
Revision 17 as of 2005-12-21 06:32:05

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Time: [ Wednesday 21.12 at 19.00 UTC] BR Place: #ubuntu-meeting


Jason Grieves

  1. Low Vision/Gnome-mag update
  2. Luke, Status of new gnome-mag packages?
  3. Full Screen Magnification Review. I need more testers!

  • Firefox Magnification improving!

  1. Accessibility Documentation
  2. Wikified, but improvements needed! Assigning to document
  3. Navigation on Wiki
  4. Awesome job on the Wiki, but there are some places were "Navigation" is at the bottom. Am I the only one missing these when trying to find locations? Can we throw them at top also, or would that clutter things?

Previous meetings

Dec 7th

  1. Designing use cases testing procedures
  2. Possible documentation project: Ubuntufying the [ Abilitynet skill-sheets]?

    • LukeYelavich has some documentation from Jason Grieves he would like to put forward for examination as some further material for accessibility documentation.

  3. Bounty Ideas -- we should put some ideas forward and advertise them
  4. Setting up
    • Do we want/need this?
    • Some work has been done on accessibility themes
  5. Do we want to participate in the Massachusetts ODF campaign?
    • Producing and distributing the AT-by-default derivative
  6. New wiki structure (DanielHolbach)

    • I added some AccessibilityTeam/* pages, which are linked from ["AccessibilityTeam"].

    • I think we need more centralized resources to get us as a team more focused on goals.

Nov 23rd

  1. Discussion about AccessibilityTeamGoals
