Time: Friday 06.09.2006 (time to be agreed)
- Brief introductions - We have many new team members since our last meeting so we should all get properly introduced!
- Edgy Eft Access status - Quick roundup of new features, testing and bug squashing!
- Next meeting - set a time for the next meeting, at which we will discuss cool new access features
Previous meetings
Mar 1, 2006
- The accessibility profiles have been implemented. We need to finalize the various settings for the profiles, such as magnification window placement, the amount of magnification, speech rate, etc.
- Gok remedies - Gok brings up a warning about not being able to do pointer grabs without a modified X config. Determine whether anybody has found a way to get rid of it, or alternatively, look at how easy or difficult this may be to implement properly.
- Get the necessary packages onto the live CD ASAP. Discuss further what was brought up on the list as well as the gnome lists about flite compared to festival and disk space, as the devs of the gnome-speech speech-dispatcher driver seem to be discouraging its mainstream use at this time.
The TODO wiki page located at needs cleaning up and resorting, as it hasn't been updated since December, and a lot has happened between now and then.
- Making the Ubuntu CD's Accessible - We need a "dimple" or some other braille like marking on at least one of the Ubuntu CD's so that people know which one they have. [cjs on behalf of]
Feb 15, 2006.
- Live CD boot parameters. See: ["Accessibility/LiveCDsettings"]
- Updating ["Accessibility/Documentation"] for Dapper
- Writing a quick intoduction to Ubuntu AT (describing the features on the Live CD and how to upgrade)
Live CD testing -- UbuntuExpress should be ready for testing this week.
Jan 11th
No meeting held
- The state of dapper AT packages before upstream version freeze
Jason Grieves I may not be are some updates/things I am still working on
- Gnome-mag 0.12.2 - new low vision support. Good for my group!
- gnome-mag bugs with Xfixes and Damage?
- Accessibility Documentation in Ubuntu Help?
- gnome-mag review-no need to discuss, but still being worked on! Going well. I had to do a couple of clean installs of breezy/dapper, and have had to re-work some of the sections
- at-poke. fixed hard coded glib location problem for debian/ubuntu. Need to prepare a deb
Dec 21st
Jason Grieves
- Low Vision/Gnome-mag update
- Luke, Status of new gnome-mag packages?
- Full Screen Magnification Review. I need more testers!
- Firefox Magnification improving!
- Accessibility Documentation
- Wikified, but improvements needed! Assigning to document
- Navigation on Wiki
- Awesome job on the Wiki, but there are some places were "Navigation" is at the bottom. Am I the only one missing these when trying to find locations? Can we throw them at top also, or would that clutter things?
Henrik Nilsen Omma
- Test Testing
- Please have a look at ["Accessibility/Testing"] and give feedback on the general concept and feel free to add more detail
- If this seems OK to most people, I will post a request for testing volunteers on some mailing lists and forums
- Ubuntu Express update
- Latest plan at ["UbuntuExpress/GnomeUserInterface/Accessibility"]
Dec 7th
- Designing use cases testing procedures
Some work done at AccessibilityTesting
- Coordinating the building of a testing derivative
Possible documentation project: Ubuntufying the [ Abilitynet skill-sheets]?
LukeYelavich has some documentation from Jason Grieves he would like to put forward for examination as some further material for accessibility documentation.
- Bounty Ideas -- we should put some ideas forward and advertise them
- High visibility theme
- X-10 support
Improved software speech synthesis support. See: SpeechSynthesisProposal
Package [ Orca] -- this is the future of screen reading right? Does it run at all ATM?
- Setting up
- Do we want/need this?
- Some work has been done on accessibility themes
- Do we want to participate in the Massachusetts ODF campaign?
- Producing and distributing the AT-by-default derivative
New wiki structure (DanielHolbach)
I added some AccessibilityTeam/* pages, which are linked from ["AccessibilityTeam"].
- I think we need more centralized resources to get us as a team more focused on goals.
Nov 23rd
Discussion about AccessibilityTeamGoals