
Revision 26 as of 2015-10-31 21:28:58

Clear message

Phone and tablet

On the phone and tablet, the only appearance configuration should be setting the background picture for the welcome screen (bug 1297418). Therefore the screen should be called simply “Background”.

The “Background” screen should contain:

  • An “Ubuntu Art” expandable section, containing the default background and several others that are installed by default (bug 1288364).

  • One named expandable section for each extra set of backgrounds installed, if any (bug 1294203). Each of these sections should have a small delete button opposite its name. Choosing it should open an alert asking ‘Delete all {number} images in “{name of set}” from your phone?’, with “Cancel” and “Delete All” buttons, where “Delete All” uninstalls the set.

  • A “Recent Images” expandable section, containing up to ten images that you have used recently that are not in any of the other sections, and having the same kind of delete button opposite its name. In this case, choosing it should simply change the button to read “Clear”. If you tap it again, the recent images should be cleared (except for the one you are using right now, if it is in this section). If you tap anywhere else, the delete button should revert to its original state.
  • A panel, fixed to the bottom of the screen, with a “Choose Another Image…” button.

The section containing the currently selected image should always be expanded (bug 1362125), to avoid you losing track of it. (All other sections should be collapsed by default.) One consequence is that if you delete the currently-used image, so that a previously-used image becomes selected, the section containing that previously-used image should expand by itself if it wasn’t expanded already. The always-expanded state should be denoted by a greyed-out bullet • symbol taking the place of the usual ▶ collapsed or ▼ expanded symbol.


Errata: “Position and size” should be “Choose Area”. A “Best Fit” button should be present. And “Set wallpaper” should be “Set”.

Choosing “Choose Another Image…” should open an image picker. Choosing an image from the image picker should open a “Choose Area” full-screen dialog.

If the image was already present in “Recent Images”, by default the “Choose Area” dialog should show it at its previously chosen size and position. Otherwise, by default it should be centered and scaled to the smallest size that fills the screen. The “Best Fit” button should return to this scale and position, and be insensitive whenever the picture is already at that scale and position. The standard gestures should zoom and pan the picture to choose the area (bug 1368286). If you do nothing for five seconds, gesture arrows should pulse into view in the center of the screen, hinting at how to zoom the picture.

Choosing a picture from “Ubuntu Art” or any of the other sections should open a similar “Preview” full-screen dialog, but with no zooming and panning, and just “Cancel” and “Set” buttons, because that art is already optimized for the screen size.

The “Preview” and “Choose Area” dialogs should be unique in that the top bar, header, and toolbar should all be semi-transparent, so that you can see what part of the background picture will be visible when those elements are not present.

If you choose “Set”, the background should be set, and the zoomed and panned area of the image should animatedly shrink down to become the first (and selected) item in the “Recent Images” section, with the screen scrolling to reveal it if necessary (bug 1368809). It should be possible to add the same image more than once with different zoom/pan settings.


Ubuntu 14.04

The “Appearance” panel’s “Behavior” [sic] tab should include “Show the menus for a window:” radio buttons, “In the menu bar” and “In the window’s title bar”.


Ubuntu 14.10

The Launcher settings should be moved from their three previous locations (“Look”, “Behavior”, and “Displays”) into a single “Launcher & Menus” panel, including the previous menu settings. This will make the Launcher settings easier to find, and also make the contents of the “Background & Theme” panel closer to the “Background” panel on phone and tablet.
