
Revision 10 as of 2006-11-09 01:40:43

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ScottJamesRemnant: ancient header?


Create a common config panel for all the assistive technology settings in gnome.


The assistive technology (AT) settings in gnome are currently spread out over several locations, making the features difficult to find. A new configuration dialog should collect these components to a single location with tabs. Individual assistive technology applications should be activated and configured from launchers in this dialog.

Use cases

ScottJamesRemnant: where are thy use cases?



See bug [ 350263] – AT selection list is needed.

ScottJamesRemnant: please include a design! please include information about the different locations; and a design for the new dialog.


ScottJamesRemnant: how will this be implemented?


Data preservation and migration

Outstanding issues

BoF agenda and discussion

ScottJamesRemnant: this needs to be drafted into a spec!

New UI mostly decided at Gnome accessibility summit. Add AT options to preferred applications dialog.

Small apps "osk", "screenreader" etc. that check value of preferred app gconf key and run it.

Use fdo autostart for starting AT's add .desktop file of previously mentioned small app to autostart.

Re-do gnome-at settings dialogs entirely. Make all settings that could be considered accessibility related locatable or directly changeable from the gnome-at properties dialog. Making it the one-stop-shop for everything a11y related even if it means settings are duplicated from elsewhere in the desktop.

small aside -- people like to carry their accessibility (font size, etc.) and other settings around with them it would be nice if a gconf overlay from a usb stick was possible. In other words settings on the stick would overide the local gconf keys.

-- Draft -- usb device home directory "overlay"

possible summer of code project

follow .desktop autostart
