
Saji Nediyanchath Launchpad Profile

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saji89 Ubuntu Forums Profile

sajinsj Registered Linux User

#497336 Registered Ubuntu User

#29045 Current Ubuntu/Linux Version

Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

About Me

Hi all, I'm Saji N, now a huge fan of the opensource ideology. I'm currently doing an internship at a firm, which focusses on LAMP. Now we're learning linux Shell-scripting from there, and it seems really simple that I just couldn't help but wonder why I hadn't learned Shell scripting on my own. Originally it was my cousin, who had introduced me to Linux.He is a very good expert in Linux,he favors the use of Kubuntu. I now use Ubuntu 10.04 as my primary operating system. Ubuntu gives me everything that I could never have imagined, such as when I used Windows as my OS. I'm constantly trying new things with my Ubuntu such as installing new software. I think I'll never again have to turn back to MS Windows. My main online activities are blogging, tweeting, but best things that I have found useful online, is StumbleUpon,Twitter and IRC chat. It has helped me learn many new things. I'm doing my academic projects solely using opensource tools. Nowadays I find more time to hang around at IRC, since I can help people live, a there. and also get to learn many things from there. I usually hang around at the #ubuntu-beginners-* channels and the #ubuntu-youth channel. Also I could make many new friends from IRC, who are helpful all the time. In short IRC is really a good learning and sharing platform, as for me.

Team Memberships

I have joined a few Launchpad open-teams, though it has never satisfied me. As I want to be part of one live team, and contribute to it, and thereby to the Ubuntu community. And I'm now the admin of the Launchpad Malayalam translators group. Few of the teams, in which Iam a member is-

Current Project & Goals

Currently, I'm not in any opensource project, looking forward to join a project. I'm also helping people at the Launchpad answers. I strongly advocate to my friends and even my teacher's to start using Linux. I have helped many of them to setup Ubuntu on their systems and sort out few problems that they usually face. I also have a blog on opensource, which I'm actively working upon, to share my open-source experience and knowledge with others. You may visit my blog and read it at-

In the meantime I'm now actively contributing towards the Malayalam translation activities in Launchpad. I have setup the Launchpad Malayalam Translators group, and I'm now the administrator of that group. I have also created the wiki for the Launchpad Malayalam translators group, and also to make guidelines for the members of the group. Our ultimate aim as a group, is to make Ubuntu, Kerala friendly by enabling complete Malayalam support in Ubuntu. My ultimate goal is to join a software project and contribute to it, thereby contributing to the opensource community, and learning how things work. And in that way I can learn how things are done in the opensource community. I also aim to join the Ubuntu Beginners Team. My ultimate aim is to build up my career in opensource.

Future Plans & Projects

I would like to contribute to the opensource community, especially the Ubuntu community. I will also continue to share my linux and opensource knowledge through my blog, and in helping others at IRC channels. IRC Channels also helps me learn new things.I have planned to build up my career in opensource. I'm also looking forward to help in the documentation projects actively. I plan to do my academic main-project using opensource tools like Eclipse IDE, PHP, MySQL,etc.


Anyone interested to put up a testimonial on me, are free to do so. It'll be accepted with pleasure. Smile :)

I am an IRC friend of Saji and I first knew him while he was helping people at #ubuntu-beginners and Later we spoke in both official and in person. speaking with him, i got to know his contributions to Ubuntu malayalam team and his helping hands in beginners team too. He is a great guy in common and a good Ubuntu contributor. I endorse him for whatever he apply in future. Mohi Sep 20 18:17:02 UTC 2010

saji89 (last edited 2010-12-09 03:59:17 by ABTS-KK-dynamic-025)