April 13, 2010 Logs

17:00 < Pendulum> Okay, I guess it's time!
17:00 < Pendulum> Who all is here for the meeting?
17:00 -!- etali1
[~quinda@host86-158-67-195.range86-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined
17:01  * charlie-tca waves
17:01 < mgdm> o/
17:01  * aveleh is here for the meeting
17:01 < Glen1> Yep me
17:01 < notlistening> ;)
17:01 < paul3> Paul from Leicester in the UK
17:02 < MichelleQ> o/
17:02 < notlistening> thats the way paul
17:02 < czajkowski> aloha
17:02 < BlueCat59> Antoine from France, ubuntu end user "bonsoir à tous"
17:02  * TheMuso aborted his exercise session for the monrning to be here.
17:02 < TheMuso> morning
17:02 < kinouchou> o/
17:02 < Pendulum> TheMuso: we feel the love :-)
17:03 < vincentxavier> Vincent-Xavier from Paris suburbs, France
17:03 < Pendulum> okay, meeting agenda is at
17:03  * etali1 here for the meeting
17:03 < mgdm> <-- Michael from north west Scotland
17:03 < MichelleQ> Michelle, Central Florida
17:03 < notlistening> <--- Tom 27 from Birmingham in the UK embedded
software engineer and opensapi Dev
17:04 < Pendulum> In case any of you didn't know/haven't figured out,
I'm Penelope who has been annoying the list/planet/twitter/whoever
will listen about this meeting :-)
17:04  * youpi Samuel Thibault from Bordeaux, brlapi/brltty/debian
accessibility developer
17:04 < czajkowski> <--- Dublin Ireland
17:04 < kinouchou> Paris (France)
17:04 < charlie-tca> Boise, Idaho, USA
17:05 < Pendulum> Anyway, let's get started on the Agenda since while
it's only two items, they're pretty open items
17:05 < TheMuso> Just so people know what I do, I am an Ubuntu
developer, the Ubuntu accessibility developer, and now the project
lead for OpenTTS in my own time.
17:05 -!- stormdragon2976 [~stormdrag@] has quit [Ping
timeout: 246 seconds]
17:05 < Pendulum> TheMuso: in other words, you're the Ubuntu
Accessibility God ;-)
17:06 < Pendulum> TOPIC: Maverick Meerkat planning
17:06 < TheMuso> I specialise in text to speech and accessibility for
people with vision impairements.
17:06 < TheMuso> I don't know about god, I don't know much if anything
about motor disabilities etc.
17:06 < notlistening> Nice Luke ;)
17:07 < mgdm> FWIW, I'm a developer who knows next to nothing of the
issues, but is motivated to learn and fix stuff where possible
17:07 < Pendulum> So as far as Maverick planning goes, I've had
several people approach me about doing a session at UDS to get a
blueprint for Accessibility going
17:07 < Pendulum> (this includes several people not at this meeting)
17:08 < notlistening> UDS?
17:08 < Pendulum> the Ubuntu Developer Summit
17:08 < notlistening> thanks
17:08 < TheMuso> Ok, I already have plans for things that need doing
during Maverick.
17:08 < TheMuso> For me personally
17:09 < Pendulum> do tell :)
17:09 -!- MichelleQ [~michelle@ubuntu/member/michelleq] has quit [Read
error: No route to host]
17:09 < paul3> will ubuntu maverick ship gnome 3?
17:09 < charlie-tca> I won't be at UDS, but it sure would be nice to
have some type of campaign to raise awareness. Those who need
accessibility should not be wishlist priority.
17:09 < TheMuso> The things I need to get done are:
17:09 -!- MichelleQ1 [~michelle@] has joined #ubuntu-accessibility
17:09 < TheMuso> 1) Get accessibility infrastructure and GNOME 3
playing as well as they can.
17:09 < modulus> espeak linked to pulse by default?
17:09 < TheMuso> 2) Replace speech-dispatcher with OpenTTS.
17:09 < TheMuso> 3) add a console screen reader of some sort, which
one is yet to be decided.
17:10 < modulus> yasr is decent
17:10 < paul3> I would go with speakup
17:10 < TheMuso> modulus: I will probably have to create packages
linked to portaudio and pulse, which gets messy. You can't just link
to pulse because there are derivatives of Ubuntu that don't use pulse,
and they may want to use the espeak command-line client/other apps
using espeak.
17:10 -!- rik [~rik@208-59-123-27.c3-0.grg-ubr2.lnh-grg.md.cable.rcn.com]
has joined #ubuntu-accessibility
17:10 < notlistening> Is this documented somewhere yet Luke?
17:10 < TheMuso> paul3: That remains to be seen.
17:10 < TheMuso> notlistening: Once lucid development winds down a
bit, it will be.
17:10 < Pendulum> TheMuso: do you want these as team goals (that way
we can get people to help you) or just you?
17:10 < modulus> hmm, understood, i suppose espeak is not just assistive tech
17:11 < modulus> but the pulse/non-pulse thing is messy
17:11 < TheMuso> Pendulum: I think these can be team goals, so
whereever anyone can help, that would be good, however I will be
setting asside time to try and get all of this done, so I am prepared
to do the work.
17:11 < TheMuso> modulus: Exactly.
17:12 < Pendulum> So we've got TheMuso's goals
17:12 < Pendulum> personally a big goal for me for Maverick (and this
is definitely a team goal) is getting documentation worked on
17:12 < TheMuso> One thing that would be better however, is for people
understanding more about other disabilities to get more involved and
help get those up to scratch.
17:13 < notlistening> Luke is it in your remit to look as other AT and
17:13 < paul3> the boot process for lucid seems to have taken a
backward  turn with regards to a11y
17:13 < TheMuso> So if people can help with getting other
disabilities' needs up to scratch is by working on stuff, and I can be
your sponsor/facilitator.
17:13 < TheMuso> paul3: How so?
17:13 < TheMuso> notlistening: Yes, but I need help from others for
that, because I know next to nothing about them, as I have said above.
17:13 < rik> I'm working together with students with language-based
learning differences who share their perspectives with me.
17:13 < Glen1> I understand that you are not up on motor disabilities
:TheMuso: but is there anyway we can get a similar software running
the will act like EZ Keys? This is a single switch for people who use
large buttons and only the one click from their head or the like
17:14 < MichelleQ1> I've got some indepth experience with
developmental disabilities I'd be happy to share, too
17:14 < Pendulum> TheMuso: would it be a good task for this cycle to
get some organization in terms of who knows what and who is interested
in working on what?
17:14 < TheMuso> Glen1: Well you need to look at what we use now, and
what might be better to replace it, or work alongside it. It in this
case means Onboard I think.
17:14 < TheMuso> Pendulum: Yes certainly would.
17:15 < paul3> because you have to wait an uncertain amount of time
before hitting a key to get the a11y menu up
17:15 < notlistening> A whos who of developers and user and a full
list of disabilties and what people are doing today
17:15 < notlistening> begin to answer question about AT that exists
17:16 < notlistening> look at whats in Ubuntu and what isn't and why
and if it is worth using
17:16 < TheMuso> paul3: Right, I am not sure what else we can do to
improve that. You might want to talk to cjwatson on IRC about that, as
he knows just about everything regarding how that boot system works.
17:16 < youpi> (boot): wouldn't it possible to introduce a beep?
17:16 -!- modulus [~david@unaffiliated/modulus] has quit [Read error:
Connection reset by peer]
17:16 < youpi> we did that in Debian, it was some discussion with the
sighted maintainers, but they eventually agreed, and  blind users are
very happy with it, and I haven't seen any sighted user complaining
17:16 < TheMuso> Beeps are starting to become something that is much
less useful, now that less and less machines have PC speakers.
17:16 < Glen1> The onboard does not do what is required, well not
fully to the extent that would really benefit. I would love to work on
this but have limited programming ability in ubuntu...... would need
17:16 < notlistening> beeps work when you have a pc speaker only...
17:16 < TheMuso> afaik yes./
17:17 < youpi> still worth trying to emit it, doesn't hurt
17:17 < Pendulum> Can I ask a much more general question of everyone?
What do people want the Accessibility Team to do? Where do we see this
project going (not just for the next cycle, but long term)?
17:17 < notlistening> youpi , i'm with you on that one
17:18 < paul3> prior to lucis, the system waited for you to press
something. so it was fine. now it doesn't
17:18 < TheMuso> Well I'll leave the boot b eep in the hands of those
who want it. I know very little to nothing about the CD boot system,
and as I said, you're best off talking to cjwatson. I can facilitate
if you would like, but he knows what would need to be done.
17:18 -!- quetzatl [~tecne@] has quit []
17:18 < youpi> paul3: ah, you mean you have to be quick ?
17:18 < rik> Pendulum: Text to speech (ala Kurzweil 3000) that's
usable to students with dylexia, dysgraphia, and others with language
based differences.
17:18 < Pendulum> Hey, guys, I know a lot of you have questions and
specific things you're looking for, but these might be served best
outside of a meeting right now
17:18 < mgdm> Pendulum: there's going to be a maintenance element to
whatever we do - we'll need to get things working for Maverick,
ideally, and keep testing, maintaining, and responding to feedback
17:19 < czajkowski> Pendulum: yes that sounds good
17:19 < Pendulum> mgdm: but do we want to stick to development is my question?
17:19 < mgdm> Pendulum: </stating the obvious>
17:19 < notlistening> I think that the accessibility team should spent
time identifying graps, presenting a list of projects/tasks from easy
to hard
17:19 -!- modulus [~david@unaffiliated/modulus] has joined #ubuntu-accessibility
17:19 < MichelleQ1> I agree with notlistening
17:19 < etali1> Pendulum, one thing I'm interested in is guidelines
for developers - is there somewhere I can go to in order to find out
what I should do to make an app accessible?  If not, could something
be set up?
17:19 < czajkowski> great to see discussion happening though.
17:20  * eeejay waves
17:20 < TheMuso> etali1: Well for a start, if you want your app as
accessible as possible now, you need to use GTK.
17:20 < charlie-tca> The accessibility team should also be involved in
testing the software to make sure it is working each cycle
17:20 < Glen1> I would like accessibility to look into most
disabilities, My most identifiable is the EZ keys type, single switch
17:20 < czajkowski> so what might be an idea is working out key areas
for folks to work on and breaking up into smaller groups to work on
the areas?
17:20 < youpi> charlie-tca: better give other teams the way to test
17:20 < Pendulum> do we want to include documentation? on our todo
list? do we want to do any general advocacy both within the Ubuntu
community and outside?
17:20 < TheMuso> Glen1: have you thought of contacting the onboard
developers to ask for a feature enhancement?
17:20 < notlistening> that can be any idea development, documentation,
direct feedback to the people at canonical
17:20 < youpi> charlie-tca: that's what I did for the debian
installer, and it works
17:20 < MichelleQ1> Pendulum: documentation is a must, in my book
17:20 < mgdm> I think we need to do a bit of research, see if we can
get some feedback from people who are already using Ubuntu or other
Linux distros with special a11y requirements
17:20 < charlie-tca> but it needs to start here
17:21 < Glen1> The Muso, sounds good idea
17:21 < mgdm> and see where the main lines of interest lie, just in
the interests of perhaps prioritising work
17:22 < etali1> TheMuso, Thanks.
17:22 < mgdm> so, short term, do that and work out what people want,
and then we can go and develop things and write code and whatever
needs to be done
17:22 < mgdm> am I making sense?
17:22 < notlistening> I also think that a priority list of (lets call
them bug) and an appraisal  of each release should be done by the
accessibility team
17:22 < TheMuso> One more thing I should make clear. I work for
Canonical, but my full time job does not all involve accessibility. I
can spend some of my time on accessibility. The rest I need to spend
on audio related work.
17:22 < Glen1> I am in the UK and there are some otheres from the UK
here, Time difference would be identical from working point of view,
but im not sure it they are up for working on what im interested
regarding disability?
17:23 < TheMuso> if you would like this to change, I suggest
contacting Canonical and asking them to consider a greater emphasis on
17:23 -!- FlaPer87 [~FlaPer87@unaffiliated/flaper87] has joined
17:23 < Pendulum> So is it safe to say that the objective for the team
as it stands now is to identify a11y issues (both in terms of software
and documentation) and provide solutions and spread awareness of the
17:24 < mgdm> I would say so
17:24 < MichelleQ1> I'd say so
17:24 < modulus> Aye.
17:24 < aveleh> I like the idea of writing user-profiles, "user A
needs x" "user B can't use y", etc, etc.  And then also a list of
"make sure that x allows users to access it with the mouse-only, via
keyboard only commands, via [something that I don't know how to
explain for other needs]"
17:24 < Glen1> Yep
17:24 < TheMuso> Pendulum: yes
17:24 < aveleh> Yes.  (Sorry, I am behind.)
17:24 < notlistening> Pendulum, that is a good start
17:24 < vincentxavier> +1
17:25 < Pendulum> Okay, so there's a good start. We have a team objective :-)
17:25 < notlistening> and I would like to see that in our wiki section
categories by disability
17:25 < paul3> I think it would be great if we could get a11y issues
into the mainstream ubuntu documentation
17:25 < Pendulum> notlistening: I'm getting there :-)
17:25 < rik> sounds good here
17:25 < Glen1> I work alongside many disabled who would love to get
involved in giving suggestions for enhancing Accessibility, and would
help test out also if that helps
17:25 < Pendulum> Does anyone want to update the wiki page with our objective?
17:25 < Pendulum> (after the meeting)
17:26 < mgdm> I'll do it, if you like
17:26  * etali1 is getting called AFK but will stay in channel to read
logs - one last question - is there an accessibility mailing list?
17:26 < Pendulum> mgdm: awesome :-)
17:26 < notlistening> I am not saying just you but anyone.... each
take a section based on your experiences
17:26 < Pendulum> notlistening: I just meant, getting there in terms
of spot in meeting for that discussion
17:26 < rik> I'll be happy to contribute.
17:26 < Pendulum> etali1: yes I'll send it to you later?
17:27 < etali1> Pendulum, thanks
17:27 < notlistening> Do you want a regular meeting or can we have a
mailing list more time friendly? The ubuntu accessibility mailing list
is quite busy?
17:27 < youpi> etali1: ubuntu-accessibility
17:28 < charlie-tca> It seems the accessibility-devel mailing list is
all but dead
17:28 < notlistening> Who wants to do what disabilities?
17:28 < notlistening> maybe that is a good place to pick up on then
what do people think
17:28 < Glen1> Motor - Single switch
17:29 < rik> I can write about a cluster of them under language based
learning disabilities
17:29 < TheMuso> charlie-tca: Probably due to the lack of developers.
No point in me using it if there weren't others helping out. However
we can revive it.
17:29 < MichelleQ1> Not that I can code for anything, but I'd be
willing to contribute what I know, and test, on learning/developmental
17:29 < Pendulum> before we get to splitting things down, Does anyone
object to my creating a roadmap and a blueprint and submitting an
accessibility session for the Ubuntu Developer Summit in May?
17:30 < MichelleQ1> no, I don't see any reason why not
17:30 < czajkowski> Pendulum: sounds good
17:30 < mgdm> Pendulum: sounds good - are those things easy to get
into remotely, for those of us who aren't going to UDS?
17:31 < czajkowski> yup you can particpate remotely it's streamed and
irc channel also at the same time
17:31 < TheMuso> Pendulum: sounds good.
17:31 < notlistening> Brilliant :) I can do Visual Impairments
17:31 < czajkowski> if you have a roadmap/blueprint laid out before
hand people can add their notes on what they;d like to get covered and
work towards
17:31 < TheMuso> notlistening: So can I.
17:31 < czajkowski> TheMuso: evening :)
17:32 < TheMuso> Hey czajkowski.
17:32 < notlistening> TheMuso, yup you more so
17:32 < paul3> I can help with stuff about using Orca... I'm using it
right now...
17:33 < Pendulum> for those of you not familiar, a Roadmap is a set of
objectives and actions to reach each objective that gets put up on a
wiki page
17:33 < rik> Orca is one of my concerns, actually.
17:33  * TheMuso is also.
17:33 < mgdm> I doubt I'll be especially useful in this phase
17:33 < notlistening> Luke how much intrest is there going to be at
UDS on AT, it is work comming along?
17:33 < TheMuso> notlistening: I can't say, as I really don't know.
Generally people are enthusiastic about it.
17:34 < Pendulum> Blueprints are on Launchpad and are similar to
roadmaps, but can be a bit easier to follow (and can be subscribed to
as well, for example)
17:34 < notlistening> mgdm can you C++ code?
17:34 < TheMuso> However there have been issues when people have
raised accessibility concerns over designs for things like the new
notification system for example. I think eeejay can vouch for that
17:34 < notlistening> Pendulum, can we get a team on launchpad?
17:34 < Pendulum> there is an accessibility team on Launchpad
17:35 < mgdm> notlistening: learning C++, I'm more confident in C and
Python though
17:35 < Pendulum> https://launchpad.net/~accessibility
17:35 < notlistening> The accessibility team will annoy every developer
17:35 < Pendulum> TheMuso: are the issues ones that by getting some
community together through this team, might become less issues if we
can get more voice?
17:36 < TheMuso> Pendulum: Very likely yes.
17:36 -!- yevlempy [~yevlempy@] has joined #ubuntu-accessibility
17:36 < notlistening> ohh hehe i have somthing that needs a C person
... ;) TTS stuff...
17:36 < czajkowski> notlistening: hopefully not annoy as that's not
going to be helpful
17:36 < TheMuso> notlistening: sure
17:37 < Pendulum> Okay, so we've got some ideas for what we want to
do, the next thing is to talk about structure
17:37 -!- modulus [~david@unaffiliated/modulus] has quit [Quit:
modulus has no reason]
17:37 < notlistening> Pendulum, yes and i think feeding back to
developers in very important from our team eg lucid just made the
comms menu accessible with super+m which kill of turning invert on for
compiz. The dev won't know this...Yet!
17:38 < Pendulum> it seems that everyone is in agreement about setting
up focus groups within the team
17:38 < notlistening> czajkowski, accessibility is a swear word around
devs, fact of life :D
17:38 < Pendulum> Can I suggest that rather than basing them directly
on disability, we base them on the type of software?
17:38 < youpi> you mean the type of a11y software I guess?
17:38 < Pendulum> yes
17:38 < youpi> (not other software)
17:39 < Glen1> ally?
17:39 < youpi> a11y is accessibility
17:39 < Glen1> Thanks
17:39 < youpi> because ccessibilit is 11 letters
17:39 < Glen1> Cool, np
17:39 < TheMuso> Just like i18n
17:39 < TheMuso> or l10n
17:40 < Pendulum> neither of which I know
17:40 < youpi> internationalization, localization
17:40 < Pendulum> (I knew a11y, but only learned it about a week ago)
17:40 < Pendulum> anyway, back on topic
17:40 < youpi> there's also m17n (multilinguilization)
17:40 < youpi> (or about something like this :) )
17:41 < Pendulum> the reason I'm thinking of doing it in terms of a11y
software is, for example, rik and TheMuso both seem to have a vested
interest in Orca even though they're interested for different
17:41 < rik> makes sense as far as that goes.
17:42 < Pendulum> and one thing I'm interested in is voice recognition
software and I can think of disabilities across a very broad spectrum
where that could be useful (not just mobility disabilities)
17:42 -!- farhan [~furk@173-27-112-217.client.mchsi.com] has joined
17:42 < rik> SPeech to text is a point of mine as well
17:42 < farhan> hello, i've probably missed most of the ubuntu meeting.
17:43 < TheMuso> rik: Right, and something that will be interesting to
sort out, given the various solutions available.
17:43 < MichelleQ1> Pendulum: at the very least a cross-referenced
system might be helpful.  A page with disability and what the team
needs to provide, as well as a page with software type, and how it
might be made more accessible.
17:44 < Pendulum> hi farhan yep, but there will be logs. we're
currently talking about splitting the team into focus groups and
whether we should do it in terms of disability vs. type of a11y
17:44 < notlistening> but if i were a new user to ubuntu would i know
what orca was...? The beauty of Wiki's is the ability to link in from
many places
17:44 < notlistening> Seconds MichelleQ1
17:44 < Pendulum> I was thinking of a group that's "screen readers"
and a group that's "text to speach" and a group that's "mouse
controlled computer" and one that's "voice recognition" for example
rather than specific apps
17:44 < farhan> probably disability is best, then there could be pages
that link to the software.
17:44 < rik> I'm thinking type of software. So could for example seek
out text to speech, speech to text, and mindmapping solutions.
17:45 < youpi> it's often better this way, yes. So many kind of
disabilities exist that you never know which solution is best
17:45 < youpi> (or combination of various solutions)
17:45 < paul3> I like the "screen reader", "speech recognition" ... approach
17:46 < notlistening> We can spection that same pages into each of
these categories and link to the same information so someone what ever
they are looking for should make it there
17:46 < farhan> this will be on a wiki? yes?
17:46 < rik> and labeling the disabilities is contrary to some of our
traditions (in edu for example)
17:46 < Pendulum> by the way, we don't need to make a decision on this
today (I'm just looking at the time and we've only got 15 minutes left
and in 5 minutes I want to stop so we can talk about when we'll meet
17:47 < MichelleQ1> Let's get the wiki updated with an objective, and
start tentative work on a roadmap.
17:47 < youpi> btw, Debian already has a classification  of a11y
software in the debian pure blend page
17:47 < youpi> http://blends.alioth.debian.org/accessibility
17:47 < Glen1> Im happy with your group boundrys and I would favour
"mouse Controlled Computer"
17:47 < notlistening> Can people make a note on the wiki as to what
their promise to do is....
17:48 < youpi> http://blends.alioth.debian.org/accessibility/tasks/index
17:48 < Pendulum> Do we want to take the discussion of how to split
into focus groups for working/interest onto the list?
17:48 < notlistening> cut and copy as much as you can :D
17:48 < notlistening> but reference
17:48 < paul3> there is a new general a11y dialogue planned for gnome
3. hopefully this will make it easy for people to activate the
software they need. we need to ensure that ubuntu implements this
17:49 < Pendulum> so looking at the wiki, I suspect one thing we're
going to need to do this cycle is overhaul it and get it up to date
and see if we want to fix the structure
17:49 < Pendulum> however, I think that's something for next meeting's agenda
17:49 < mgdm> paul3: and if Ubuntu does anything cool, get it upstream
17:49 < charlie-tca> I keep hearing gnome. What happens to lxde, xfce, kde?
17:49 -!- BryenY [~BryenY@c-24-12-18-1.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined
17:49 < TheMuso> I'd like to see us lead the accessibility distro race
again. :) We did, and now we don't. :)
17:50 < Pendulum> TheMuso: +1
17:50 < farhan> yah i did notice that
17:50 < farhan> makes me kinda sad
17:50 < Pendulum> Okay, we've got 10 minutes left, can we talk about
future meetings?
17:50 < TheMuso> charlie-tca: We need people who know more aobut those
desktops to participate.
17:50 < notlistening> but there are 21 of use to make it better
17:50 < Pendulum> in the group used to meet every 2 weeks
17:50 < paul3> whose ahead of us now? (I have no intention of defecting... lol)
17:51 < Pendulum> *in the past
17:51 < Pendulum> do we want to meet every 2 weeks do we want to meet
once a month?
17:51 < farhan> I'd say every two weeks.
17:52 < rik> 2 weeks is right for me
17:52 < Glen1> Im happy with either, maybe we should start every 2
weeks then if we dont need to so much we can cut to monthly?
17:52 < paul3> yeah, more often the better, surely
17:52 < TheMuso> Yeah sounds good.
17:52 -!- FlaPer87 [~FlaPer87@unaffiliated/flaper87] has quit [Quit:
17:52 < MichelleQ1> I will be as active as I can.
17:53 < youpi> btw, please ping people on the chan when the meeting starts
17:53 < notlistening> does it have to be as late?
17:53 < TheMuso> notlistening: The start time for me was 7:00AM.
17:53 < farhan> I can understand the problem. ehh. late in euro
17:53 < TheMuso> For this meeting
17:53 < youpi> I may not remember when the meeting is, but I'm usually
here, and if I'm in front of the computer, can switch to the right
window :)
17:53 < charlie-tca> late is only where you are located. For me this
is afternoon
17:53 < notlistening> 10pm
17:53 < rik> i will always be a half our late if it's fixed for this
time. I'm in transit when it starts.
17:53 < youpi> it's midnight here :)
17:54 < Pendulum> Does anyone have an objection to my sending an
e-mail to the list to discuss times again? I know I won't be able to
make this time 2 weeks from now, for example
17:54 < farhan> no big
17:54 < notlistening> i'll be quiet then
17:54 < Glen1> Yep
17:54 < TheMuso> Pendulum: sure sounds reasonable.
17:54 < charlie-tca> Pendulum: +1
17:54 < Glen1> Sorry, no objections
17:54 < MichelleQ1> good
17:55 < notlistening> TheMuso, where are you based?
17:55 < TheMuso> notlistening: Sydney, Australia.
17:55 < Pendulum> One thing that may work best long term is if we keep
at every 2 weeks, alternating times between an early and late one
17:55 < notlistening> Lucky u!!
17:55 < farhan> hey that sounds nice. yeah.
17:55 < Pendulum> (which is what several other projects I'm part of do)
17:55 < Pendulum> but I'll send an e-mail to the list about the next one
17:55 < youpi> I've seen that too
17:55 < TheMuso> yeah sounds good.
17:55 < Pendulum> Finally, are there any other bloggers in the group?
17:55 < rik> where do i go for the list?
17:56 < paul3> yeah, the gnome a11y meetings are gonna start alternating times
17:56 < Pendulum> rik:
17:56 < TheMuso> Means I miss a morning exercise session only once
every 4 weeks.
17:56 < MichelleQ1> Pendulum: I blog regularly
17:56 < rik> ty
17:56 < TheMuso> I can revive my blog.
17:56 < farhan> I did  glance at your blog when it was up.
17:57 < notlistening> Pendulum, what are you on twitter?
17:57 < charlie-tca> I am very bad at blogging
17:57 < Pendulum> Because I'd really think it'd be great if as many of
us as possible can blog in the next week or two to let people know
that we're getting going again as a team.
17:57 < TheMuso> Farhan: Its still up, I just haven't posted to it.
17:57 < farhan> I am farhank on twitter if you want to follow me.
17:57 < MichelleQ1> Pendulum: will do
17:57 < mgdm> Pendulum: I intended to blog about this
17:58 < notlistening> <--- opensapi
17:58 < Pendulum> The amount of support I've heard from people since I
started talking about this, has been much bigger than I expected and
getting the word out tha tthe team is going, gets the word out that
this is important
17:58 < mgdm> I am also "mgdm" on twitter, mgdm.net for blog-type purposes
17:58 < Pendulum> and the more voices saying accessibility is
important, the more we'll get listened to for things like the
app-indicators when it comes up
17:58 < farhan> not to change the subject. TheMuso, you know your git
repo is down for speech-dispatcher?
17:59 < youpi> btw, before we finish
17:59 < youpi> I'd like to mention LSM 2010 in Bordeaux, early june
17:59 < youpi> 2010.rmll.info
17:59 < TheMuso> Farhan: No its not, I had to disable the git protocol.
17:59 < youpi> the program is not finished, but it is on its way
17:59 < farhan> how do I access it?
17:59 < Pendulum> youpi: LSM?
17:59 < TheMuso> so use http://git.themuso.com/git/speechd.git
18:00 < farhan> ah thanks
18:00 < youpi> Libre Software Meeting, see http://2010.rmll.info/
18:00 < Pendulum> Okay, thank you all for coming. I think this was a
great first meeting and I think we're getting started on some good

Accessibility/Team/MeetingLogs/20100413 (last edited 2010-04-14 11:05:23 by cpe-68-173-88-211)