Project Meeting 2nd January 2010

Full log can be found here:

Summary of important topics:

The new plain text method

Decided against using plain text. jmburgess suggested using LaTeX, other alternatives were also suggested. After some explanation of LaTeX and benefits, a vote was held on switching to LaTeX.

The vote was passed 10 in favour to 0 against.

Sourcing Images

Decided against using custom artwork for now. Need a list of screenshots that we want, which humphreybc is going to start compiling on the wiki. Decided that screenshots are very important, and that we cannot sacrifice any screenshots due to the translation of them being difficult.

Licensing of the manual

We looked into the licensing, decided that some variant of Creative Commons (CC) was most appropriate, but need to contact someone from the ubuntu-docs team to confirm which variant.

Approver for main release blueprints

This is going to be changed to the Ubuntu Manual Team instead of Benjamin Humphrey.

Overall Goals

Revised the overall goals (chapter two of the wiki) and decided they were satisfactory.

Kelvin Gardiner's feedback

See Kelvins feedback here:

We decided to explicitly split the manual into two parts, voted 7 for, 0 against. The first half will be aimed at complete newbies, the second half is for more advanced users.

Changes to the chapter order were also agreed upon, and chapter 8 and 10 will be merged together. Chapter order still needs to be refined, but this can be done over time.

Chapter 9: Useful Applications

Decided to remove Ubuntu Tweak because it's not in the repositories, and added Pitivi, Wine and the GIMP to the list.

Questions and Feedback

AnmolSarma asked about games - we decided to include a small paragraph near the end of the first half of the manual that lets users know there are a lot of games available in the repositories - and perhaps having an "Authors Picks" Top 5 list of good games or similar.

Also decided a short summary on Wine should be in Chapter 9.

Date and Time for next meeting

We decided that 1100 UTC on a Saturday suited most people, although Sunday might be better. For now, we decided to hold weekly optional briefs at this time, and then have full meetings when we deem it necessary. See the meetings chapter on this wiki for more detail.

ubuntu-manual/Meetings/archive/meeting-2010-01-02 (last edited 2010-08-20 20:31:46 by 87-194-39-9)