
Revision 4 as of 2010-03-27 22:02:17

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U1 app for Android

  • Launchpad Entry: TODO

  • Created: 2010-03-27

  • Contributors: MichaƂ Karnicki, (TODO Can I add mentor here?)

  • Packages affected: none


This Spec is being heavily edited, consecutive sections will be revealed when finished
Notation: Apd stands for Android powered device
Contact: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GSoC/2010/MichalKarnicki/



Computer users like flexibility. There are more ways to get to your files in the cloud than through PC/laptop/netbook. Smartphones are becoming increasingly popular. The missing link here for Ubuntu One project is a client app for Android (amongst other platforms like iPhone & Blackberry). Daily use of mobile phones/devices justifies the need for such application. We can see recent proposals supporting this idea:
[1] brainstorm Idea #19912 1
[2] Bug #4681142
[3] ubuntuforums thread3
[4] yet another thead - poll4

Use cases

Viki makes a picture using her Apd, goes to Menu, taps Share, and selects 'Ubuntu One'. She then can e-mail or tweet (or use otherwise) a public link to that file easily.

Tom wants to collaborate on a document of his friend Mark, but Marks computer isn't connected to the Internet. Tom plugs a usb cable, downloads the file, uses any file browser to Share with 'Ubuntu One' - and has his file available on his PC anytime he's back home to start working on it. (He could also use the generic U1 folder, if he has sync enabled.)

Kim made some notes on her laptop last night, but forgot to take it with her the next day. No worries, the file was in her Ubuntu One folder, so she can access it any time with her Apd.

Ben has almost full SD memory card in his phone - so he manually selects a few files for download whenever he's in range of wifi network (he may choose to use his Mobile Network, as his current plan is a good deal, anyway!)


Application developed in tight communication with Ubuntu One team to ensure flawless functionality and back-end support of proposed features.


TODO: Write on ease of use and clear interface.


The project will be developed in Java language, as it is the choice of Android platform.
TODO Elaborate on that more.

BoF agenda and discussion

List of features that are possible (not necessarily feasible during summer period) for the project to implement:

  • File sync
    • full sync - for spacious SD cards and cheap data plan
    • semi sync - syncs only selected (favourite) files
    • sync on demand - TODO (manual/forced sync in some cases might be useful)
  • Easy sharing
    • so called intent to share file by selecting option from Menu -> Share with -> Ubuntu One

      1. file is uploaded to the cloud
      2. the user receives public link..
      3. ..and can email it, tweet it, sms' it, share with barcode, etc
  • Support for partial file updates, not whole files
    • the back-end software would have to support partial updates, nevertheless it is rather a case for U1 for PCs than Android powered phones. Users rarely edit graphis, for example. And editing text.. well, text files are small. You can always download/upload a full file. All in all, this feature is interesting from algorithmic point of view and can be implemented as project continuation.

Comments and feature requests

Please leave any comments here. Feature requests and ideas are more than welcome!


If you have any questions about the project, leave them here or contact me directly (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GSoC/2010/MichalKarnicki)
