Differences between revisions 2 and 31 (spanning 29 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2011-03-09 02:03:11
Size: 16202
Editor: 076-076-148-180
Revision 31 as of 2011-07-28 17:58:25
Size: 12795
Editor: pool-96-226-234-14
Comment: Rename page to match team name
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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## page was copied from MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110210 ## page was renamed from MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110519
## page was copied from MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110428
## page was copied from MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110421
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'''February 17th, 2011, 15:00 UTC''' in '''#ubuntu-meeting'''.<<BR>> '''April21th, 2011, 15:00 UTC''' in '''#ubuntu-meeting'''.<<BR>>
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  * [[MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110224]]   * [[MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110505]]
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 * http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel.html
 * http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel-natty-alpha-3.html
 * http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html
 * http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-1.html
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 * Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti)
* QA Status (GrueMaster)
 * Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti, ppisati)
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 * QA Status (GrueMaster)
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[14:59] <NCommander> #startmeeting
[14:59] <MootBot> Meeting started at 08:59. The chair is NCommander.
[14:59] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[14:59] * rsalveti waves
[15:00] <ogra> foopl
[15:00] <NCommander> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110303
[15:00] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110303
[15:00] <NCommander> who's here?
[15:01] <NCommander> There are no standing action items
[15:01] <NCommander> [topic] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel.html
[15:01] <MootBot> New Topic: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel.html
[15:01] <janimo> hellp
[15:01] <NCommander> ptopic] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel-natty-alpha-3.html
[15:02] <rsalveti> help or hello? :P
[15:02] <ogra> lol
[15:02] <janimo> hello for now
[15:02] <janimo> it may beocme help later in the cycle ;)
[15:02] * ogra was wondering exactly the same
[15:02] <rsalveti> :-)
[15:02] <GrueMaster> i'm not
[15:03] <ogra> geez, the overall Wi status looks scary
[15:03] <ogra> NCommander, the second link should be beta ;)
[15:03] * NCommander grumbles
[15:03] <GrueMaster> It will be next week.
[15:04] <GrueMaster> This week is still Alpha 3.
[15:04] <ogra> heh
[15:04] <ogra> for some minutes
[15:04] <NCommander> no beta page doesn't exist
[15:04] <GrueMaster> And it's a good indicator of how we did.
[15:04] <janimo> for some reason 5 of my WIs were eaten by the parser and I cannot figure out why
[15:04] <ogra> http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel-ubuntu-11.04-beta.html
[15:04] <MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel-ubuntu-11.04-beta.html
[15:05] <ogra> nah
[15:05] <NCommander> I forgot to update teh WI tracker to postpone his WIs due to spec redesign. that's fixed now
[15:05] <rsalveti> janimo: haha, true: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/u/jani-natty-alpha-3.html
[15:05] <ogra> looks broken
[15:05] <NCommander> anyway, can I move on?
[15:06] <NCommander> [topic] Unity 2D Status
[15:06] <MootBot> New Topic: Unity 2D Status
[15:06] * ogra glares at http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/
[15:06] <ogra> janimo, so whats needed to get us the hedless image ?
[15:06] <ogra> NCommander, no :P
[15:07] <NCommander> ogra: I need to land janimo's branch
[15:07] <GrueMaster> ogra: Can you save that for image status?
[15:07] <ogra> (why do we have an 11.05)
[15:07] <ogra> GrueMaster, still, there seems to be action needed to fix the WI tracker
[15:07] <NCommander> ogra: probably for Linaro
[15:07] <ogra> beta is broken completely
[15:07] <NCommander> [action] ogra to fix WI tracker
[15:07] <ogra> and there shouldnt be ubuntu-armel-11.05
[15:07] <MootBot> ACTION received: ogra to fix WI tracker
[15:07] <GrueMaster> Beta hasn't started yet.
[15:08] <ogra> doesnt matter for the tracker
[15:08] <ogra> it just reports how the whiteboards are set
[15:08] <ogra> date has no influence
[15:08] <janimo> ogra, I don't know what else is needed, these build scripts are not well documented, let alone I am not working on the actual ones running the builds
[15:08] <janimo> so I hope NCommander spots any irregularities
[15:08] <ogra> action: everyone to check their WI status on the whiteboards that the right beta tag is set
[15:09] <ogra> NCommander, ^^^
[15:09] <janimo> or we try and if there are errors we fix after A3
[15:09] <NCommander> I had gotten sidetracked by mono and then alpha 3 to land the headless branch
[15:09] <ogra> i'll find out whats needed and we can do that offline
[15:09] <janimo> NCommander, sure np
[15:09] <NCommander> now can we get back on topic on Unity 2d Status?!
[15:09] <ogra> NCommander, right, please do that with high prio now that you are done with mono (assuming you are)
[15:10] <ogra> NCommander, if you would wait until getting an answer on the move request that would be easier
[15:10] <NCommander> ogra: I'm not, and I don't have a local d-cd instance to test. You may be better off landing the code
[15:10] <NCommander> ogra: I did wait, there wasn't a response either way.
[15:10] <ogra> can everyone please move the remaining a3 items on theit blueprints
[15:11] <ogra> *their
[15:11] <janimo> can anyone see why this whiteboard is not parsed correctly? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-arm-n-handle-core-boot-files-update
[15:11] <ogra> we have 11 open items there
[15:11] <janimo> all those WIs are not showing up in the graphs
[15:12] <ogra> lets do that off meeting, to me it looks fine
[15:13] <ogra> NCommander, can you please add the above action
[15:13] <NCommander> [topic] Unity 2D Status
[15:13] <MootBot> New Topic: Unity 2D Status
[15:13] <NCommander> [action] ogra + janimo to look at why WI don't appear on other-arm-n-handle-core-boot-files-update
[15:13] <MootBot> ACTION received: ogra + janimo to look at why WI don't appear on other-arm-n-handle-core-boot-files-update
[15:13] * ogra shakes head
[15:13] <ogra> <ogra> action: everyone to check their WI status on the whiteboards that the right beta tag is set
[15:13] <ogra> <ogra> NCommander, ^^
[15:13] <NCommander> grumble
[15:13] <ogra> jani and i dont need an action for that
[15:14] <NCommander> [action] everyone to check their WI status on the whiteboards that the right beta tag is set
[15:14] <MootBot> ACTION received: everyone to check their WI status on the whiteboards that the right beta tag is set
[15:14] <ogra> thanks
[15:14] <ogra> move
[15:14] <NCommander> ogra: I did
[15:14] <ogra> premature again
[15:14] <ogra> well
[15:14] <ogra> it kind of works ...
[15:14] <ogra> thats all status i have, many bugs open, upstream is working on them
[15:14] <ogra> move
[15:15] <NCommander> [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti)
[15:15] <MootBot> New Topic: Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti)
[15:15] <ogra> very bad from what i grokked from the mail discussion
[15:15] <rsalveti> for omap 3 one the master-next will get merged with 38-rc7 release
[15:15] <ogra> seems .38 exploded with the last rebase
[15:15] <rsalveti> now for omap 4 things are still bad
[15:15] <rsalveti> the current blocker issue is the mmc crash
[15:15] <rsalveti> as reported by cooloney
[15:16] <ogra> didnt he also talk about build issues ?
[15:16] <rsalveti> so this should be sorted this week, and probably merged at our ti-omap4-dev then
[15:16] <ogra> or are these solved
[15:16] <rsalveti> ogra: we got patches for that already
[15:16] <ogra> ah, good
[15:16] <ogra> seems i missed a mail
[15:16] <ogra> or two
[15:17] <rsalveti> but at least with current tests, it seems that it's kind of working well
[15:17] <ogra> plan is to move to .38 as soon as these are solved
[15:17] <rsalveti> yup
[15:17] <ogra> which means also trhat we'll lose .35
[15:17] <rsalveti> it'll be merged at ti-omap4-dev, then we'll request more testing
[15:17] <rsalveti> once it's ok, we'll pull as the default kernel for omap4
[15:17] <ogra> i was wondering if it would make sense to have an upload to canonical-arm-dev PPA
[15:17] <ogra> of the final .35 branch
[15:18] <ogra> so we have a fallback if .38 isnt usable at all during our work
[15:18] <rsalveti> we could create a public ppa for it, if needed
[15:18] <rsalveti> build at canonical-arm and then copy to the public one
[15:18] <ogra> i just thought to make sure we dont get blocked by it
[15:18] <ogra> seems to be not very rebase-safe to me atm
[15:18] <ogra> so it might explode again next rebase
[15:19] <GrueMaster> Well, if we are testing it on the side before making it default, we should catch most issues.
[15:19] <rsalveti> well, at least 38 is almost final already
[15:19] <rsalveti> GrueMaster: sure
[15:19] <ogra> right, mainline is
[15:19] <ogra> but the patches still look shaky
[15:19] <rsalveti> and will be for a while
[15:19] <ogra> right
[15:19] <rsalveti> we just need to test before pushing
[15:19] <rsalveti> then we should be ok
[15:19] <rsalveti> GrueMaster can be our go/no-go
[15:20] <GrueMaster> yep
[15:20] <ogra> i dont want to overload him though ;)
[15:20] <ogra> he is busy enough
[15:20] <rsalveti> not a lot to test
[15:20] <ogra> k
[15:20] <ogra> then lets drop the PPA idea
[15:20] <rsalveti> I don't expect a kernel update more than once a week
[15:20] <NCommander> can I move on?
[15:20] <GrueMaster> ogra: What say I make the call of how busy I am?
[15:20] <rsalveti> any other question?
[15:20] <ogra> you typed yep when i was still typing :)
[15:21] <NCommander> QA Status (GrueMaster)
[15:21] <NCommander> bah
[15:21] <NCommander> paste failure
[15:21] <NCommander> can I move on?
[15:21] <rsalveti> you're having serious problems with your paste
[15:21] <ogra> jep
[15:21] <NCommander> [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster)
[15:21] <MootBot> New Topic: QA Status (GrueMaster)
[15:21] <NCommander> rsalveti: I've been thold this is proper behavior
[15:21] <rsalveti> hehe, then you're the issue
[15:21] <ogra> fix your palms ?
[15:22] <GrueMaster> Alpha 3 testing was brutal (again). Made it through at the last minute.
[15:22] <ogra> or your fingers :)
[15:22] <ogra> GrueMaster, we werent the last ;)
[15:22] <ogra> kubuntu was respun this morning
[15:22] <rsalveti> and most important, we made it :-)
[15:22] <ogra> yeah
[15:22] <GrueMaster> It won't past muster.
[15:22] <ogra> awesome job !!!
[15:22] <ogra> GrueMaster, NCommander thanks for making it possible
[15:22] <GrueMaster> I also spot tested kubuntu last night. It has more serious problems.
[15:23] <ogra> rsalveti, and thanls for the right suggestion at the right moment ;)
[15:23] <ogra> GrueMaster, kubuntu x86/amd64 was respun
[15:23] <rsalveti> ogra: haha :-)
[15:23] <GrueMaster> Oh.
[15:23] <ogra> not armel
[15:24] <GrueMaster> Well, armel was also respun by NCommander at my request.
[15:24] <ogra> oh, twice ?
[15:24] <ogra> i only saw 03 and no 03.1 when i tested
[15:24] <GrueMaster> Thought it may be also hung up by the same issue. Turns out it has additional critical failure issues.
[15:24] <GrueMaster> Timing.
[15:24] <ogra> (or did you talk about kubuntu armel now)
[15:25] <GrueMaster> Yes.
[15:25] <ogra> ah, confusing :)
[15:25] <GrueMaster> We announced we were respinning in #u-release.
[15:25] <ogra> yeah
[15:25] <ogra> i thought you talked about netbook
[15:26] <ogra> (ubuntu)
[15:26] <GrueMaster> It would be far easier to understand what I was talking about if there were less interuptions. I haven't stopped talking about kubuntu.
[15:27] <GrueMaster> At any rate, I have nothing constructive to add further.
[15:27] <GrueMaster> NCommander: move on, please.
[15:28] <NCommander> [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
[15:28] <MootBot> New Topic: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
[15:28] <NCommander> nothing new to report expect livecd-rootfs got a lobotomy to get a3 images out
[15:28] <janimo> getting better
[15:28] <NCommander> mono work still pending a3 release
[15:29] <NCommander> janimo: got anything else or can I move?
[15:29] <rsalveti> it should appear more gl/gles related bugs, now that more packages get updated
[15:29] <janimo> move
[15:29] <NCommander> [topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
[15:29] <rsalveti> for wrong usage or lack of proper detection
[15:29] <MootBot> New Topic: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
[15:29] <ogra> A3 released
[15:29] <NCommander> We made A3. livecd-rootfs got a nasty hack due to webkit sucking
[15:29] <ogra> nothing else to report for existing images
[15:29] <ogra> NCommander, do you need any help with janis changes ?
[15:30] <rsalveti> I'm building webkit with gcc-4.4 to see if it could be related with the toolchain
[15:30] <NCommander> ogra: feel free to grab them and run with ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
[15:30] <NCommander> them
[15:30] <NCommander> %$#W@!!~
[15:30] <rsalveti> but webkit in general is completely broken
[15:30] <NCommander> what I need is to take Xorg apart
[15:30] <rsalveti> and gcc can't help on it
[15:30] <ogra> so its an internal webik error ?
[15:30] <ogra> thats bad
[15:30] <ogra> especially if we cant blame the toolchain
[15:31] <rsalveti> yup, we'll see
[15:31] <janimo> rsalveti, , I saw PPA builds of webkit failed
[15:31] <NCommander> rsalveti: I recommend you prepare the approicate sacarifies to the debugging gods
[15:31] <rsalveti> janimo: that's fine, armel is still building
[15:31] <rsalveti> I forgot that the ppa also builds for other arches
[15:31] <ogra> yeah, who cares about exotic arches like x86 anyway
[15:31] <rsalveti> yup :-)
[15:31] <GrueMaster> I do when the build failures start spamming me.
[15:32] <rsalveti> sorry about that :-)
[15:32] <NCommander> we should have some sorta nice porting team to assign bugs to when x86 breaks since hardware is so scare :-)
[15:32] <ogra> procmail ftw ;)
[15:32] <ogra> NCommander, good idea ! propose that to davidm
[15:32] <ogra> ;)
[15:32] <ogra> so he can bring it up to the managers
[15:33] <NCommander> [action] NCommander to draft and formalize x86 porting team proposal
[15:33] <MootBot> ACTION received: NCommander to draft and formalize x86 porting team proposal
[15:33] * ogra has nothing else
[15:33] <NCommander> */silly off*
[15:33] <NCommander> [topic] AOB
[15:33] <MootBot> New Topic: AOB
[15:34] <ogra> i held a talk at UDD ...
[15:34] <ogra> got some nice positive feedback and actually the hour was filled with questions (i only talked for 10min or so)
[15:35] <ogra> seems there is good community interest in arm
[15:35] <ogra> ..
[15:35] <ogra> err UDW, sorry
[15:35] <NCommander> ogra: watch your TLAs :-)
[15:35] * janimo waits for Daniel to post the daily summary links and I'll check out the transcript
[15:35] <ogra> heh
[15:35] <rsalveti> yeah, saw that, quite nice we had so many people interested on it
[15:36] <NCommander> I'm probably going to be out the rest of the morning and possibly early afternoon
[15:36] <NCommander> I got a grand total of 45 minutes of sleep
[15:36] <NCommander> >.<;
[15:36] <ogra> yeah, get some lseep
[15:36] <janimo> lslepp
[15:36] <NCommander> plan on it
[15:36] <janimo> as in long sleep
[15:36] <ogra> you well earned a break ;)
[15:36] <NCommander> anyway
[15:36] <NCommander> Anyting else
[15:36] <NCommander> else
[15:36] <NCommander> closingin the meeting in 5
[15:36] <janimo> calendar is helpful, just got an email reminding me of this meeting
[15:36] <ogra> nope
[15:36] <NCommander> 4
[15:36] <NCommander> 3
[15:36] <NCommander> 2
[15:37] <NCommander> 1
[15:37] <ogra> janimo, fix your timezone ;)
[15:37] <NCommander> @endmeeting
[15:37] <NCommander> #endmeeting
[16:00] <NCommander> #startmeeting
[16:00] <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:00. The chair is NCommander.
[16:00] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[16:00] <ogra_> moop
[16:01] <NCommander> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110519
[16:01] <MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110519
[16:01] * NCommander pokes ogra_'s moop
[16:01] <ogra_> ouch !
[16:01] <ogra_> dont you touch my moop !
[16:02] <NCommander> [topic] Standing Items
[16:02] <MootBot> New Topic: Standing Items
[16:02] <NCommander> [link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html
[16:02] <MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html
[16:02] <NCommander> [link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-1.html
[16:02] <MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-1.html
[16:02] <NCommander> None of my specs are showing up ...
[16:02] * ogra_ isnt done yet with spec writing
[16:03] <NCommander> Oh right, it has to be approved, doesn't it
[16:03] <NCommander> bah
[16:03] <ogra_> NCommander, lets go over them to see if everything is set right (accepted etcd)
[16:03] <ogra_> after meeting
[16:03] * davidm is happy bp are getting done
[16:03] <ogra_> but its good to see the tracker work
[16:04] <ogra_> doesnt look like as much hassle for me as last round
[16:04] * NCommander likes our '2.0' blueprints for A1 :-)
[16:04] <NCommander> Right
[16:04] <NCommander> so moving on
[16:05] <NCommander> if my web browser didn't force quit ...
[16:05] <NCommander> [topic] Unity 2D Status
[16:05] <MootBot> New Topic: Unity 2D Status
[16:05] <ogra_> use an ac100, its more stable :P
[16:05] <ogra_> i think we can drop that
[16:05] <ogra_> desktop team takes over now
[16:06] <ogra_> i talked to didrocks in budapest
[16:06] <davidm> I think it's DX team and desktop team
[16:06] <NCommander> cool
[16:06] * NCommander brings dead to this standing item
[16:06] <ogra_> well, i think upstream is still the same
[16:06] <ogra_> not DX afaik
[16:06] <NCommander> [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti)
[16:06] <MootBot> New Topic: Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti)
[16:06] <ogra_> heh
[16:06] <ogra_> NCommander, ppisati
[16:06] <rsalveti> :-)
[16:07] <ogra_> and we should probably include the linaro platform guys that work on kernel bits in that
[16:07] <ogra_> do you have any ?
[16:07] <rsalveti> send an SRU for bug 770679
[16:07] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 770679 in u-boot-linaro (Ubuntu) "Missing proper support for Beagle XM rev B and C" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/770679
[16:07] <NCommander> rsalveti: won't that require an item respin of natty, no?
[16:07] <rsalveti> still waiting for comments
[16:07] <rsalveti> NCommander: in theory yes
[16:08] <rsalveti> but we can just publish a new kernel file somewhere and update the wiki
[16:08] <rsalveti> like we did with maverick
[16:08] <ogra_> well, we can alsways provice replacement uInitrd and uImage
[16:08] <rsalveti> yeah, that's what we did with maverick
[16:08] <ogra_> right
[16:08] <rsalveti> but no other update
[16:08] <rsalveti> ti-omap4 kernel is kind of the same
[16:09] <rsalveti> will be sending another SRU for the drm driver next week
[16:09] <ogra_> do you have anyone in your team that should be included in the topic ping ?
[16:09] <rsalveti> now that I got that sorted out with linaro kernel
[16:09] <rsalveti> ogra_: that depends on what exactly we want to discuss
[16:09] <ogra_> same for any other of the standing topics :)
[16:09] <rsalveti> sure, we can solve this offline
[16:10] <ogra_> yeah
[16:10] <rsalveti> that's all for me
[16:10] <ogra_> ppisati, everything fine in your world ?
[16:11] <rsalveti> NCommander: put an action for you to include ppisati at this topic :-)
[16:11] <NCommander> rsalveti: I already edited the wiki
[16:11] <ogra_> well, seems he isnt around ... neither is cooloney
[16:11] <ogra_> so move :)
[16:12] <NCommander> [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
[16:12] <MootBot> New Topic: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
[16:12] <ogra_> its horrid
[16:12] <NCommander> fpc was bootstrapped on armel but beside that not much to add as the buildds drain
[16:12] <ogra_> yeah, will still need a while to lighten up
[16:12] * NCommander isn't going to touch it until the build queue is close to empty
[16:13] <ogra_> i occasionally go over them and give back what looks like being worth it
[16:13] <ppisati> ogra_: let me read...
[16:14] * ogra_ wonders where jani is
[16:14] <ogra_> still jetlagged from the 100km train ride probably :)
[16:14] <GrueMaster> heh
[16:14] <NCommander> ogra_: :-P
[16:14] <NCommander> can I move on?
[16:15] <ogra_> yeah
[16:15] <NCommander> [topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
[16:15] <MootBot> New Topic: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
[16:15] <ogra_> well ...
[16:15] <ogra_> waiting for live-build to be implemented for x86
[16:15] <ppisati> ah k :)
[16:15] <ogra_> i guess then we have a very small window to make it work for A1
[16:16] <ogra_> the risk is high that we wont make A1 though
[16:16] <GrueMaster> Always is.
[16:16] <NCommander> Yeah
[16:16] <ogra_> in other news i worked the week on preparing everything for the ac100 image
[16:16] <NCommander> right now all CD image work is depwait A1, though cjwatson said if we implement stuff in livecd-rootfs, then he'll migrate it to livehelper
[16:16] <ogra_> the bits from https://launchpad.net/~ac100/+archive/ppa will land in oneiric next week
[16:17] <ogra_> so that we can start rolling images
[16:17] <ogra_> look, its a jani :)
[16:17] * NCommander throws a pokeball at wild janimo
[16:17] <janimo> sorry, forgot what time it was
[16:17] <NCommander> :-P
[16:17] <ogra_> well, thats all about images atm ... toboin ?
[16:18] <ogra_> anything to say about nook ?
[16:18] <ogra_> GrueMaster, ^^
[16:18] <GrueMaster> Not yet. Main focus has been on usbboot for panda.
[16:18] <ogra_> yeah, thought so
[16:18] <ogra_> though you had lots of converation going on about nook images in the channel :)
[16:18] <GrueMaster> Although one user has gotten some work towards making it boot natty.
[16:18] <ogra_> *conversation
[16:19] <NCommander> can I move on?
[16:19] <ogra_> go
[16:19] <NCommander> [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster)
[16:19] <MootBot> New Topic: QA Status (GrueMaster)
[16:20] <GrueMaster> Hey, that's me!
[16:20] <ogra_> wohoo !
[16:20] <GrueMaster> My focus this week has been gitting panda to boot via usb blob from a host system.
[16:20] <ogra_> for automated image testing ;)
[16:21] <janimo> GrueMaster, this means no SD card needed at all?
[16:21] <ogra_> yeah
[16:21] <GrueMaster> This will help a lot for the new buildd deployment, and also help to build an image automation framework.
[16:21] <janimo> sweet
[16:21] <GrueMaster> No SD card was harmed in the making of thisproduction.
[16:21] <ogra_> lol
[16:21] <janimo> some SD cards deserve to be harmed though
[16:21] <ogra_> hehe
[16:22] <GrueMaster> Currently I am hung on getting the usb & network ports initialized. I have a working kernel & initrd.
[16:22] <GrueMaster> Reviewing x-loader & u-boot code tosee what they do to enable them.
[16:22] <ogra_> i'll get you the initrd bits until monday
[16:23] <NCommander> GrueMaster: seems like a lot of it is hte board just isn't happy coming up OTG. could be an issue of whats being iniialized vs what isn't?
[16:23] <GrueMaster> I'm using the headless image as a test base. I have the rootfs on a USB drive andam pushing down the kernel with a modified initrd.
[16:23] <GrueMaster> Yes.
[16:24] <GrueMaster> Not sure if it is the otg port getting in the way,but it shouldn't as they are completely separate circuits.
[16:24] <ogra_> NCommander, well, its the decision of putting half the board init code into x-loader and u-boot
[16:24] <NCommander> well yes
[16:24] <ogra_> if it would live in the kernel as it should, there wouldnt be any probs
[16:24] <GrueMaster> btw: u-boot doesn't appear to support usb.
[16:24] <ogra_> GrueMaster, rsalveti is working on it
[16:25] <GrueMaster> yes, I know.
[16:25] <rsalveti> GrueMaster: u-boot supports usb now ;-)
[16:25] <ogra_> and martyn told me yesterday that the PXE support patch landed upstream
[16:25] <rsalveti> and TFTP
[16:25] <GrueMaster> Hopefully we can work together today and get a solution.
[16:25] <rsalveti> on my branch
[16:25] <GrueMaster> Nice.
[16:25] <rsalveti> but I still prefer to jump into the kernel directly
[16:25] <ogra_> \o/
[16:25] <ogra_> ++
[16:26] <ogra_> but at least we have something even if that doesnt work
[16:26] <rsalveti> anyway, just working with GrueMaster to see what we can get
[16:26] <rsalveti> yup :-)
[16:26] <GrueMaster> The aboot->kernel method is much cleaner, but what ever it takes to get forward progress is semi-acceptable.
[16:26] <ogra_> the good thing is that we could even use it in the images and boot *way* faster
[16:26] <rsalveti> let's spend some more time trying to get this to work
[16:27] <ogra_> we should inspect that
[16:27] <GrueMaster> once I get this working (critical priority), I'll focus on blueprint refinement and nook color.
[16:27] <rsalveti> yeah, can add that at my u-boot tftp bp
[16:27] <rsalveti> I'll be changing it to "alternatives to boot ubuntu images"
[16:27] <rsalveti> something like that
[16:27] <rsalveti> omap4boot
[16:27] <ogra_> cool !
[16:27] <rsalveti> u-boot with TFTP and PXE
[16:27] <rsalveti> and u-boot with fastboot
[16:28] <rsalveti> that should cover most of the cases, if not all
[16:28] <GrueMaster> That's all from me. Questions?
[16:28] <ogra_> not here
[16:29] <NCommander> [topic] Specification Status
[16:29] <MootBot> New Topic: Specification Status
[16:29] <NCommander> probably a good idea to go over this
[16:30] <NCommander> I have two spcs drafted, one reviewed, one I mostly completed then handed off, and one that still needs a writeup
[16:30] * ogra_ has nothing to report yet ... mine will be ready by monday
[16:31] <ogra_> janimo, GrueMaster ?
[16:31] <janimo> I have work items more or less written up on my specs
[16:31] <janimo> but no other work. Drafting means filling up the wiki template?
[16:31] <ogra_> (and anyone else having specs on the team tracker :) )
[16:31] <ogra_> janimo, yeah
[16:31] <GrueMaster> I think NCommander has been plastering me with work items. I have been toofocused to check.
[16:31] <janimo> team tracker == burndown charts?
[16:31] <ogra_> you dont need all topics from the tamplate, only what makes sense in your context
[16:32] <ogra_> yeah team tracker == burndown
[16:34] <NCommander> [topic] ABO
[16:34] <MootBot> New Topic: ABO
[16:34] * NCommander has nothing
[16:34] <GrueMaster> ABO???
[16:34] <ogra_> ABO ?
[16:34] <ogra_> OBA ?
[16:34] <NCommander> [topic] AOB
[16:34] <MootBot> New Topic: AOB
[16:34] <ogra_> BOA ?
[16:34] <GrueMaster> BOA?
[16:34] * NCommander beats ogra_
[16:34] <ogra_> BAOBAB
[16:34] <GrueMaster> BAO?
[16:34] <ogra_> BLAH :)
[16:34] * ogra_ doesnt have anything for this topic
[16:34] <NCommander> I'm guessing we don't
[16:35] <NCommander> closiging the meeting in 3
[16:35] <NCommander> 2
[16:35] <NCommander> 1
[16:35] <NCommander> #endmeeting
[16:35] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 10:35.
Line 293: Line 237:
 * ogra to fix WI tracker
 * everyone to check their WI status on the whiteboards that the right beta tag is set

= Weekly Reports =
== Michael Casadevall (NCommander) ==
 * Mono debugging continues

== Minutes ==
 * None

April21th, 2011, 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


Action Items from last meeting

  • None

Standing Items

Meeting Outcome

[16:00] <NCommander> #startmeeting
[16:00] <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:00. The chair is NCommander.
[16:00] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[16:00] <ogra_> moop
[16:01] <NCommander> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110519
[16:01] <MootBot> LINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110519
[16:01]  * NCommander pokes ogra_'s moop
[16:01] <ogra_> ouch !
[16:01] <ogra_> dont you touch my moop !
[16:02] <NCommander> [topic] Standing Items
[16:02] <MootBot> New Topic:  Standing Items
[16:02] <NCommander> [link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html
[16:02] <MootBot> LINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html
[16:02] <NCommander> [link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-1.html
[16:02] <MootBot> LINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-1.html
[16:02] <NCommander> None of my specs are showing up ...
[16:02]  * ogra_ isnt done yet with spec writing 
[16:03] <NCommander> Oh right, it has to be approved, doesn't it
[16:03] <NCommander> bah
[16:03] <ogra_> NCommander, lets go over them to see if everything is set right (accepted etcd)
[16:03] <ogra_> after meeting
[16:03]  * davidm is happy bp are getting done
[16:03] <ogra_> but its good to see the tracker work
[16:04] <ogra_> doesnt look like as much hassle for me as last round
[16:04]  * NCommander likes our '2.0' blueprints for A1 :-)
[16:04] <NCommander> Right
[16:04] <NCommander> so moving on
[16:05] <NCommander> if my web browser didn't force quit ...
[16:05] <NCommander> [topic] Unity 2D Status
[16:05] <MootBot> New Topic:  Unity 2D Status
[16:05] <ogra_> use an ac100, its more stable :P
[16:05] <ogra_> i think we can drop that
[16:05] <ogra_> desktop team takes over now
[16:06] <ogra_> i talked to didrocks in budapest
[16:06] <davidm> I think it's DX team and desktop team
[16:06] <NCommander> cool
[16:06]  * NCommander brings dead to this standing item
[16:06] <ogra_> well, i think upstream is still the same
[16:06] <ogra_> not DX afaik
[16:06] <NCommander> [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti)
[16:06] <MootBot> New Topic:  Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti)
[16:06] <ogra_> heh
[16:06] <ogra_> NCommander, ppisati
[16:06] <rsalveti> :-)
[16:07] <ogra_> and we should probably include the linaro platform guys that work on kernel bits in that
[16:07] <ogra_> do you have any ?
[16:07] <rsalveti> send an SRU for bug 770679
[16:07] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 770679 in u-boot-linaro (Ubuntu) "Missing proper support for Beagle XM rev B and C" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/770679
[16:07] <NCommander> rsalveti: won't that require an item respin of natty, no?
[16:07] <rsalveti> still waiting for comments
[16:07] <rsalveti> NCommander: in theory yes
[16:08] <rsalveti> but we can just publish a new kernel file somewhere and update the wiki
[16:08] <rsalveti> like we did with maverick
[16:08] <ogra_> well, we can alsways provice replacement uInitrd and uImage
[16:08] <rsalveti> yeah, that's what we did with maverick
[16:08] <ogra_> right
[16:08] <rsalveti> but no other update
[16:08] <rsalveti> ti-omap4 kernel is kind of the same
[16:09] <rsalveti> will be sending another SRU for the drm driver next week
[16:09] <ogra_> do you have anyone in your team that should be included in the topic ping ?
[16:09] <rsalveti> now that I got that sorted out with linaro kernel
[16:09] <rsalveti> ogra_: that depends on what exactly we want to discuss
[16:09] <ogra_> same for any other of the standing topics :)
[16:09] <rsalveti> sure, we can solve this offline
[16:10] <ogra_> yeah
[16:10] <rsalveti> that's all for me
[16:10] <ogra_> ppisati, everything fine in your world ?
[16:11] <rsalveti> NCommander: put an action for you to include ppisati at this topic :-)
[16:11] <NCommander> rsalveti: I already edited the wiki
[16:11] <ogra_> well, seems he isnt around ... neither is cooloney
[16:11] <ogra_> so move :)
[16:12] <NCommander> [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
[16:12] <MootBot> New Topic:  ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
[16:12] <ogra_> its horrid
[16:12] <NCommander> fpc was bootstrapped on armel but beside that not much to add as the buildds drain
[16:12] <ogra_> yeah, will still need a while to lighten up
[16:12]  * NCommander isn't going to touch it until the build queue is close to empty
[16:13] <ogra_> i occasionally go over them and give back what looks like being worth it
[16:13] <ppisati> ogra_: let me read...
[16:14]  * ogra_ wonders where jani is 
[16:14] <ogra_> still jetlagged from the 100km train ride probably :)
[16:14] <GrueMaster> heh
[16:14] <NCommander> ogra_: :-P
[16:14] <NCommander> can I move on?
[16:15] <ogra_> yeah
[16:15] <NCommander> [topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
[16:15] <MootBot> New Topic:  ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
[16:15] <ogra_> well ...
[16:15] <ogra_> waiting for live-build to be implemented for x86
[16:15] <ppisati> ah k :)
[16:15] <ogra_> i guess then we have a very small window to make it work for A1
[16:16] <ogra_> the risk is high that we wont make A1 though
[16:16] <GrueMaster> Always is.
[16:16] <NCommander> Yeah
[16:16] <ogra_> in other news i worked the week on preparing everything for the ac100 image
[16:16] <NCommander> right now all CD image work is depwait A1, though cjwatson said if we implement stuff in livecd-rootfs, then he'll migrate it to livehelper
[16:16] <ogra_> the bits from https://launchpad.net/~ac100/+archive/ppa will land in oneiric next week
[16:17] <ogra_> so that we can start rolling images
[16:17] <ogra_> look, its a jani :)
[16:17]  * NCommander throws a pokeball at wild janimo 
[16:17] <janimo> sorry, forgot what time it was
[16:17] <NCommander> :-P
[16:17] <ogra_> well, thats all about images atm ... toboin ?
[16:18] <ogra_> anything to say about nook ?
[16:18] <ogra_> GrueMaster, ^^
[16:18] <GrueMaster> Not yet.  Main focus has been on usbboot for panda.
[16:18] <ogra_> yeah, thought so
[16:18] <ogra_> though you had lots of converation going on about nook images in the channel :)
[16:18] <GrueMaster> Although one user has gotten some work towards making it boot natty.
[16:18] <ogra_> *conversation
[16:19] <NCommander> can I move on?
[16:19] <ogra_> go
[16:19] <NCommander> [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster)
[16:19] <MootBot> New Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster)
[16:20] <GrueMaster> Hey, that's me!
[16:20] <ogra_> wohoo !
[16:20] <GrueMaster> My focus this week has been gitting panda to boot via usb blob from a host system.
[16:20] <ogra_> for automated image testing ;)
[16:21] <janimo> GrueMaster, this means no SD card needed at all?
[16:21] <ogra_> yeah
[16:21] <GrueMaster> This will help a lot for the new buildd deployment, and also help to build an image automation framework.
[16:21] <janimo> sweet
[16:21] <GrueMaster> No SD card was harmed in the making of thisproduction.
[16:21] <ogra_> lol
[16:21] <janimo> some SD cards deserve to be harmed though
[16:21] <ogra_> hehe
[16:22] <GrueMaster> Currently I am hung on getting the usb & network ports initialized.  I have a working kernel & initrd.
[16:22] <GrueMaster> Reviewing x-loader & u-boot code tosee what they do to enable them.
[16:22] <ogra_> i'll get you the initrd bits until monday
[16:23] <NCommander> GrueMaster: seems like a lot of it is hte board just isn't happy coming up OTG. could be an issue of whats being iniialized vs what isn't?
[16:23] <GrueMaster> I'm using the headless image as a test base.   I have the rootfs on a USB drive andam pushing down the kernel with a modified initrd.
[16:23] <GrueMaster> Yes.
[16:24] <GrueMaster> Not sure if it is the otg port getting in the way,but it shouldn't as they are completely separate circuits.
[16:24] <ogra_> NCommander, well, its the decision of putting half the board init code into x-loader and u-boot
[16:24] <NCommander> well yes
[16:24] <ogra_> if it would live in the kernel as it should, there wouldnt be any probs
[16:24] <GrueMaster> btw:  u-boot doesn't appear to support usb.
[16:24] <ogra_> GrueMaster, rsalveti is working on it
[16:25] <GrueMaster> yes, I know.
[16:25] <rsalveti> GrueMaster: u-boot supports usb now ;-)
[16:25] <ogra_> and martyn told me yesterday that the PXE support patch landed upstream
[16:25] <rsalveti> and TFTP
[16:25] <GrueMaster> Hopefully we can work together today and get a solution.
[16:25] <rsalveti> on my branch
[16:25] <GrueMaster> Nice.
[16:25] <rsalveti> but I still prefer to jump into the kernel directly
[16:25] <ogra_> \o/
[16:25] <ogra_> ++
[16:26] <ogra_> but at least we have something even if that doesnt work
[16:26] <rsalveti> anyway, just working with GrueMaster to see what we can get
[16:26] <rsalveti> yup :-)
[16:26] <GrueMaster> The aboot->kernel method is much cleaner, but what ever it takes to get forward progress is semi-acceptable.
[16:26] <ogra_> the good thing is that we could even use it in the images and boot *way* faster
[16:26] <rsalveti> let's spend some more time trying to get this to work
[16:27] <ogra_> we should inspect that
[16:27] <GrueMaster> once I get this working (critical priority), I'll focus on blueprint refinement and nook color.
[16:27] <rsalveti> yeah, can add that at my u-boot tftp bp
[16:27] <rsalveti> I'll be changing it to "alternatives to boot ubuntu images"
[16:27] <rsalveti> something like that
[16:27] <rsalveti> omap4boot
[16:27] <ogra_> cool !
[16:27] <rsalveti> u-boot with TFTP and PXE
[16:27] <rsalveti> and u-boot with fastboot
[16:28] <rsalveti> that should cover most of the cases, if not all
[16:28] <GrueMaster> That's all from me.  Questions?
[16:28] <ogra_> not here
[16:29] <NCommander> [topic] Specification Status
[16:29] <MootBot> New Topic:  Specification Status
[16:29] <NCommander> probably a good idea to go over this
[16:30] <NCommander> I have two spcs drafted, one reviewed, one I mostly completed then handed off, and one that still needs a writeup
[16:30]  * ogra_ has nothing to report yet ... mine will be ready by monday
[16:31] <ogra_> janimo, GrueMaster ?
[16:31] <janimo> I have work items more or less written up on my specs
[16:31] <janimo> but no other work. Drafting means filling up the wiki template?
[16:31] <ogra_> (and anyone else having specs on the team tracker :) )
[16:31] <ogra_> janimo, yeah
[16:31] <GrueMaster> I think NCommander has been plastering me with work items.  I have been toofocused to check.
[16:31] <janimo> team tracker == burndown charts?
[16:31] <ogra_> you dont need all topics from the tamplate, only what makes sense in your context
[16:32] <ogra_> yeah team tracker == burndown
[16:34] <NCommander> [topic] ABO
[16:34] <MootBot> New Topic:  ABO
[16:34]  * NCommander has nothing
[16:34] <GrueMaster> ABO???
[16:34] <ogra_> ABO ?
[16:34] <ogra_> OBA ?
[16:34] <NCommander> [topic] AOB
[16:34] <MootBot> New Topic:  AOB
[16:34] <ogra_> BOA ?
[16:34] <GrueMaster> BOA?
[16:34]  * NCommander beats ogra_ 
[16:34] <ogra_> BAOBAB
[16:34] <GrueMaster> BAO?
[16:34] <ogra_> BLAH :)
[16:34]  * ogra_ doesnt have anything for this topic
[16:34] <NCommander> I'm guessing we don't
[16:35] <NCommander> closiging the meeting in 3
[16:35] <NCommander> 2
[16:35] <NCommander> 1
[16:35] <NCommander> #endmeeting
[16:35] <MootBot> Meeting finished at 10:35.

Action Items

  • None

ARM/Meeting/2011/20110519 (last edited 2011-07-28 17:58:25 by pool-96-226-234-14)