
Revision 5 as of 2010-06-13 17:55:54

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  • "Let your worries die of neglect!!"

Hi everybody, I live in Punjab(India). I 'm a student in computer engineering. I like to contribute to humanity some way so I decided to get involved in free and open software. I like to share my knowledge as this according to me create a knowledge society and increase to your own wealth of knowledge so I always teach my friends anything that I know. I like to contribute to environment so I plant atleast one tree per year and encourage others also to do so . This makes me feel good ...

Interests in computers

Anything in computers that is focussed to abstraction layers. I'm most interested in hardware related programming and IP programming (networks)

Presently I have a good knowledge of C and is presently coding in Avr related microcontrollers. I can code well in .net framework which is of no use here .. I'm working forward to learn atleast one high level crossplatform language like python with a lot of API available so I can have a substitute of .net in windows ....

Availability to triage

16:30 UTC (22:00 (IST)) onwards (in general to 19:30)

Otherwise my vacations from university is going on so normally I can extend the period of free time bothways ...

Time Zone

Asia/Kolkata (INDIA)


email -

Nickname on IRC -simar

GPG Key - FB16B2EF

Why using Ubuntu?

I installed Ubuntu about two months ago and since that day I just love it .. To be honest I still use windows because I had been using it for about 5 years now but now I have realised the big openness and freedom that linux gives ...

I wanted to get fully used to Linux by development and write my own drivers and software for my pc. "For this I want a mentor"

Life Goals

My life goal is to become a good personality and contribute to society in the field of technology ...