
Revision 32 as of 2010-01-11 19:50:50

Clear message

Table of Contents

Okay this is the NEW Table of Contents.


Authors are regular font

Editors are smaller beside the author

Further detail and hyperlinks in italics


1. Prologue

Benjamin Humphrey Jamin Day


  • About this manual
  • Welcome
  • Contact details

The spirit of Ubuntu

  • Ubuntu philosophy
  • A brief history of Ubuntu
  • Canonical
  • Linux
  • Is Ubuntu right for you?

2. Starting out

Benjamin Humphrey

Getting Ubuntu

  • Downloading Ubuntu
  • Ordering a free CD

Installing Ubuntu

  • The LiveCD
  • Using Wubi
  • Partitioning
  • Installation options

3. Around your desktop

Alistair Munro

  • What is GNOME?
  • Panels
  • Appearance and themes
  • Nautilus file manager

4. Default Applications

Matt Griffin and Ilya Haykinson

  • Rhythmbox
  • F-Spot
  • Open Office
  • Tomboy
  • Empathy
  • Firefox
  • Evolution
  • Totem
  • Ubuntu One

Details at the blueprint page

5. Preferences and Hardware

Deon Spengler

  • Printing
  • Multiple Users
  • Desktop Effects
  • Appearance
  • Screensaver/Wallpaper
  • Display

6. Software and Packaging

Wolter Hellmund

  • Software Management in Ubuntu
  • Software Center
  • Deb packages
  • Software Sources
  • Synaptic Package Manager

Check the draft at the blueprint page

7. System Maintenance and Security

Joe Burgess

Updating Your Computer

  • Update manager
  • Configuring update settings

Upgrading Your Computer

  • Release cycle and LTS
  • Upgrading an existing installation
  • Performing a fresh upgrade


8. The Command Line

Ryan Macnish

  • What is a terminal?
  • Sudo in the terminal
  • Browsing the file system
  • Manipulating files
  • Virtual terminals
  • Useful commands

9. Security

Kelvin Gardiner

  • Why Ubuntu is safe
  • Firewall
  • Trusting your sources
  • Users and permissions
  • Sudo

10. Troubleshooting


  • Common problems

11. Learning more about Linux

Josh Holland - first half only

  • Other distributions
  • Linux servers
  • Free software
  • Where you can get help

Extra Applications

  • Cheese
  • The GIMP
  • Gnome Do
  • Google Chrome
  • Jokosher Audio Editor
  • Sun Virtualbox
  • VLC
  • Wine

Glossary of Terms

Paritosh Mathur


Joe Burgess


Benjamin Humphrey


  • Huge overhaul due to bug #504668 - old ToC can be found here.