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Me spending the 26-Dic-2009 at CASLEO, Argentina, with a 2.15m telescope.

About Me

I am from Montevideo Uruguay, I'm an astronomer working at the Observatorio Astronomico Los Molinos and teach in Facultad de Ciencias (Universidad de la Republica). I joined the Uruguayan Ubuntu community back in 2008. I started the Linux experience with Debian Sarge and then rapidly migrated to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake (LTS). I stayed with Ubuntu ever since but I also tried Debian Etch in the middle. Since version 8.04 Hardy Heron, I used Ubuntu as my only OS in my notebook for work and personal use. My girlfriend also uses Ubuntu in a secretary-oriented job, and my 5 year old kid uses Ubuntu for playing and drawing. For this reason I have a very huge feedback of Ubuntu as a complete Operating System and that is why most of my registered contribution is bug reporting.

My Goals

To learn more about Linux and Ubuntu distribution and help other people who wish to migrate to the open source world, by using Ubuntu or Linux in general. As as personal perspective, I think that the basic tools to learn and interact with our world, should be free and open to everybody the same way the science and knowledge actually is. Those tools should be for everybody and no licenses should be payed. The scientific community is using the Linux OS world wide and Ubuntu in my opinion is THE operating system for the scientist and researcher, and I feel myself with the moral duty of testing applications, giving feedback and ideas to improve Ubuntu.

Collaboration & Activities

El Asterismo Blog

I own a blog strongly Ubuntu-oriented. In it I've been posting several guides to tweak, install and improve Ubuntu. It also contains astronomy and science-oriented material mostly viewed by my university students and mates. The aim of this blog is to spread Ubuntu and be a guide in astronomy-oriented applications and discussions. That's why it is called "El Asterismo" or in English, "Asterism". An asterism is a group of stars that is not considered officially as a constellation, that gives amateur observers a useful guide in the night sky. Recently other friends that use Ubuntu as well, started to write articles for "El Asterismo".

This is my blog look with the wireless article in the front page. The blog is in Spanish.

Relevant Articles Published in "El Asterismo" Blog

Ubuntu Tuneando el Ubuntu (by Santiago Roland)

Ubuntu IRAF 2.14 en Intrepid/Jaunty/Karmic (by Santiago Roland)

Ubuntu ESO-MIDAS en Ubuntu Lucid (by Santiago Roland)

Ubuntu Geología Planetaria en 64 bits (by Sebastian Bruzzone)

Ubuntu Compiz: Freewins, Flying Windows y Atlantis Cube (by Santiago Roland)

Ubuntu Como hackear redes wireless WEP con Aircrack-NG (by Sebastian Bruzzone)

Ubuntu {}

Ubuntherapy Blog

Recently I started a new blog exclusively for Ubuntu content/discussion called "Ubuntherapy". The difference with "El Asterismo" is that Ubuntherapy language is English. This is mostly for increasing the exchange of ideas and opinions between non-Spanish readers. I think that South American people have lots of things to say about Ubuntu and make it better, and it is more fruitful if we have at least one place to expose them in English.

This is my first post in Ubuntherapy saying Hello World!.

FLISoL 2010 (Latin-American Free Software Installation Party)

I participated as an "Ubuntu Installer" volunteer, performing around 10 new installations and upgrades. I also took some pictures of the new ubuntu users that leave the party with their new Ubuntu Operating System.

Mini photo gallery of FLISoL 2010.

Fiesta Lanzamiento Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx (Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx Release Party)

I participated as an expositor and organizer of this event that took place in the Sciences Faculty University (Universidad de la Republica) in Montevideo, Uruguay. The event last for almost 5 hours and an estimation of 100 people assisted. I gave a talk about "Document Generation in Ubuntu" in which I explained document basics and Office Suites like OpenOffice, Gnome Office and LaTex document generation using LyX and TexMaker.

Mini photo gallery of Ubuntu 10.04 Release Party.

Involved In

Contact Me
