
Revision 35 as of 2009-07-07 15:27:18

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Launchpad ID:



popey on


<popey AT ubuntu DOT com>


About Me

I'm a 37 year old father of two living in Farnborough, Hampshire in the UK. I've been using Linux on the desktop for about 8 years or so and run a mix of Ubuntu (desktops/laptops) and Debian Sarge (servers/firewalls) at home. I work around the UK and actively help out with my local Linux User Groups as well as help finance the hosting of the mail/web server and Software Freedom Day events in the UK.

I installed Ubuntu when Warty came out and now have a mixture of real and virtual machines running various releases.

Things I do for Ubuntu


  • I am a member of the LoCoCouncil.

  • I am a member of the EMEA Membership Board.



  • I help out with Support tickets and bugs.

  • Gained a lot of Karma through answering many support questions in a courteous and thorough manner.

  • When time permits I answer support questions in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-uk

UKTeam Stuff

  • I was the UKTeam Point of Contact for 2007/2008.
  • I recently sponsored a stand in Bracknell for Software Freedom Day 2007 and 2008, and liased with Canonical Marketing to obtain stuff for the event.
  • I organised free hosting for the Ubuntu-UK LoCo team website through Bitfolk Ltd.

  • hosts a bunch of screencasts I made for the UK LoCo team (and subsequently the Screencasts Team) to educate new users about Ubuntu.

  • I represented UK LoCo team at the recent Linux World Expo in London in 2007, helping new users, answering questions and generally promoting Ubuntu and the UK LoCo team.

External Stuff

  • Help administer and assist with paying the hardware and hosting fees.

  • Committee member of my local LUG, I provide facilities for videoing talks and help to make them available online. I am also quite an active member of my local LUG mailing list.

  • Member of most LUG mailing lists in the UK, I help out where I can with members of any LUG

  • Participated in Software Freedom Day in London in 2006 by handing out leaflets and Ubuntu CDs to members of the public.

  • Wrote up how I help with Ubuntu.

  • Detailed how I found switching to Ubuntu.

  • Wrote up how I think others can help with Ubuntu.

  • Gave talks to my local LUG which are available to download or watch online

Future Work

  • I'd like to expand on the training side of Ubuntu by developing more screencasts
  • I have a few ideas for applications that I would like developed and would like to write specifications for those and/or develop the apps myself - time permitting.