My name is Angel Luis Laguna Carrero. I am part of the Linux Ubuntu Spanish collaborators in translation.
I have obtained the five-year English Degree by the Official School of Languages in Spain, which is equivalent to the Cambridge Proficiency in English level. It consists on five years learning English, and it gives you some great skills to speak, write or understand English Language pretty well.
I have some previous experience translating texts from English to Spanish and viceversa, for four years.
I have also translated some freeware programs like Free Easy CD DVD Burner, or Free Eusing Registry Cleaner.
I get part of Linux Ubuntu by collaborating in translating the system into Spanish, and I will probably get part of Linux Mandriva collaborators team in the short term. Moreover, I am cooperating with Rolando Ramos in the translation of Full Circle Magazine newest versions at the moment. Full Circle is not the official magazine for Linux Ubuntu system, but it is the next best thing you can find all over the net about Ubuntu.
On the other hand, I also get part of the development of a new project for an operating system called Syllable. It has its own website, and it has a beautiful magazine you can freely dowload from the net. I get part of the Syllable magazine collaborator as a redactor
My actual affairs are:
- Linux Ubuntu translation collaborator
- Full Circle magazine translator (Linux Ubuntu e-magazine)
- Syllable OS Spanish translators team
- Syllable Development Newsletter collaborator as redactor (Official Syllable e-magazine)
- Papirux Magazine redactor and administrator (Free Software e-magazine)
The website for Full Circle e-magazine Spanish Translation is
You can contact me in:
AngelLuisLaguna (last edited 2009-01-25 01:20:31 by 189)