Alex Dueppen (adueppen)
Wisconsin, USA |
CST (UTC-6) |
adueppen on freenode |
Basic Information
- I am a 14 year old from Wisconsin who has been involved with Ubuntu and the Linux community since 2012.
In mid 2015, I became involved in the Ubuntu Wisconsin LoCo with Simon Quigley.
My current flavors are Ubuntu GNOME 15.10, running on my not-very good computer (Core 2 Duo E8400, 4GB RAM, Geforce GT 730, 1TB hard drive) and GalliumOS (based on Xubuntu) running on my Acer Chromebook 15.
Alex has really been a huge part of the Ubuntu US Wisconsin LoCo coming back to life. First of all, his artistic skills really impress me, so I appointed him the Head of Graphic design for our LoCo. I can pitch an idea his way, and he will make something simply beautiful. Because of that, Alex has made most (if not all) of the artwork for the LoCo wiki page and In my honest opinion, given a little more training as he isn't perfect, he would be an excellent graphic designer. Secondly, I can come to him for proofreading or further development of a concept that I have been working on, and he will provide accurate, trustworthy feedback as to what needs to be changed. The LoCo resources would have a lot more flaws if he didn't spend the time working with me to improve them. Lastly, Alex is an excellent person to work with. He has excellent interpersonal skills not only talking with me, but speaking to others either over IRC or on our monthly Hangouts for the LoCo. Even with him being 14, he has demonstrated that he could easily work with anybody on any topic. For these reasons, I fully support his application for Ubuntu membership, and/or any other rational position within the Ubuntu community. I am proud to have such an excellent individual in our LoCo, and I can't wait to work with him further. -- tsimonq2 2016-02-03 02:26:41
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adueppen (last edited 2016-02-03 02:26:40 by tsimonq2)