, as the following line for systemd:

systemctl enable salt-master.service

On Minions

For every minion you have, start the salt daemon with:


Or, preferably using the daemon services, as the following line for systemd:

systemctl enable salt-minion.service

Accept the minions keys in the master

When the minion connects to the master node, it provides a key that needs to be accepted by the master. In order to see the keys that are pending approval, go to the master node and use the command # salt-key -L, and to approve then, use the # salt-key -A.

After approval, you are going to see something like this, where ubuntu1404 and ubuntu140402 are my current minions.

 sudo salt-key -L
Accepted Keys:
Denied Keys:
Unaccepted Keys:
Rejected Keys:

This example shows that my both minions have the keys accepted.

After that, you can check to see if the connection is fine with your minion, using the following command:

# salt '*'

In this case, means that both minions are reachable and you go proceed and start using salt.

One of the example, is capturing the MAC address for the eth0 interface on all minions:

sudo salt '*' network.hw_addr eth0

Or, restarting all the minions at once:

sudo salt '*' system.reboot

IBM Tools

Advance Toolchain

The Advance Toolchain is a set of development tools, i.e. compiler, libraries, debugger and profiling tools, that help developers take leading edge advantage of IBM's latest POWER hardware features.

The following steps will guide you on the installation process of the Advance Toolchain. Detailed information is available in the Advance Toolchain documentation.

Firstly, import the Advance Toolchain GPG key by running:

sudo apt-key add 6976a827.gpg.key

Note: In the following steps, replace atX.X by the desired version, e.g. at8.0.

Native installation (on POWER)

Add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb trusty atX.X

Then, install the packages by running:

sudo aptitude install advance-toolchain-atX.X-runtime \
                      advance-toolchain-atX.X-devel \
                      advance-toolchain-atX.X-perf \

Cross compiler installation (on Intel)

The Advance Toolchain supports cross compilation from Intel processors and generating binaries for POWER processors.

Add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list in your Intel-compatible computer:

deb [arch=i386] trusty atX.X 

Then, install the packages by running:

sudo aptitude install advance-toolchain-atX.X-cross-ppc64 advance-toolchain-atX.X-cross-ppc64le

For more information on how to use the Advance Toolchain cross compiler visit this page.

IBM SDK for PowerLinux

The IBM Software Development Kit for Linux on Power (SDK) is a free, Eclipse-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The SDK integrates C/C++ source development with the Advance Toolchain, Post-Link Optimization, and classic Linux performance analysis tools, including Oprofile, Perf and Valgrind. It is available as two different packages, providing you with three different development modes:

  • The IBM SDK for PowerLinux server development package allows you to use the IBM SDK for PowerLinux, which integrates the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE), directly on the Power Systems server.

  • With the IBM SDK for PowerLinux client for remote development package, you can start the IBM SDK for PowerLinux x86_64 client, including the Eclipse IDE, on a workstation. You can then connect to a remote Power Systems server that has the IBM SDK for PowerLinux server agent installed to build, execute, debug, and analyze programs.

  • With the client for remote development package and cross-compiler feature, you can develop and build your application locally using the IBM Advance Toolchain for PowerLinux cross compiler.

To install IBM SDK for PowerLinux on Ubuntu, follow the instructions available at Download and Installation.

IBM Java

Adding IBM Java Apt Repository

IBM Java is currently located into the Canonical partner archive and can be installed through the apt tool.

The partner repository is usually already into the file /etc/apt/sources.list, although disabled (commented). In order to enable it, one should uncomment or, in case it is not in the repositories list, add it to /etc/apt/sources.list.

   1 deb utopic partner
   2 deb-src utopic partner

Then retrieve the updated package lists:

   1 sudo apt-get update

Finally install it, via apt-get install. For the jdk:

   1 sudo apt-get install ibm-java71-jdk

Or jre:

   1 sudo apt-get install ibm-java71-jre

IBM C/C++ Compiler

A key strength of XL C/C++ for Linux is its ability to generate highly optimized code for execution on IBM Power Systems. The performance gain from years of IBM compiler optimization experience on XL C/C++ for Linux can be seen in the release-to-release compiler improvements from the development of the IBM POWER4 processors through to the IBM POWER5, IBM POWER5+, IBM POWER6, IBM POWER6+, IBM POWER7, IBM POWER7+, and IBM POWER8 processors

IBM XL C/C++ for Linux

IBM XL Fortran Compiler

A new XL Fortran compiler is delivered to support application development on the IBM POWER8 servers that run the little endian Linux distributions.

A key strength of the new XL Fortran for Linux is its ability to generate highly optimized code for execution on IBM Power Systems. The performance gain from years of IBM compiler optimization experience on XL Fortran for Linux can be seen in the release-to-release compiler improvements from the development of the IBM POWER4 processors through to the IBM POWER5, IBM POWER5+, IBM POWER6, IBM POWER6+, IBM POWER7, IBM POWER7+, and POWER8 processors.

IBM XL Fortran for Linux



CUDA 5.5 For IBM POWER8 is supported either in Ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10.