
Alejandro Riveira Fernández

1. A summary of my contributions to Ubuntu

  • Helper in #ubuntu
  • Operator in #ubuntu-es, #ubuntu-es-ops, #ubuntu-es-offtopic
  • Some bugs reported Smile :)

  • Also subscribed (via gmane) to the Spanish mailing list for helping out.

3 .A complete description of your contributions to Ubuntu

My contributions to the ubuntu community are mainly in the irc channels I linger on. I'm imho a good helper in the main ubuntu channel (#ubuntu) since (if my memory does not fail me[1]) the begining.

Also I'm operator in the Spanish official ubuntu channel (#ubuntu-es) since 2007-01-12 trying to maintain it afloat.

I do not know if ubotu/ubottu factoids count as contributions but some are mine Wink ;)

4. My plans and ideas for Ubuntu in the near and far future



  • When I first heard that erusul past away, I immediately felt a sense of loss. I knew right away the Ubuntu Community lost a great friend and I will miss seeing his nick helping in #ubuntu. I would have +1 his application for membership. -- idleone

[1] My first ubuntu install was a warty beta

AlejandroRiveira (last edited 2012-01-30 19:12:01 by bas1-montreal30-2925415571)