


Meeting History

NEXT MEETING: 2008-09-04 T 12:00 UTC (20080904)

December 20th, 2007, 17:00 UTC in #ubuntu-mobile.


  • Dates of the mobile sprint are: January 28th 2008 through February 1 2008

Action Items from Dec 13th, 2007

  • carry over lool to take a look at bug # 172426 and see if he can reproduce it. until Dec 20th.
  • continue to hold open: bspencer & horaceli to verify the ubuntu branch works

  • amitk to update hardy ppa with drivers, (context found, sent to Amitk).

  • carry over, davidm to query build team on best way to monitor the i386 builds and the LPIA builds to stay in sync.
  • Lexington to test ext3 for boot speed and disk image corruption as soon as an extra CB shows up.
  • davidm to ship his crown beach to Lexington today overnight. (completed, shipped DHL)

  • Canonical to share all info with robr2 on disk image corruption as soon as available
  • davidm to follow up and make sure a bug is opened to share info with Intel (bug opened # 176178)
    Launchpad bug 176178 in moblin-other "Filesystem corruption on hard shutdown"

  • robr2 to check if USB meeting will happen tomorrow.
    bspencer I setup the continued USB meeting for 10am PDT Friday

  • bspencer to talk with developers to push get tags when making a release, and report back on status of this
  • davidm to query rustyl on status of PPM (query sent, waiting response)

Current Items

If you add items to the list, please add your name to it.

Action items from this weeks meeting

  • All prior actions that make sense to carry over will carry over to the Jan 3, 2008 meeting.


No minutes, the meeting was short, most people were on holiday and there was no participation to speak of.

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CategoryUME Describe MobileAndEmbedded/Meeting/20071220 here.

ARM/Meeting/2007/20071220 (last edited 2011-07-28 17:58:24 by pool-96-226-234-14)