
Differences between revisions 1 and 10 (spanning 9 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2010-10-23 12:21:19
Size: 2020
Editor: 175
Revision 10 as of 2011-02-12 04:58:06
Size: 1221
Editor: 26
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:30%; background:#F1F1ED; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 98% 0.5ex; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding: 0.5em;">'''Contents'''<<BR>><<TableOfContents>>|| <<Include(AfghanistanTeam/Header)>>
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= Project Name = ||<tablestyle="font-size: 0.90em; border: none; width: 100%; background-color: #f1f1ed; font-weight: bold;"> [[|Home]] || [[|Contact Us]]|| [[irc://|IRC]] || [[|Mailing List]] || [[|Team Reports]] || [[/|Projects]] || [[|Facebook]] || [[|Launchpad]] ||
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= Project Overview =
 '''Status:''' New
== Projects List ==
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 '''Type:''' Proposed === Localization (Working on Dari Persian and Pushtu languages) ===
[[| Dari-Persian]]
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 '''Last updated on:''' Enter Today's Date === Training (open seminars, courses and study groups for students) ===
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 '''Location:''' Physical Location or URL === Customized Live CD ===
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 '''Links:''' === Technical supports ===
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  [[|Project discussion and feedback]] === Uploading Ubuntu images to university's Intranet ===
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== Purpose/Problem Statement ==
What are we trying to accomplish?
=== Creating DVD package repository ===
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== Mission ==
How is this inline with our team goals?
=== Distribution of Ubuntu DVD's for students ===
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== Objectives ==
 * Outline major milestones or general completion criteria
=== Activity wallboard, CSF ===
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== Communication Plan ==
Team will utilize our mailing list ''('' and associated [[|forum site]] for communication. PNW team meeting can be called if needed.
=== Ubuntu Day anniversary in Herat city ===
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 '''Project Lead:''' ''..''

 '''Project Team:''' ''..''

 '''Meeting Details:''' ''Next meeting on...''

== Quality Management Plan ==
Then general consensus of the PNWTeam will have to approve of the changes before this project is closed.

= Project Outline and Scope =
''the following is some example information please replace with relevant data''
 * Improve Appearance
  * Change Logo
  * Add links to key PNW wiki pages and mailing list
  * Create theme

 * Improve Usability
  * Add Avatar feature
  * Implement RSS feature
  * Analise currently installed features and modifications
  * Analise available features and modifications

 * Project closing
  * Verify team approval
  * Postmortem documentation
  * Send closing email
= Tasks =
||||||||||Status||Description||Owner||Delivery Date||Notes||
||||||||||''Enter Status''||''Enter Description''||''Assume Ownership''||''Estimate a Delivery Date''||''Publish Some Task Notes''||

= Notes =
''None at ths time''

= Issues =
''None at this time''

= Postmortem =
=== Computer Photo Gallery (History of Computer Science and Open Source OS's) ===

Projects List

Localization (Working on Dari Persian and Pushtu languages)


Training (open seminars, courses and study groups for students)

Customized Live CD

Technical supports

Uploading Ubuntu images to university's Intranet

Creating DVD package repository

Distribution of Ubuntu DVD's for students

Activity wallboard, CSF

Ubuntu Day anniversary in Herat city

AfghanistanTeam/Projects (last edited 2012-04-29 18:18:30 by sadeq)