Time: [ Wednesday 21.12 at 19.00 UTC] BR Place: #ubuntu-meeting
Jason Grieves
- Low Vision/Gnome-mag update
- Luke, Status of new gnome-mag packages?
- Full Screen Magnification Review. I need more testers!
- Firefox Magnification improving!
- Accessibility Documentation
- Wikified, but improvements needed! Assigning to document
- Navigation on Wiki
- Awesome job on the Wiki, but there are some places were "Navigation" is at the bottom. Am I the only one missing these when trying to find locations? Can we throw them at top also, or would that clutter things?
Previous meetings
Dec 7th
- Designing use cases testing procedures
Some work done at AccessibilityTesting
- Coordinating the building of a testing derivative
Possible documentation project: Ubuntufying the [ Abilitynet skill-sheets]?
LukeYelavich has some documentation from Jason Grieves he would like to put forward for examination as some further material for accessibility documentation.
- Bounty Ideas -- we should put some ideas forward and advertise them
- High visibility theme
- X-10 support
Improved software speech synthesis support. See: SpeechSynthesisProposal
Package [ Orca] -- this is the future of screen reading right? Does it run at all ATM?
- Setting up
- Do we want/need this?
- Some work has been done on accessibility themes
- Do we want to participate in the Massachusetts ODF campaign?
- Producing and distributing the AT-by-default derivative
New wiki structure (DanielHolbach)
I added some AccessibilityTeam/* pages, which are linked from ["AccessibilityTeam"].
- I think we need more centralized resources to get us as a team more focused on goals.
Nov 23rd
Discussion about AccessibilityTeamGoals