
I am currently 31 years old, have a degree in Engineering Physics from the Munich University of Applied Sciences and a degree in Physics from the University of Cologne. At the moment I work on my Ph.D. theses in the field of experimental medium energy physics at the ANKE experiment of the Nuclear Physics Institute (IKP) of the Research Centre Jülich. I have been using linux in various flavors since 1998 both at work and at home.

Contact Info

Software Projects

  • KZenExplorer - a KDE application to manage tracks and playlists on Creative Labs Nomad Jukeboxes

My Packages (breezy)

  • KTemperature - a small KDE tray application to monitor the temperature on laptops

  • KZenExplorer - a KDE application to manage tracks and playlists on Creative Labs Nomad Jukeboxes


AndreasMussgiller (last edited 2008-08-06 16:15:34 by localhost)