
Revision 8 as of 2009-04-04 17:20:18

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I am 21 (1987.11.28) years old and a student at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA USA. I am a double major Mathematics and Computer Science. I enjoy collecting vinyl, and am an avid cyclist and member of Philly's bike community. You can almost always find me at Philly Critical Mass ( Your city probably has one too, look it up. If not, start one! I like to surf, bike, skateboard, play music, and compute. I play guitar, trombone, and cello. I play guitar in a band, [ f(x)] (E-mail me to book us! We'll play anywhere!). I am a member of the Philadelphia Linux Users Group.



I started using Ubuntu in October of '06 shortly after edgy was released. I started going to the Philly Linux User Group ( and began to get more involved. I frequented the forums giving support to people who needed it. I joined the Ubuntu Pennsylvania LoCo Team and became active in that. Free software is something I'm very passionate about and I love spreading Ubuntu and free software to people all over the world.

Contributions to the Ubuntu Community

General Ubuntu Ecosystem

  • Bug reporter
  • Forum support
  • Early release adopter
  • Will be attending UDS Barcelona (thank you Canonical :D)

Ubuntu Pennsylvania LoCo Team

  • Website admin
  • Manage Calendar
  • Launchpad admin
  • Mailing list admin
  • Helped organize first PA team install fest
  • Helped with many other projects in the US-PA domain


  • GNOME Do core developer
  • GNOME Do plugin coordinator
  • Tasque Contributer
  • Banshee Contributer


I plan to continue to be involved in Ubuntu and F/OSS. I have recently applied for membership to the GNOME foundation, and have attended GDS. I feel that Ubuntu is the distro best poised to revolutionise the desktop experience. As an upstream developer, I have made fixes to GNOME Do to make it work better with Ubuntu technology, such as the new notification system in Jaunty. I will be attending UDS later this spring in hopes of talking to other developers and Ubuntuers to open their applications up over d-bus so that we can provide an innovative, and highly integrated desktop experience. In the Ubuntu community I will continue to advocate F/OSS and specifically Ubuntu. I have given out many Ubuntu CDs to classmates, and supported them through their transition. I plan to continue this and help keep fresh minds coming into F/OSS and Ubuntu.