New Mentorship Program
- Aiming to fix problems of old mentorship methods and keeping the program as a source of newcomer contributers specially that some mentors can even override the old one's problems which was:
- Mentees expect a continuous hands-on approach from the mentors.
- Mentors expect to be contacted via IRC or the ML.
- 1/1 approach is exhausting to mentors.
The new program fixes those as the following:
- Problem(1): Mentees expect a continuous hands-on approach from the mentors.
Solution: Through a modular hybrid system of course-like and Q&A approaches.
- Problem(2): Mentors expect to be contacted via IRC or the ML.
Solution: Mentorship is to happen on locos' MLs, thus spreading the knowledge and saving mentors' power and they can plan to have a Q&A session on IRC.
- Problem(3): 1/1 approach is exhausting to mentors.
Solution: Mentorship is to happen on MLs(such as LoCos' or special MLs for the project).
- Teams:
- Council: to solve conflicts when occur and watch and enhance the process.
- Operators: to receive requests from mentors and mentees and match them.
- Mentors: group of persons who expressed their willingness to mentor others.
- A project on lp: to receive and handle requests through.
Pre-made educational materials, tutorials and guides: to introduce to mentees by mentors before going to Q&A to ease mentors mission and offer a course-like approach.
- Wiki-site: to document the process, past courses, keep mentors names and specializations, etc...
- A set of dynamically-designated Mailinglists(classroom01, classroom02, classroom03, ...) to serve as mediums.
- Each course has 1-2 month(s) length as maximum.
- Mentorship happens on group and public mediums.
- Each course will be run by 1-5 mentors.
- Each course has it's own prerequisites, duration and special conditions.
- An Individual Mentor.
- A Team of individuals.
A LoCo Team.
- A Group of individuals.
A LoCo Team.
- In English or any Other Language mentors can choose with mentees.
Can happen on: 1)locos' MLs, 2) Project's MLs(There will be one ML for each course) or 3)On any other group communication platform mentors and mentees can agree upon, like Open Study (Which can make mentors' mission way easier!).
- Requesting Mentorship:
- Open ticket on team's project on lp or send mail to Operators' ML.
- A operator will respond and do the match between requested course(s) and available mentors.
- Operator to check for prerequisites(and any special condition, if any), if ok, sponsor then enqueue it up.
- When mentors become free and acknowledge their will to mentor new mentees, an operator will queue their name up for a next round.
- Here're some examples of course-like mentorship programs:
- Testing:
- Intro.
- Tools.
- Practice.
- Triaging bugs:
- Mastering Malone.
- Working Knowledge of Triaging Auxiliary Tools.
Manners & Best Practices.
- ...
- Fixing Bugs:
- Intro to Bazaar.
- Intro to Procedures.
- ...
- Community Work:
- How to help your loco grow.
How to organize events, Q&A.
How to be a good leader, Manners & Best Practices.
Any other offered(or requested) courses...
AhmedShams/Sandbox/NewMentorshipProgram (last edited 2012-02-16 11:07:14 by 197)