
Revision 6 as of 2009-01-15 13:23:13

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I am Andy Whitcroft a member of the Canonical Kernel Team. I help to maintain the Ubuntu kernels and related packages for all actively supported Ubuntu releases. I am involved in handling bug reported by the community as well as working on longer term projects.

Ubuntu Contributions

Jaunty Development

  • Mainline kernel packaging - I am involved in a Jaunty project to automatically package mainline kernels to simplify Ubuntu regression detection,

  • suspend/resume stress testing - one of the Kernel Teams Jaunty goals is to improve suspend/resume fucntionality, I am involved developing the stress testing and the automated reporting harness, and

  • Kernel tree management review - I performed a review of our tree management proceedures to help document the current processes and see how they could be improved. (link to UDS blueprint)


One of my primary roles is to triage and fix bugs in the Ubuntu linux kernel and associated packages.


I have produced a number of uploads and had them sponsored including changes to:

  • module-init-tools
  • dkms
  • pm-utils
  • linux-lpia

See also:

General Open Source Contributions

Upstream Maintainer

I have authored and continue to maintain the following open source projects:

  • checkpatch - I am the maintainer for the kernel source code automated style checker used to maintain code quality in a large part of the Linux kernel,

  • conmux - I am maintainer for the console multiplexor project, and

  • autotest - I am co-maintainer for the autotest project concentrating on the autotest client side harness.

Upstream Projects

I have previously contributed functionality to the following upstream projects:

  • Linux Kernel - memory management, large pages

  • git - svn interface fixes


  • find links to papers and the like

Community Networking


I would like to thank the following people for sponsoring my uploads:

Ubuntu Membership Endorsements

  • TBC