April 16th, 2009, 21:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


Action Items from April 9th, 2009

  • persia to investigate 338148 (co)
  • persia to chase VFP for cairo, ffmpeg, gtk+2.0 (co)
  • lool to spec ec2-package-builder for jaunty+1 (co)
  • ogra to trim selection-of-arm-images to a smaller scope (co)
  • ogra to register a new spec for a GUI to assist with kernel addition to arm images (co)
  • ogra to rebuild gnome-keyring-daemon to troubleshoot 328167 (co)
  • GrueMaster to test newer version of Hildon Desktop to see if it resolves cat kills MID bug (co)

  • NCommander to coordinate with lool and re-purpose hardening-wrapper to pass -Os on lpia builds
  • NCommander to test usplash at 800x600
  • ogra to test kernel updates
  • ogra and NCommander to post backtraces of #328167 for upstream

Current Items

  • Review Roadmap progress

  • Need Spec's for next cycle. (davidm)
  • Any Other Business

Action items from this weeks meeting

  • persia to investigate 338148 (co)
  • lool to chase VFP for cairo
  • lool to spec ec2-package-builder for jaunty+1 (co)
  • NCommander to coordinate with lool and re-purpose hardening-wrapper to pass -Os on lpia builds (co)
  • GrueMaster to test newer version of Hildon Desktop to see if it resolves cat kills MID bug (co)

  • ogra to test usplash at 800x600
  • ogra to trim selection-of-arm-images to a smaller scope (co)
  • ogra to register a new spec for a GUI to assist with kernel addition to arm images (co)
  • ogra to rebuild gnome-keyring-daemon to troubleshoot 328167 (co)


  • Please submit specifications
  • Image testing for final; no major issues so far
  • NCommander unavailable this coming weekend; lool on vacation in 10 days for 2 weeks
  • arm-library optimization done
  • NCommander to finish implementing lpia-wrapper
  • VFP libs implemented aside from cairo

Go back to MobileAndEmbedded.

ARM/Meeting/2009/20090416 (last edited 2011-07-28 17:58:39 by pool-96-226-234-14)