
Revision 11 as of 2009-11-01 21:46:04

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About Me

  • I'm using Ubuntu since February 2007 (Dapper). I have previous experience with Unix (Xenix and SCO) as system administrator and applications programmer in commercial enterprises. When I discovered Ubuntu, I decided to be an active member of Ubuntu community because of the amazing people you can find there and the great philosophy it has. On May 2007 I've signed the Ubuntu CoC to get a complete commitment with this community.

Contact Information

Guillermo Lisi

Where in the world

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Launchpad ID



<unimix AT SPAMFREE fibertel DOT com DOT ar>

Ubuntu Forums (guillermolisi)



unimix @ irc.freenode.org

Ubuntu Contribution

Local Community

  • I started my active local community participation organizing the Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex Release Party in Buenos Aires, supporting in many ways Tucuman and Cordoba RPs too (getting merchandising stuff and all the logistic management necessary to send it to each city from BsAs just in time for the parties, getting pictures from each party to publish them in the Ubuntu-ar web site, etc., etc.). In this BsAs II RP I have the toaster role, introducing the keynotes speakers for each presentation and closing the mini conferences thanking all the people there, audience and speakers, for their presence and their very good work done.

  • I've active participation in educational Ubuntu related training course for technical personnel of FundaciĆ³n Equidad, a foundation that refurbishes and donates PCs to schools and community educational institutions of Argentina that wants to release them with Ubuntu and FOSS software. This training was from September to December 2008.
  • On November 2008 I have an active participation in the Fabrica de Fallas (Bugs Factory) in FM Radio La Tribu, in Buenos Aires. A complete open and free weekend with an Ubuntu booth, conferences and an installation room to help users who wants to use Ubuntu in their PCs/notebooks, solving from complete installations to issues with video, audio, network configurations and graphics desktops tunning. Due to limitations on the Internet link of the radio, I brought a repository server updated one day before and with all the ISO images for the 8.04 and 8.10 Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu desktop, server, i386 and 64 bits versions, to burn CDs, download and update packages for the people.
  • Also, I am maintaining main contents (publishing news, tutorials, translation - General and Leadership CoCs - editing pictures to put there to get a "cozy" website for all the members and users) for the Argentina LoCo Team website (Ubuntu-ar) since October 2008, few weeks before II release parties. I am using Bazaar and Launchpad with Mariano Mara (Marplatense) to update some sections and maintaining all the website structure.

  • Jaunty Jackalope release party (metallic Ubuntu badges)
  • First Argentina Ubuntu Day (Organization, talks evaluation board, Ubuntu Community - Why I've choose Ubuntu ? conference)
  • Karmic Koala release party (full organization)

International Community

* Ubuntu Forums mod from May 29th 2009 (from 7:30AM to 00AM on next day)

