October 20th, 2009, 13:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.
Action Items from October 13th, 2009
- StevenK to look into UNR ISO size tweaks
- lool to file a bug about armel fsck issues
- plars to move UNR bugs from non-karmic to karmic where necessary
- new rolling action: everyone with upload privs to look inot sponsoring bugs next week and report which ones he closed
- anyone who has spare test cycles to test lool's ffmpeg packages
Current Items
- Specification Review
- UNR Status
- UMR Status
- Any Other Business
Action Items
- paulliu to close remaining moblin sync bugs for karmic
- ogra to file a bug for dhclient not working properly with the FEC driver in d-i
GrueMaster and plars to test suspend/resume on babbage and report results
- dyfet to test recent banshee release and report to the banshee bug
- Specifications needed for Lucid
- UNR image under 700MIB
- NCommander not to have access to ARM boards
ARM/Meeting/2009/20091020 (last edited 2011-07-28 17:59:04 by pool-96-226-234-14)