
Revision 30 as of 2010-11-02 15:39:07

Clear message Name

Andrew Constantine

LoCo Teams.png LoCo

LoCo Teams.png Maine LoCo

LoCo Teams.png Timezone

Maine UTC-5/UTC-6

language.png Email

lpicon.png Launchpad Profile

Andrew Constantine

language.png IRC

AndrewMC on

language.png IRC

AndrewMC on

ubuntuforums.png Ubuntu Forums Profile


language.png BlogSpot Blog

Andrew Constantine's blog

ubuntu_emblem.png Current Ubuntu/Linux Version

Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

About Me

Hi my name is Andrew Constantine I live in Windham, Maine I have been using Linux Mint (based on Ubuntu) for about three years, but around June 2010 I decided to become a full "Ubuntuer". I have a high interest in IRC and as such I've now memorized just about every channel/nick mode and command there is. In my non-computer time i like to ATV, Ski, Boat and Snowmobile.

My Involvement with the Ubuntu Community

























As you can see I am very into my IRC. Whenever I have my computer out of suspend I will open X-Chat. I have learned the many different ways one can ban, set modes, and manipulate ChanServ to do what you want her to do. I feel that IRC is defiantly my strong point and wish to help the Ubuntu community more with my skills.

Writing and Doc/Wiki Work

  • I am currently working with skfin on a IRC doc for beginners wanting to join into #ubuntu-youth

Forums Work

Ubuntu Forums

On the Ubuntu Forums I can usually be found in the Unanswered post section of the "Absolute Beginner Talk" page. I am known there as SpockVulcan

Ubuntu Youth Forums

I'm also on the Ubuntu Youth Forums which I currently help moderate. Our goal with these forums is to have a comprehensive help forum for helping youths with the basics of IRC, Forums, Launchpad, Ubuntu Wiki, and the other basics. I am know there as AndrewMC

Special thanks to phillw and his Web Hosting as he's the one hosting it for us. He's a great guy who's willing to help...thanks Phill!

Teams & Memberships

  • Ubuntu-Youth
  • Ubuntu-Maineiacs

Current Project & Goals

  • Continue to learn about Ubuntu and other distro's
  • Help out in any way I can in the support channels on IRC
  • Find somewhere in the community that I can really help out

Future Plans & Projects

  • Learn to code with some kind of language


Please Note: If you would like to describe any of my contributions to the Ubuntu Community, please feel free to do so. Thank You.

General Testimonials

Testimonials for Ubuntu Membership
