Revision 29 as of 2008-02-16 14:21:43

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This page will discuss the steps that I go through in order to become an MOTU and is inspired by [:EfrainValles/MOTUJourney:Efrain's MOTU page]. Thank you Efrain.

Task List


Date Completed

Notes (See section below)

Read [:UbuntuDevelopment:Ubuntu Development Documentation]


Read [:UbuntuDevelopers:Info about Ubuntu Developers]


Read [:MOTU/GettingStarted:MOTU Getting Started]


Read [:PbuilderHowto:Pbuilder Documentation]


Read [:PackagingGuide:Packaging Guide]

In Progress

Exercise: [:PackagingGuide/Complete#head-b1e654041de2f572282304b43e4b5191866afe46: Packaging hello from source]



Exercise: [:PackagingGuide/Complete#head-54affe1daa46d0329d4eb61c90c13454df5bde63: Packaging hello using debhelper]



Exercise: Fix an existing bug. [ Bug #188939]


Read [:UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews:Ubuntu Development Code Review]


Read [:SponsorshipProcess:The Sponsorship Process]


Read [ FAQ on why packages get rejected in Debian]


Read [ Debian library packaging guide]


Exercise: Update a package


Exercise: Package a new piece of [ software]


Exercise: Update a library package. [ Bug #190744]


Read and track [:EfrainValles/MOTUJourney:Efrain's MOTU wiki page]


Become a MOTU



Date(2008-01-27T18:45:57Z)BR Well I finally decided to bite the bullet and get started. First up is reading. I'll keep a record of everything I read in the table above.

Date(2008-01-30T02:04:06Z)BR I read through the sections of the Pbuilder documentation that seemed relevant for getting started as a MOTU. I skipped the sections on ccache, multiple pbuilders, and the section on older ubuntu releases. Up next is the packing guide which includes examples of common MOTU tasks. As I go though it, I'll make a note of additional documentation that would be helpful to read.

Date(2008-02-01T18:32:03Z)BR I am currently reading through the Ubuntu PackagingGuide. This guide has a ton of information in it. I also added a few potential projects to test my packaging knowledge.

Date(2008-02-03T17:21:04Z)BR I went through the debhelper section and the packaging from source section of the Ubuntu PackagingGuide. I noticed that the guide was a little behind since hello 2.2 is now available. So when working through the exercises I downloaded [ Hello 2.2] so that it would match with the current packages in the gutsy repository.

Date(2008-02-09T15:43:41Z)BR I have decided to try and fix my first bug. After looking at the available bitesize and packaging bugs, I selected [ Bug #188939]. In addition to fixing the bug, a new version of glom is also available. So I will attempt to fix the bug and update the package to the newest upstream release. Also, CesareTirabassi has agreed to mentor me. His help is very much appreciated.

Date(2008-02-13T14:37:38Z)BR I have successfully fixed my first [ bug]. I wasn't able to upgrade the package at the same time since the new version depends on newer versions of the libgda and libgdamm libraries. libgda is in main and a sync from Debian. I plan on submitting a bug to Debian asking for an upgrade. I plan to upgrade libgdamm myself, but I need to read up on library packages. The really great part is that the bug was fixed in time to make it into Hardy before the freeze. So I am proud to say that I have a fixed bug in Hardy. Finally, I want to thank CesareTirabassi (my MOTU mentor) and [ Murry Cumming] (glom author) for their help.

Date(2008-02-15T15:50:25Z)BR Today, I plan on looking into packaging a library. The library I am interested in updating is libgdamm.


  1. lintian wanted -$(MAKE) distclean in the hello rules file to be changed to [ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) distclean

  2. Hello 2.2 is now available in the gutsy repository. So download [ Hello 2.2] instead.

  3. The rules file for hello-debhelper package weren't exactly the same as those described in the packaging guide, but it didn't seem to be a problem.

Potential Projects
