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More than anything else, the sense of community is what makes the forums such a great place to be involved with. More than anything else, the sense of community is what makes the forums such a great place to be involved with. I wish to personally thank all those on the forums who have taught and helped me to help others.

About Me

I mastered in Medieval English literature and currently work in the field of academic research. Musical interests include listening to jazz, especially Horace Silver, and Afrobeat.

Involvement with Linux

I first became interested in Linux in 2005 after watching a television interview with Klaus Knopper, the creator of Knoppix. Early forays into this new and exciting world included experimenting with LiveCD distros such as the aforementioned Knoppix as well as Slax, Damn Small Linux, Puppy, Feather, and numerous others.

Around 2006, I first tried Ubuntu in the form of Dapper Drake. My first Linux install was Fedora, which I dual-booted with OpenSUSE. I have also booted various other combinations of Linux distros. Keeping an eye on developments, I returned to Ubuntu with an install of Karmic Koala and have not looked back since.

Ubuntu Forums

I joined the Ubuntu Forums on March 22, 2010. From the outset I was impressed by the willingness to help, politeness, and general knowledge of my fellow users. I have striven to provide support in the same friendly and helpful manner with which I was greeted when first asking questions.

Everyday has been a learning experience for me on the Ubuntu Forums and I try to impart that sense of achievement and wonder in my own posts whenever possible.

More than anything else, the sense of community is what makes the forums such a great place to be involved with. I wish to personally thank all those on the forums who have taught and helped me to help others.


I spend most of my time in the Absolute Beginner Talk, General Help, and Installation & Upgrades forums answering questions related to booting problems, Wubi installs, and anything else I know the answer to or know in which direction to point the user towards. I also spend time searching for unanswered posts, with the intention of giving users the feeling that their problems have not been ignored.

I wrote the Wubi Megathread with the support of fellow forums users bcbc and drs305 to help Wubi users. Even though I don't use Wubi, I saw that support in this area was lacking and decided to help as best I could. In the future, I hope to continue contributing in this area as well as writing support documentation for other areas that may need more clarification.


  • To be a helpful and productive member of the Ubuntu Forums, supporting those who need assistance.
  • To uphold the spirit of Ubuntu as formulated in the Code of Conduct.
  • To always learn and teach.


rubi1200 (last edited 2011-09-17 13:33:06 by Static-77)