Revision 3 as of 2011-08-10 18:15:58

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August 4th, 2011, 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


Action Items from last meeting

  • None

Standing Items

Meeting Outcome

[15:01] <NCommander> #startmeeting
[15:01] <MootBot> Meeting started at 10:01. The chair is NCommander.
[15:01] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[15:01] <ogra_> aoiefz
[15:02] <NCommander> morning all
[15:02] <NCommander> who else is here?
[15:02]  * GrueMaster is not
[15:03] <cmagina> mornin
[15:03] <NCommander> [topic] Action Item View
[15:03] <MootBot> New Topic:  Action Item View
[15:03] <NCommander> NCommander to postpone ogra's workitems
[15:03] <NCommander> [tpoic] NCommander to postpone ogra's workitems
[15:03] <NCommander> co, though now that ogra is here probably irrevelant
[15:04] <NCommander> [topic] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html
[15:04] <MootBot> New Topic:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html
[15:04] <NCommander> [link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-3.html
[15:04] <MootBot> LINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-3.html
[15:04] <NCommander> hrm, looks like the burn bot hasn't been run in several days
[15:06] <GrueMaster> NCommander: Try http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-arm-ubuntu-11.10.html
[15:06] <janimo> hi
[15:07] <NCommander> morning janimo
[15:07] <GrueMaster> Although it may have something to do wit hthe group name change.
[15:07] <NCommander> thats probably what broke it
[15:07] <NCommander> [action] ogra to repair burn bot for ubuntu-armel -> arm name
[15:07] <MootBot> ACTION received:  ogra to repair burn bot for ubuntu-armel -> arm name
[15:07] <NCommander> Anyone else want to bring anything else, or can I move on?
[15:08] <ogra_> bah
[15:08] <ogra_> we should just start using status.ubuntu.com ;)
[15:08] <ogra_> way more bling :)
[15:09] <janimo> I was only looking at that lately
[15:09] <NCommander> status.u.c. is great BUT it doesn't show per milestone status
[15:09] <ogra_> should have us now
[15:09] <NCommander> ogra_: I ddin't take you for a blig guy :-P
[15:09] <ogra_> ask GrueMaster what i complained about yesterday when i saw the OMAP wikipage :P
[15:10] <ogra_> whats thatz team renaming thing ?
[15:10] <NCommander> ogra_: davidm renamed the team from ~ubuntu-armel to ~ubuntu-arml
[15:10] <ogra_> am i supposed to know about it ? and if so, why dont i
[15:10] <NCommander> ogra_: we probably said something while you were out.
[15:10] <ogra_> hmm, i didnt get an LP mail for that
[15:11] <ogra_> NCommander, no, but LP should notify me as team admin about such a change, thanks, i'll take care
[15:11] <ogra_> (move)
[15:11] <NCommander> ogra_: lets take this offline
[15:11] <NCommander> oh
[15:11] <NCommander> ok
[15:11] <NCommander> [topic] ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)
[15:11] <MootBot> New Topic:  ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)
[15:11] <NCommander> A3 images have been built and tested by our lovely QA tester GrueMaster !
[15:12] <GrueMaster> Hey, I am anything but lovely.
[15:12] <NCommander> omap4 netboot images are in good shape, but omap3 is suffering from a f-k-i bug so won't be released with A3 and will get fixed with the next f-k remark
[15:12] <GrueMaster> Only the netinstall image.  All other omap images are good to go.
[15:12] <NCommander> In addition, infinity landed preintsall pool so server images are now 'complete'
[15:13] <NCommander> Any questions or comments on server?
[15:13] <NCommander> if you do, type 'o/' in the channel and I'[ll hold until you type it up
[15:14] <janimo> o/
[15:14] <janimo> do devel/headless images come back or it is server only?
[15:14] <ogra_> its server only
[15:14] <NCommander> what ogra said
[15:15] <mahmoh> o/
[15:15] <janimo> good
[15:15] <ogra_> headless is just server without anything in the pool
[15:15] <mahmoh> when will we have a server kernel ;)
[15:15] <ogra_> NCommander, preseed file support will land on the weekend btw
[15:15] <GrueMaster> Probably not until 12.04.
[15:15] <ogra_> mahmoh, question for the kernel team i guess :)
[15:15] <NCommander> when we have proper divinme intervention and a large dontation of beer to the kernel team
[15:16] <mahmoh> who's going to take up the donation pool planning?
[15:16] <NCommander> My impression is for ARM server images, we'll probably look into that with 12.04
[15:16] <NCommander> mahmoh: I recommend buying a beer factory as step one :-)
[15:16] <NCommander> Step two involves building a pipe
[15:16] <cmagina> any one have a truck and a trailer they can load up for UDS for our donation?
[15:16] <mahmoh> I would suggest that it's critical for O
[15:16] <mahmoh> davidm: ^
[15:17] <GrueMaster> mahmoh: O is only a pipe cleaning for arm server.
[15:17] <NCommander> mahmoh: davidm is at LDS, so he's kinda unavailable
[15:17] <NCommander> mahmoh: why don't we take the discuss offline and come back with something
[15:17] <ogra_> mahmoh, O really depends on hardware availability
[15:17] <mahmoh> yes it is and that's why we need a server kernel to pipe clean with
[15:18] <ogra_> (and our movement forward)
[15:18] <mahmoh> server is packaging + kernel <- emphasis here
[15:18] <mahmoh> ok
[15:18] <NCommander> mahmoh: I don't want to rathole the meeting so lets bring this up alter
[15:18] <NCommander> Great
[15:18] <ogra_> note that this will double the build time of our kernel
[15:18] <NCommander> [action] NCommander and mahmoh to discuss server ARM image variants
[15:18] <MootBot> ACTION received:  NCommander and mahmoh to discuss server ARM image variants
[15:19] <NCommander> ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
[15:19] <NCommander> FTBFS/installability list is not looking happy
[15:19] <NCommander> (and as before, please type 'o/' or I will continue on after a minute at teh end)
[15:19] <janimo> did the usual give-backs and a sponsored upload, triaged no longer FTBFA bugs out of the Linaro Jam list
[15:20] <NCommander> janimo: any luck with emacs23?
[15:20] <janimo> NCommander, emacs FTBFS is multiarch related, not arm specific
[15:20] <janimo> the bug that discussed it did not go far
[15:20] <janimo> slangasek commented on it last I think
[15:20] <NCommander> -_-;
[15:20] <NCommander> I'll poke it with a spork later
[15:21] <NCommander> we did have some random odds and ends failures but I'm not too concnered
[15:21] <janimo> I set our FTBFS bug as a dup of the original one filed
[15:21] <NCommander> I didn't make any ground with ocaml this week due to doing the release with skaet
[15:21] <janimo> NCommander, I was under the impression gcc folk were on the ocaml bug as well
[15:21] <janimo> but no progress from there either
[15:22] <janimo> I think many of our bugs linger as almost none of the many failures are actually assigned to a particular dev
[15:22] <NCommander> I had a few ideas at monospace about the bug, but I'll have to wait until after release to see if they puter out
[15:23] <NCommander> janimo: I'll go through an assign FTBFS bugs again in thatcase
[15:23] <janimo> likewise FTBFS again, but Illleave that to the likewise/server folk
[15:23] <NCommander> [action] NCommander to create/assign FTBFS bugs to ARM team members
[15:23] <MootBot> ACTION received:  NCommander to create/assign FTBFS bugs to ARM team members
[15:24] <janimo> NCommander, assigning makes sense, when someone actually knows how to fix it. Sometimes it is clearly our job (random packaging bugs) other times it is Linaro (gcc/glibs errors)
[15:24] <NCommander> I'll go through main bugs nearly next week or Friday depending on how much I move with this release :-)
[15:24] <NCommander> janimo: lets move on
[15:25] <NCommander> [topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
[15:25] <MootBot> New Topic:  ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
[15:25] <ogra_> well, they build
[15:25] <ogra_> ac100 should land next week (a bit delayed due to my vacation)
[15:25] <NCommander> Server images are built and working. Ubuntu Desktop A3 also was built and published and tested yesterday, as was ubuntu-core
[15:25] <GrueMaster> There needs to be an iMX5# image soon so that the kubuntu team can do most of their own validation work.
[15:25] <GrueMaster> I don't mind testing the image installation on platforms they don't have, but when there are failures in the kde code, the kde bug system tracks it (not launchpad) and someone upstream always hounds me to test more.
[15:26] <NCommander> We're looking pretty good for A
[15:26] <NCommander> *A3
[15:26]  * ogra_ bows down deeply in front of NCommander and GrueMaster 
[15:26] <ogra_> youb guys made a3 happen almost alone !
[15:27] <NCommander> ogra_: GrueMaster been turning the testing crank, I've been playing remember manager :-)
[15:27] <GrueMaster> Don't I always?
[15:27] <ogra_> yeah, i watched that :)
[15:27] <NCommander> anything else or can we move?
[15:27] <ogra_> the mx5 images ...
[15:27] <NCommander> infinity was working on them
[15:27] <ogra_> GrueMaster, thats specifically for the 53 or for the efika ?
[15:27] <NCommander> I have no idea of status
[15:28] <GrueMaster> Was just going to ask about those.
[15:28] <GrueMaster> yes.
[15:28] <ogra_> NCommander, well, he is (and will stay) busy with hf for a while i guess
[15:28] <NCommander> [action] NCommander to follow up with infinity and relative stakeholders on mx5 images
[15:28] <MootBot> ACTION received:  NCommander to follow up with infinity and relative stakeholders on mx5 images
[15:28] <GrueMaster> I was told it should work on both.
[15:28] <ogra_> GrueMaster, there was an "or" in the question :P
[15:28] <NCommander> With !infinity, there's nothing else to report here
[15:28] <ogra_> ah :)
[15:28] <NCommander> anything else or can I move
[15:28]  * janimo was told I'd work on mx53 images too
[15:29] <ogra_> janimo, do you have HW already ?
[15:29] <janimo> in Dublin
[15:29] <janimo> no, davidm sad he'd send it this Monday
[15:29] <ogra_> well, just start it then, or pick up where adam had to stop
[15:29] <NCommander> janimo: poke me or ogra with the sticks of sharpness if you get stuck
[15:29] <NCommander> anyone else?
[15:30] <janimo> one I get hw I'll start, sure
[15:30] <NCommander> [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster,mahmoh)
[15:30] <MootBot> New Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster,mahmoh)
[15:30] <GrueMaster> Alpha 3 testing went through woithout any major hangups, although not as much desktop testing as I would have liked.  This is largely due to the massive undertaking with the server testing.
[15:31] <GrueMaster> I have also been asked to do a few small side testing projects which I should have finished by tomorrow.  These are easily slipstreamed into my daily QA work so they won't interfere.
[15:31] <janimo> I tested desktop yesterday on panda but would not finish install
[15:31] <ogra_> anything we can do to make that better ?
[15:32] <ogra_> do you want to share out some testing tasks ? should we assign bits to one of us ?
[15:32] <janimo> kept restarting from the beginning. But my panda acts weirdly many times so I am not sure it is a bug
[15:32] <GrueMaster> A lot of the server tests have required an inordinate amout of research to configure as I have never setup those envirnments before and they aren't tested anywhere else.
[15:33] <GrueMaster> IPV6, IPSec (has a kernel bug filed), clusters, etc.
[15:34] <GrueMaster> I can run the tests given step by step instructions, and they usually only take an hour or so once I get to that stage.
[15:34] <GrueMaster> But having to figure out what is involved has been the most time consuming.
[15:34] <ogra_> yeah
[15:35]  * NCommander hugs GrueMaster for his testing efforts
[15:35] <janimo> GrueMaster, server team takes those for granted and have no explicit testcases right?
[15:35] <NCommander> GrueMaster: anything else or can I move on?
[15:35] <GrueMaster> For the mostpart, yes.
[15:35]  * ogra_ has nothing
[15:35] <mahmoh> GrueMaster's taking the brunt of the beatings, I've been researching and prioritizing testing, updating the wiki, and submitting u-boot bugs with a focus on pxe boot since that's critical for many of the cloud requirements and server in general, and planning a regrouping, that's all for me
[15:36] <NCommander> [topic] Wiki updates
[15:36] <MootBot> New Topic:  Wiki updates
[15:36] <NCommander> Just wnated to thank everyone for the work and effort on cleaning out the wiki
[15:36] <NCommander> especially now that our meeting pages liveunde rARM and not Mobile
[15:37] <NCommander> [topic] AOB
[15:37] <MootBot> New Topic:  AOB
[15:37] <slangasek> janimo: uh?  I'm pretty sure I already fixed the only emacs23 multiarch build failure
[15:37] <NCommander> I'll be in Austin next week. Anyone interested in beers or RL contact can find me there
[15:37] <janimo> skype call tonight with people at the Linaro sprint?
[15:37] <ogra_> janimo, well, we'll surely have a call
[15:37] <janimo> slangasek, that would be great. Although it still FTBFS on arm last build
[15:37] <janimo> unless you did it yesterday
[15:38] <janimo> NCommander, kirkland is there, you can talk server stuff :)
[15:38] <slangasek> janimo: no, last cycle
[15:38] <janimo> slangasek, ah. This is the crt1.o & co not found because it is looked for in /usr/lib issue
[15:39] <slangasek> janimo: it's FTBFS on armel only. what bug #?
[15:39] <slangasek> yes, I definitely fixed that bug last cycle :)
[15:39] <NCommander> Anything else (use o/ to interrupt)
[15:39] <janimo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacs23/+bug/746510
[15:39] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 746510 in emacs23 (Ubuntu Oneiric) "FTBFS Emacs23.2 on Natty from multiarch implemented " [Medium,Triaged]
[15:39] <NCommander> ah
[15:39] <janimo> NCommander, sorry for the tangents here
[15:40] <NCommander> itsa AOB
[15:40] <NCommander> tangents allowed :-)
[15:40] <NCommander> Just want to close out if we're done
[15:40] <NCommander> going once
[15:40] <NCommander> going twice
[15:40] <NCommander> going three times
[15:40] <NCommander> cya all later
[15:40] <NCommander> #endmeeting

Action Items

  • ogra to repair burn bot for ubuntu-armel -> arm name

  • NCommander and mahmoh to discuss server ARM image variants
  • NCommander to create/assign FTBFS bugs to ARM team members