March 12th, 2009, 12:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.
Action Items from March 5th, 2009
- persia to post install testcases for MID and UNR (co)
- NCommander to reset arm-softboot-loader to "Drafting", and work towards a solution in #ubuntu-arm over the next week. (co)
- NCommander to finish drafting arm-softboot-loader (co)
- NCommander to test packaged kexec() for arm-softboot-loader research
- NCommander to test arm-softboot-loader ideas also on x86
- NCommander to post dmesg for jacx10 to 280669
- NCommander to confirm changes in performance between apw's kernel and stock kernel
- lool to spec ec2-package-builder for jaunty+1
- ogra to take charge of Babbage enablement
Current Items
Review Roadmap progress
- Discuss moving meeting time to be more convenient for those in UTC-5 through UTC-8
- Any Other Business
Action items from this weeks meeting
- persia to post install testcases for MID and UNR (co)
- persia to investigate 338148
- NCommander to post dmesg for jacx10 to 280669
- lool to spec ec2-package-builder for jaunty+1
- ogra to trim selection-of-arm-images to a smaller scope
- ogra to register a new spec for a GUI to assist with kernel addition to arm images
Action Item review was very quick, as most things were not updated. A number of the carry-overs were dropped in favour of regular roadmap discussion.
In Roadmap review, most of the remaining specs are either in-progress, or deferred. selection-of-arm-images will be trimmed to reflect actual progress made, and the missing bits pushed into a Karmic spec. Bug work was largely skipped in favour of enablement, although some progress was made. NSLU2 enablement was considered complete (although there remain bugs with encrypted LVM environments), and Babbage progress is well underway, with Oliver firmly in the lead.
The discussion on moving the IRC meeting was deferred, as attendance was low, and will be raised again at the next meeting.
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ARM/Meeting/2009/20090312 (last edited 2011-07-28 17:57:37 by pool-96-226-234-14)