
Differences between revisions 41 and 42
Revision 41 as of 2010-12-01 00:22:17
Size: 3987
Editor: cpe-74-78-5-170
Revision 42 as of 2010-12-01 00:31:11
Size: 3977
Editor: cpe-74-78-5-170
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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|| {{}} Name || Andrew Constantine || || {{attachment:lphead.png}} Name || Andrew Constantine ||

lphead.png Name

Andrew Constantine

LoCo Teams.png LoCo

LoCo Teams.png Maine LoCo

timezone.png Timezone

Maine UTC-5/UTC-6

gmail.png Email

lpicon.png Launchpad Profile

Andrew Constantine

irc.png IRC

AndrewMC on

irc.png IRC

AndrewMC on

ubuntuforums.png Ubuntu Forums Profile


blogger.png BlogSpot Blog

Andrew Constantine's blog

UbuntuUser.png Registered Ubuntu User


ubuntu_emblem.png Current Ubuntu/Linux Version

Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

About Me

Hi my name is Andrew Constantine I live in Windham, Maine I have been using Linux Mint (based on Ubuntu) for about three years, but around June 2010 I decided to become a full "Ubuntuer". I have a high interest in IRC and as such I've now memorized just about every channel/nick mode and command there is. In my non-computer time i like to ATV, Ski, Boat and Snowmobile.

My Involvement with the Ubuntu Community


As you can see I am very into my IRC. Whenever I have my computer out of suspend I will open X-Chat. I have learned the many different ways one can ban, set modes, and manipulate ChanServ to do what you want her to do. I feel that IRC is defiantly my strong point and wish to help the Ubuntu community more with my skills.

Writing and Doc/Wiki Work

  • I am currently working with skfin on a IRC doc for beginners wanting to join into #ubuntu-youth

Forums Work

Ubuntu Forums

On the Ubuntu Forums I can usually be found in the Unanswered post section of the "Absolute Beginner Talk" page. I am known there as SpockVulcan

Ubuntu Youth Forums

I'm also on the Ubuntu Youth Forums which I currently help moderate. Our goal with these forums is to have a comprehensive help forum for helping youths with the basics of IRC, Forums, Launchpad, Ubuntu Wiki, and the other basics. I am know there as AndrewMC

Special thanks to phillw and his Web Hosting as he's the one hosting it for us. He's a great guy who's willing to help...thanks Phill!

Teams & Memberships

  • Ubuntu-Youth
  • Ubuntu-Maineiacs

Current Project & Goals

  • Continue to learn about Ubuntu and other distro's
  • Help out in any way I can in the support channels on IRC
  • Find somewhere in the community that I can really help out

Future Plans & Projects

  • Learn to code with some kind of language


Please Note: If you would like to describe any of my contributions to the Ubuntu Community, please feel free to do so. Thank You.

General Testimonials

Testimonials for Ubuntu Membership


AndrewMC (last edited 2011-05-04 15:02:36 by D9784B24)