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Revision 14 as of 2010-09-28 17:31:06
Size: 7324
Editor: pD9EB795C
Comment: pitti's bits
Revision 15 as of 2010-09-28 17:31:56
Size: 7509
Editor: pD9EB795C
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# Please fill us in on your shared experience. (How many packages did you sponsor? How would you judge the quality? How would you describe the improvements? Do you trust the applicant?)

I, Alessio Treglia, apply for core-dev.


Alessio Treglia

Launchpad Page

Wiki Page


Who I am

I am Alessio, I live in Aprilia, a small city near Rome and I study Computer Engineering at the University of RomaTre.

My Ubuntu story

My experience with Ubuntu began with Dapper Drake and, since the first time, I was fascinated by the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. Few weeks later, I started to contribute to Italian Community growth in different ways, at first giving support in technical boards of the italian forums and in IRC channels, then reporting bugs and writing and reviewing howtos for the Italian wiki. My work was appreciated by wiki administrators so I was appointed as wiki editor on May 2007. In the same period I started to contribute to Italian translations (software and documentation) and one month later I became an Ubuntu Italian LoCo team official member.

I started to contribute to Ubuntu development during the Intrepid cycle, without any precise goal but I tried to get experience in most of the development processes, through merges, syncs, fixes and SRUs, without focusing on a specific area of development.

Now I am an Ubuntu Developer and a Debian Developer.

My involvement

I am involved in Ubuntu as Ubuntu MOTU Developer and I also contribute to the Debian Multimedia Maintainers team as admin and co-maintainer for a number of audio&video production packages, in particular I focus my attention on sound synthesis and processing tools like synthesizers (bristol, alsa modular, ams, ...), filters, samplers, editors (snd, lives, etc) and more. Obviously, I try to properly maintain those packages for both Debian and Ubuntu by uploading new upstreams' stable releases, triaging and fixing bugs.

Examples of my work / Things I'm proud of

  • Giving my help to extend LV2 support (UbuntuStudio/TaskLV2Inclusion) for Maverick.

  • More than 1000 uploads since Intrepid.
  • I touched the following main packages:

    • moin
    • diffstat
    • git
    • simple-scan
    • ncurses
    • rrdtool
    • create-resources
    • flac
    • wvdial
    • libmtp (which I maintain for Debian, too)
    • libgpod
    • pessulus
    • openbabel
    • fontforge
    • upx-ucl
    • jinja2
    • cracklib2
    • joystick
    • imlib2
    • sphinx
    • libexif
    • libieee1284
    • gpm

Areas of work

I maintain a number of packages in both Debian and Ubuntu (here is my DD portfolio). I am a MOTU developer and member of the Sponsors and Ubuntu Review teams.

As Ubuntu Developer I maintain the following packages which are available only in Ubuntu, too:

  1. aften
  2. avidemux
  3. bombono-dvd
  4. divxenc
  5. dvd95
  6. dvdrip
  7. dvdrip-queue
  8. dvdwizard
  9. event-execflow
  10. h264enc
  11. installation-report-generator
  12. mandvd
  13. mp3fs
  14. tablet-encode
  15. uck
  16. videoporama
  17. xcfa
  18. xvidenc

On the Debian side, I am an admin of the Debian Multimedia Maintainers team and member of Python {Applications Packaging,Modules} and GStreamer Packages teams.

I try everyday to properly maintain those packages for both Debian and Ubuntu by uploading new upstreams' stable releases, triaging and fixing bugs. Of course I work to minimize the delta between Debian and Ubuntu wherever and whenever possible.

Things I could do better

Nothing in particular in my mind now, but I am always open to get advices, suggestions and criticism.

Plans for the future


  1. Do my best on the sponsors-queue to keep it clean by reviewing and sponsoring patches.
  2. Work hard to see Ubuntu becoming the most used GNU/Linux distribution for audio&video production purposes.

  3. Take a more closer look from an Ubuntu-specific view at the packages that I already maintain for Debian, paying a particular care for all those related to audio&video tasks/layers.

  4. Do my best to make Ubuntu more stable, reliable and secure everyday, by touching core items when needed.

What I like least in Ubuntu

Please describe what you like least in Ubuntu and what thoughts do you have about fixing it.


If you'd like to comment, but are not the applicant or a sponsor, do it here. Don't forget to sign with @SIG@.


As a sponsor, just copy the template below, fill it out and add it to this section.

Benjamin Drung

General feedback

I sponsored at least seven sync and merge requests from Alessio. I had nothing to complain about. He has enough experience to become core-dev. I am looking forward to see him sponsoring main packages.

Specific Experiences of working together

Areas of Improvement


Martin Pitt

General feedback

It's been a while since I sponsored things for Alessio, and I do not have that much personal experience with him. The sponsorings that I did for him were mostly okay, though, and he's doing a fine job with getting changes into Debian.

Specific Experiences of working together

Simple syncs/rebuilds, which all were okay:

Bug fixes with package changes:


=== General feedback ===
# Please fill us in on your shared experience. (How many packages did you sponsor? How would you judge the quality? How would you describe the improvements? Do you trust the applicant?)
=== Specific Experiences of working together ===
''Please add good examples of your work together, but also cases that could have handled better.''
=== Areas of Improvement ===

AlessioTreglia/CoreDeveloperApplication (last edited 2010-11-18 15:40:59 by ip-137-246)