
Attachment '_jquery-ubuntu-maps-0.2.4.js'


   1 /*
   2  * jQuery Google Map Plugin 0.2.4
   3  *
   4  * Requires jQuery 1.3.2
   5  *
   6  * Copyright 2011, Ronnie van den Crommenacker
   7  * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
   8  *
   9  */
  11 (function ($) {  
  12     $.fn.extend({   
  13         showLocations: function (options) {
  14             var defaults = {
  15                     markers_url: null,          // http://link/to/json/markers or /link/to/json/markers
  16                     markers_list: null,         // [ {lat: 0.345, lng: 0.3456}, {lat: 44.345, lng: 34.3456} ]
  17                     position_name: {
  18                         lat: 'lat',             // { lat: 0.4567, lng: 0.2345 }
  19                         lng: 'lng'              // { lat: 0.4567, lng: 0.2345 }
  20                     },
  21                     marker_content_url: null,   // The url to load when clicked on a marker
  22                     marker_content_tmpl: null,  // The template to load when clicked on a marker
  23                     mapOptions: {
  24                         zoom: 2,
  25                         center: new google.maps.LatLng(22, 12),
  26                         mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
  27                         mapTypeControl: false
  28                     },
  29                     user_location_zoom: 7,      // use null to disable this feature
  30                     single_marker_zoom: 7,      // the zoomlevel. use null to disable
  31                     ajax_load_error: '<p>The page could not be loaded</p>',
  32                     ajax_load_icon: '/ubuntu-website/media/images/ajax-loader.gif',
  33                     marker_icon: null,
  34                     cluster_tmpl: null,
  35                     filter: null, //[ { element: $('...'), attrs: { attr: value }}, { element: $('...'), attrs: { attr: value }} ]
  36                     mcOptions: { gridSize: 40, maxZoom: 10, zoomOnClick: false//, styles: [
  37                             //{ url: 'images/supportCluster1.png', height: 48, width: 48, opt_anchor: [16, 0], opt_textColor: '#ffffff', opt_textSize: 10 }, /* 2-9 members */
  38                             //{ url: 'images/supportCluster2.png', height: 64, width: 64, opt_anchor: [24, 0], opt_textColor: '#ffffff', opt_textSize: 11 }, /* 10-99 members */
  39                             //{ url: 'images/supportCluster3.png', height: 96, width: 96, opt_anchor: [32, 0], opt_textColor: '#ffffff', opt_textSize: 12 }, /* 100-999 members */
  40                             //{ url: 'images/supportCluster4.png', height: 128, width: 128, opt_anchor: [32, 0], opt_textColor: '#ffffff', opt_textSize: 12 }  /* 1000+ members */
  41                         //]
  42                     }
  43                 },
  44                 // Add the window where the details are shown when clicked on a marker
  45 	            infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
  47             options =  $.extend(defaults, options);
  49             // TODO: rewrite this one
  50             function getAjaxLoader() {
  51 	            var ajaximg = $('<img src="' + options.ajax_load_icon + '" />')
  52 	                .attr({'style': 'display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;margin-right:10px;'}),
  53 	                ajaxtxt = $('<p>')
  54 	                .attr({'style': 'display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;'})
  55                     .html('Retrieving data<br />from server...'),
  56                     wrapper = $('<div>')
  57                     .attr({'style': 'margin:auto;width:130px;'});
  58 	            return wrapper.append(ajaximg).append(ajaxtxt)[0];
  59             }
  61    = function (html, pos) {
  62                 this.setContent(html);
  63                 this.setPosition(pos);
  64       ;
  65             };
  66             infowindow.ajaxloader = null;
  67             infowindow.showLoader = function (pos) {
  68                 // Set a temporary loader while the data is retreved from the server 
  69                 if (this.ajaxloader === null) {
  70                     // TODO: allow user defined ajax loader
  71 	                this.ajaxloader = getAjaxLoader();
  72                 }
  73       , pos);
  74             };
  75             infowindow.showTemplate = function (url, data, pos) {
  76                 var $data = data,
  77                     $pos = pos,
  78                     ifw = this;
  80                 if (!$.tmpl) {
  81                     alert('jQuery.tmpl is not installed\nYou can download here:\n');
  82                     return false;
  83                 }
  85                 this.showLoader(pos);
  86                 $.ajax({ 
  87                     url: url, 
  88                     dataType: 'html',
  89                     success: function (template) {
  90               $(template).tmpl($data)[0], $pos); 
  91                     },
  92                     error: function () {
  93               , $pos);
  94                     }
  95                 });
  96             };
  97             infowindow.showHTML = function (url, pos) {
  98                 var $pos = pos,
  99                     ifw = this;
 101                 this.showLoader(pos);
 102                 //TODO: Check for better same-origin in url
 103                 if (url.slice(0, 4) == 'http'){
 104           $('<iframe>').attr('src', url)[0], $pos);
 105                 } else {
 106 	                $.ajax({ 
 107 	                    url: url, 
 108                         dataType: 'html',
 109                         success: function (html) {
 110                   , $pos);
 111                         },
 112                         error: function () {
 113                   , $pos);
 114                         }
 115                     });
 116                 }
 117             };
 119             // Constructs an url with ${...} together with data to a normal url
 120             function constructUrl(url, marker) {
 121                 var pattern = /\$\{[\w\d]+\}/g,     // match pattern for ${....}
 122 	                url_match = url.match(pattern), // Matches the url for ${...} and returns a list of matches
 123 	                param = null,                   // Used for getting a specific param from the marker
 124 	                tag = null;                     // The tags in the match pattern
 126 	            for (tag in url_match) {
 127 	                if (url_match.hasOwnProperty(tag)) {
 128 	                    param = url_match[tag];
 129                         url = url.replace(param, marker[param.slice(2, param.length - 1)]);
 130 	                }
 131 	            }
 132                 return url;
 133             }
 135             // Function executed when clicked on a cluster object
 136             function clusterClicked(cluster) {
 137 	            if (options.cluster_tmpl) {
 138                     infowindow.showTemplate(options.cluster_tmpl, {marker_list: cluster[0].markers_}, cluster[0].getCenter());
 139                 }
 140             }
 142             // Function that is executed when user clicks on a marker
 143             function markerClicked() {
 144                 var url = null;
 146                 if (options.marker_content_url) {
 147                     url = constructUrl(options.marker_content_url, this);
 148                     infowindow.showHTML(url, this.position);
 149                 } else if (options.marker_content_tmpl) {
 150                     infowindow.showTemplate(options.marker_content_tmpl, {marker: this}, this.position);
 151                 }
 152             }
 154             // Create from json data the google.maps.Marker and add them to the markercluster (mc)
 155             // Then center the map if there is only one cluster and options.single_marker_zoom is true
 156             function createMarkers(map, mc, markers) {
 157                 var marker_list = [],           // A list of gmakers
 158                     marker = null,              // The json of a marker
 159                     gmarker = null,             // The actual google.maps.Marker() type
 160                     idx = null,                 // Index
 161                     lat =,  // The parameter that contains the latitude
 162                     lng = options.position_name.lng;  // The parameter that contains the longitude
 164                 if (markers[0].fields) {
 165                     // Django model
 166                     // Use django pk and fields parameters
 167                     for (idx in markers) {
 168                         if (markers.hasOwnProperty(idx)) {
 169                             marker = markers[idx].fields;
 170                    = markers[idx].pk;
 171                             marker.position = new google.maps.LatLng(marker[lat], marker[lng]);
 172                             if (!marker.icon && options.marker_icon) {
 173                                 marker.icon = options.marker_icon;
 174                             }
 175                             gmarker = new google.maps.Marker(marker);
 176                             google.maps.event.addDomListener(gmarker, 'click', markerClicked);
 177                             marker_list.push(gmarker);
 178                         }
 179                     }
 181                 } else {
 182                     // Use normal parameters
 183                     for (idx in markers) {
 184                         if (markers.hasOwnProperty(idx)) {
 185                             marker = markers[idx];
 186                             marker.position = new google.maps.LatLng(marker[lat], marker[lng]);
 187                             if (!markers[idx].icon && options.marker_icon) {
 188                                 marker.icon = options.marker_icon;
 189                             }
 190                             gmarker = new google.maps.Marker(marker);
 191                             google.maps.event.addDomListener(gmarker, 'click', markerClicked);
 192                             marker_list.push(gmarker);
 193                         }
 194                     }
 195                 }
 196                 mc.addMarkers(marker_list);
 198                 // If there is only one marker
 199                 if (options.single_marker_zoom && marker_list.length === 1) {
 200                     // Make sure the map is initialized
 201                     // FIXME: Look for an map.init event
 202                     setTimeout(function () {
 203                         map.setCenter(mc.getMarkers()[0].getPosition());
 204                         map.setZoom(options.single_marker_zoom);
 205                     }, 100);
 206                 }
 207             }
 209             return $(this).each(function (i, html_element) {
 210                 var map = new google.maps.Map(html_element, options.mapOptions),
 211                     markerCluster = new MarkerClusterer(map, [], options.mcOptions),
 212                     filter = options.filter,
 213                     filterer = null,
 214                     index = null,
 215                     pos = null;
 217                 // FIXME: Manually override the zoomOnClick because of this bug
 218                 //
 219                 markerCluster.zoomOnClick_ = false;
 221                 // Attach the info window to the curernt map
 222        = map;
 224                 // When clicked on a cluster, call the event
 225                 google.maps.event.addListener(markerCluster, 'clusterclick', clusterClicked);
 227                 // Try W3C Geolocation (Preferred)
 228                 // Ask the user for their location and set the map to it
 229                 if (options.user_location_zoom && navigator.geolocation) {
 230 	                navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) {
 231 		                pos = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
 232 		                map.setCenter(pos);
 233 		                map.setZoom(options.user_location_zoom);
 234 	                });
 235                 }
 237                 // Load the list of markers into the map
 238                 if (options.markers_url) {
 239                     $.getJSON(options.markers_url, function (markers) {
 240                         createMarkers(map, markerCluster, markers);
 241                     }, 'json');
 242                 } else if (options.markers_list) {
 243                     createMarkers(map, markerCluster, options.markers_list);
 244                 }
 246                 if (filter) {
 247                     filterer = (function (markerCluster) {
 248                         var mc = markerCluster,
 249                             markers = mc.getMarkers();
 250                         return {
 251                             addFilter: function (filter) {
 252                        (event) {
 253                                     var attrs = filter.attrs,
 254                                         visible_markers = [],
 255                                         m = null,
 256                                         a = null;
 258                                     event.preventDefault();
 260                                     for (m in markers) {
 261                                         if (markers.hasOwnProperty(m)) {
 262                                             marker = markers[m];
 263                                             for (a in attrs) {
 264                                                 if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
 265                                                     if (marker[a] === attrs[a]) {
 266                                                         visible_markers.push(marker);
 267                                                     }
 268                                                 }
 269                                             }
 270                                         }
 271                                     }
 272                                     // If there are no filter options, show all markers
 273                                     if (!a) {
 274                                         visible_markers = markers;
 275                                     }
 276                                     mc.clearMarkers();
 277                                     mc.addMarkers(visible_markers, false);
 278                                 });
 279                             }
 280                         };
 281                     }(markerCluster));
 282                     for (index in filter) {
 283                         if (filter.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
 284                             filterer.addFilter(filter[index]);
 285                         }
 286                     }
 287                 }
 288             });
 289         },
 290         selectLocation: function (options) {
 291             var defaults = {
 292                 html_lng: null,
 293                 html_lat: null,
 294                 marker_icon: null,
 295                 markers: [],
 296                 html_addr: null,
 297                 mapOptions: {
 298                     zoom: 4,
 299                     center: new google.maps.LatLng(51.8211, 5.591),
 300                     mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
 301                     mapTypeControl: false
 302                 }
 303             };
 304             options = $.extend(defaults, options);
 306             function showPositionHTML(location) {
 307                 if (options.html_lng && options.html_lat) {
 308                     if ( && location.lng()) {
 309                         options.html_lat.val(;
 310                         options.html_lng.val(location.lng());
 311                     }
 312                 }
 313             }
 315             function setMarker(map, location) {
 316                 var marker = null;
 318                 if (options.markers.length) {
 319                     marker = options.markers[0];
 320                     marker.setPosition(location);
 321                     marker.setAnimation(google.maps.Animation.DROP);
 322                 } else {
 323                     marker = new google.maps.Marker({
 324                         map: map,
 325                         position: location,
 326                         draggable: true,
 327                         animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP
 328                     });
 329                     if (options.marker_icon) {
 330                         marker.icon = options.marker_icon;
 331                     }
 332                     options.markers.push(marker);
 333                     google.maps.event.addListener(options.markers[0], 'mouseup', function () {
 334                         showPositionHTML(marker.getPosition());
 335                     });
 336                 }
 338                 map.setCenter(location);
 339                 showPositionHTML(marker.getPosition());
 340             }
 342             return $(this).each(function (i, html_element) {
 343                 var map = new google.maps.Map($(html_element)[0], options.mapOptions),
 344                     geoCoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(),
 345                     location = null;
 347                 if (options.html_addr) {
 348                     options.html_addr.change(function () {
 349                         var address = [];
 350                         options.html_addr.each(function (i, item) {
 351                             address.push(item.value);
 352                         });
 354                         geoCoder.geocode({address: address.join(' ')}, function (results, status) {
 355                             if (status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
 356                                 setMarker(map, results[0].geometry.location);
 357                             }
 358                         });
 359                     });
 360                 }
 361                 google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function (event) {
 362                     setMarker(map, event.latLng);
 363                 });
 365                 if (options.html_lat.val() && options.html_lng.val()) {
 366                     location = new google.maps.LatLng(options.html_lat.val(), options.html_lng.val());
 367                     setMarker(map, location);
 368                 }
 369             });
 371         }
 372     });
 373 }(jQuery));

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