The Ubuntu 100 Users Project
Project Overview
Based loosely on the 100 Papercuts concept lead by David Siegel of the Design Team, this project aims to introduce Ubuntu to 100 new users in this cycle. Project team members and individuals are encouraged to each introduce Ubuntu to a new person and track that work on the team or personal wiki. The number 100 was chosen b/c it is manageable, easy to track and achievable by any dedicated team or person.
Project Design
Each team/person will create a wiki page with a table with 100 rows with the following column titles:
Team Member | New User | Date Introduced | Notes (can include feedback from the new user, observations, blog posts, links to pics, anything but keep it short |
That's it! We just want a tangible way to show progress and activity, doesn't need to be fancy or formal just help promote Ubuntu to new users and let the world know about it. Once you reach 100, then we start over or transition to another level of mentoring.
Sample Table
Ubuntu Mentor/Team Name |
New User |
Date Introduced |
Notes |
1. Dinda/Ubuntu for Education |
R_hernandez |
Teacher and my sister, will post feedback when I have it. |
2. UbuntuRockstar|individual |
Luved it! can't believe they don't need virus software and that it's Free! here's a link to my blog post about it and how easy it was to install new codecs |
100 Users Club
For the first three individuals who introduce Ubuntu to 100 new users each, Dinda will send you an Ubuntu t-shirt! To make this fair and encourage new users to get involved I've created a group on Launchpad called the 100 Users Group. As you introduce your new users to Ubuntu they will need to create a Launchpad account and join the group. The individuals who take on this challenge will also need to have signed the Code of Conduct. The Launchpad Team can be found here: https://launchpad.net/~100ubuntuusers
The project officially kicks off on Monday, 14 June 2010.
Participating Teams/Individuals
Add your info here if you want to participate and give a link to your wiki page.
Ubuntu Mentor/Team Name |
Wiki Page |
1. Dinda/Ubuntu for Education |
2. Jessica Ledbetter |
3. Paul Mellors |
4. Charles Profitt |
5. Evalyn Gossett |
6. Ben Donald-Wilson |
CategoryEducation CategoryBeginnersTeam CategoryBuildingCommunity
100UsersProject (last edited 2011-08-02 08:52:22 by 123)