
Revision 14 as of 2007-08-21 21:29:38

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Ubuntu t-shirts!

There is lots of interest in Ubuntu t-shirt designs. Here are some links and info.

Simira's Ubuntu T-shirts

I now and then get question if I still have t-shirts left: There's a lot of t-shirts. Just mail me the order! I will also bring some to the next Ubuntu Conference.

I've ordered a bunch of t-shirts, and will ship them to you for €15 each, within Europe. The t-shirts are khaki coloured, with the logo and strapline (not very unlike the ones from Ubuntu Down Under). The quality is 160g/m2, 100% cotton.

I will now also ship to the US. Unfortunately, the shipping is a bit expensive, and the total price will be $25 per t-shirt.

Only sizes L and XL left!

To order a t-shirt

  1. Send a mail to ubuntu@simira.net with your name, address, number of t-shirts and sizes you want.

  2. You will get a confirmation email with an account number. Pay €15 per t-shirt you have ordered to that account (Remember to put your name on the payment note!).
  3. Wait patiently for the t-shirt to arrive in your mailbox. The t-shirts will be sent as soon as your payment is registered.

The account to which the payment is made is in a Norwegian bank. Your bank may charge a small fee for you paying to this account. I am sorry for this inconvenience. Hopefully you will be able to pay by VISA later on.

How they look

