Alexander Poslavsky
Contact information:
Write to me with your questions.
plovs/plovs_work @ #ubuntu & #ubuntu-doc
Born 1971, my first computer was a c64 although I played with my friends zx81 before that. I am an administrator, in a mixed windows/linux network. I prefer the linux part. We use Debian or windows 2000 on our servers. Fedora 1 on workstations, but when ubuntu goes stable, that will change. I have been using linux on my main computer starting with redhat 5.1 ( i had caldera before that but nobody writes that on his resume, anymore).
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From AlexanderPoslavsky Thu Oct 28 14:50:43 +0100 2004 From: Alexander Poslavsky Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 14:50:43 +0100 Subject: The long-term documentation plan Message-ID: <20041028145043+0100@>
AlexanderPoslavsky (last edited 2008-08-06 16:37:39 by localhost)