
Revision 4 as of 2007-08-01 22:43:53

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  1. Introductions
  2. Annoucements
  3. Change of Meeting Time and Day
  4. Team Reports
    1. Membership
    2. Newsletter
    3. Web Design
    4. Education
    5. Server
    6. Computer Recycle
  5. Agenda for Next Meeting


18:01 * johnc4510 says it doesn't look like we have an agenda for tonight, but we can wing it if ok with everyone?
18:01< bluecat9> ok
18:01< bluecat9> are we going to go over what we need to do/change to get official?
18:01< bluecat9> ..as in "loco"
18:02< johnc4510> well, i am still working on it ,  this hospital thing has ground it to a halt, am only about 2/3 's done with it
18:02< johnc4510> sorry
18:02< bluecat9> gotcha
18:03< johnc4510> i am behind in everything right now,
18:03< johnc4510> hopefully i will get caught up this wk
18:03< johnc4510> :P
18:03< bluecat9> Q: do we have a deadline for becoming a loco or can we qualify at any time?
18:03< johnc4510> I do want to talk about changing the meeting time though
18:03< johnc4510> anytime
18:03< johnc4510> no deadline
18:03< bluecat9> cool
18:04< johnc4510> bluecat9: has slick been around
18:04< johnc4510> ?
18:04< bluecat9> i think, ~a day ago
18:04< bluecat9> or last night
18:04< johnc4510> k
18:04< bluecat9> would have to check my logs
18:05< johnc4510> no that's ok
18:05< johnc4510> just wondered
18:05< johnc4510> _NoX_: you here?
18:05< johnc4510> chucks: you here?
18:05< johnc4510> dx00: you here?
18:05< johnc4510> pepse: you here?
18:05< johnc4510> slofgren: you here?
18:06< johnc4510> thedeviantone: you here?
18:06< johnc4510> brb
18:06< thedeviantone> ya
18:07< johnc4510> thedeviantone: cool, nice to meet ya
18:07< johnc4510> welcomw
18:07< johnc4510> welcome
18:07< thedeviantone> nice to meet you
18:07< thedeviantone> thanks
18:07< johnc4510> np
18:08< thedeviantone> i'm having trouble getting the right SCSI drivers installed into my kernel to support an old PERC2/sc controller card for install
18:09< johnc4510> !SCSI
18:09< ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about scsi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi
18:09-!- dx00 [n=ssjgolle@ip70-190-146-74.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
18:09< johnc4510> thedeviantone: sorry, am not familiar with that
18:10< thedeviantone> yep
18:10< johnc4510> !kernel
18:10< ubotu> kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild
18:10-!- SloggerKhan [n=SloggerK@dhcp-80c4c2f5.rescomp.arizona.edu] has joined #ubuntu-arizona
18:10< bluecat9> elo SloggerKhan
18:11< SloggerKhan> hi
18:11< thedeviantone> cool
18:11< johnc4510> thedeviantone: you might try one of those web pages
18:11< thedeviantone> thanks
18:11< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: hi
18:11< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: hows it going?
18:11< SloggerKhan> Alright
18:11< johnc4510> school out
18:11< SloggerKhan> how you all?
18:11< johnc4510> better now thanks
18:12< dx00_> sorry guys
18:12< bluecat9> hehe
18:12< dx00_> irssi is acting funny
18:12< johnc4510> dx00_: no prob
18:12< dx00_> so no agenda?
18:12< dx00_> i got some server news
18:12< johnc4510> dx00_: sorry no
18:12< br24> johnc4510, I am here
18:13< johnc4510> k, we will hear it a little later k
18:13< johnc4510> br
18:13< dx00_> k
18:13< johnc4510> br24: hi
18:13 * br24 is back (gone 23:08:15)
18:13< johnc4510> greetings
18:13< dx00_> hi br24
18:13< br24> hey dx00_
18:13< br24> hope I havent missed much
18:13< johnc4510> nothing yet
18:13 * johnc4510 calls meeting to order
18:14< bluecat9> here here
18:14< johnc4510> first i want to talk about meeting time
18:14< johnc4510> from the thread here:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=451429
18:14< johnc4510> looks like most are in favor of sundays only later
18:15< johnc4510> is that what you all got from it?
18:15< dx00_> yeah
18:15< dx00_> around 8/9
18:15< bluecat9> i agree
18:15< johnc4510> like 8:00 or 8:30
18:15< bluecat9> 8:30 or later
18:15< bluecat9> preferably later
18:15< bluecat9> ..get the kids to bed..
18:15< dx00_> i would vote 9
18:16< bluecat9> 9 ftw
18:16 * johnc4510 asks if 9:00 is too late or not?   
18:16< johnc4510> doesn't matter to me
18:16< johnc4510> though
18:16 * johnc4510 asks those present to speak up please
18:17< br24> 9 is fine for me
18:17< dx00_> i think 9 is fine
18:17< johnc4510> bluecat9: cat?
18:17< bluecat9> aye
18:17< bluecat9> 9
18:17< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: how about you
18:18< johnc4510> i know slofgren is in favor of 9:00
18:18< br24> then lets do 9
18:18 * johnc4510 says that meeting time is changed to 9:00 then
18:18< bluecat9> woohoo
18:18< johnc4510> i will post it in forum
18:18< johnc4510> and send out emails
18:19< bluecat9> good deal
18:19< johnc4510> and inform rs3 to put in newsletter
18:19< dx00_> great
18:20 * dx00_ claps
18:20< johnc4510> k, i don't have any announcements, so on with the team reports
18:20< johnc4510> i guess
18:20 * johnc4510 says dx00_ is only team reporting this week unless ianmcorvidae returns
18:20< bluecat9> we've sort of been lost without ya john.. drinking.. partying.. worshiping cows
18:21< johnc4510> bluecat9: again, i apologize
18:21< johnc4510> not of my choice  believe me
18:21< bluecat9> i understand
18:21< johnc4510> dx00_: can we hear from you on server?
18:21< dx00_> yeah
18:22< johnc4510> cool
18:22< dx00_> first, the delug guy bought the power supply that was missing and replaced it
18:22< johnc4510> really
18:22< dx00_> we schedule to go and set up the server yesterday
18:22< dx00_> and we did
18:22< johnc4510> cool
18:22< dx00_> bad news, we couldn't get ubuntu server or desktop installed
18:22< bluecat9> oooo
18:23< johnc4510> :(
18:23< dx00_> we kept getting corrupted data errors
18:23< johnc4510> from hd?
18:23< bluecat9> huh
18:23< dx00_> cd
18:23< johnc4510> ah
18:23< dx00_> so my cds might be bad
18:23< bluecat9> or server cd-rom drive?
18:23< dx00_> unfortunately i tested them on my laptop and they did work
18:23< dx00_> yeah, it might be the cd-rom drive
18:24< johnc4510> so do we need to replace?
18:24< dx00_> so we might go back tomorrow (if time allows) and try new cds and im taking another cdrom drive
18:24< johnc4510> cool
18:24< bluecat9> cool
18:24< dx00_> i have a spare cd-rom drive
18:24< johnc4510> so do i
18:24< dx00_> but i don't know if it will fit or work
18:24< dx00_> but we will see
18:25< dx00_> good news is that the server is in the rack
18:25< dx00_> and is hosted by ensynch
18:25< dx00_> i took some pictures
18:25< johnc4510> cool
18:25< johnc4510> post them please
18:25< dx00_> ill try to post them on the wiki tomorrow
18:25< bluecat9> dx00_, where does the server reside? geographically
18:25< johnc4510> tks
18:25< dx00_> or ill send them to johnc4510 if i can't
18:25< johnc4510> k
18:26< dx00_> im in phoenix
18:26< dx00_> thats all i got
18:26< bluecat9> gotcha
18:26< SloggerKhan> is meeting @ 9?
18:26< johnc4510> dx00_: let me know if you want me to check on cd-rom i have for size etc
18:26< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: tonight now,  from now on 9
18:26< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: is that ok
18:26< SloggerKhan> oh, sorry
18:27< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: is 9 ok with you?
18:27< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: you there?
18:27< SloggerKhan> yes
18:28< SloggerKhan> 9 is better
18:28< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: good
18:28< johnc4510> dx00_: well first hurtle of getting it in rack is done
18:28< johnc4510> we can work on other as it goes along
18:29< johnc4510> dx00_:anymore thoughts
18:29< dx00_> im done
18:29< johnc4510> k
18:29< dx00_> quick question
18:30< johnc4510> anyone else have questions for dx
18:30< johnc4510> k
18:30< bluecat9> no the now
18:30< dx00_> how do you send a message to a single user in irssi
18:30< bluecat9>  /msg <user> ?
18:30< dx00_> without opening a new window
18:31< johnc4510> dx00_: i think it is  /msg  <nick> <msg>
18:31< bluecat9>  /notice <user> ?
18:31< dx00_> ahh, yes, notice
18:31< dx00_> thx
18:31< bluecat9> np
18:31< johnc4510> !msg help
18:31< ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about msg help - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi
18:32< dx00_> is ubotu a bot?
18:32< johnc4510> dx00_: yes
18:32< dx00_> ahh
18:32< johnc4510> dx00_: go to ubuntu server channel and type /msg help  or /notice help
18:32< johnc4510> it will tell you how
18:32< johnc4510> moving on then
18:33< bluecat9> often typing /help in your client will display client commands
18:33< ianmcorvidae> John, switch that :P
18:33< bluecat9> elo ian
18:33< ianmcorvidae> It' /help msg and /help notice :)
18:33< johnc4510> br24: any news from education team or visit to other loco's?
18:33< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: hello
18:33< johnc4510> welcomw
18:33< ianmcorvidae> Heya.
18:33< johnc4510> welcome
18:33< johnc4510> homer says hi
18:34< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: meetings in future will be at 9:00pm on sundays
18:34< ianmcorvidae> Ok.
18:34< ianmcorvidae> I was actually asleep at 6, so I guess that's a good thing :P
18:34< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: read log for dx00_ on server already covered in meeting
18:35< ianmcorvidae> Ah, ok.
18:35< johnc4510> br24: you here?
18:35< br24> yes, was just waiting
18:35< johnc4510> br24: please go ahead
18:35< br24> I posted info on Kentuckys wiki
18:35< br24> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=9026bd42f8a5a8b775eb6126fad3ad88&t=461200
18:35< br24> as for Education, I am taking the info bluecat9 posted
18:35< br24> will start developing soon
18:35< bluecat9> cool
18:36< johnc4510> thanks, will read thread on kentucky
18:36< br24> again, I urge everyone to post any ideas on what you would like to see for Education
18:36< br24> that is all
18:36< johnc4510> br24: ? bluecat9  post
18:36< johnc4510> link
18:36< bluecat9> i think you guys have all my input already, no?
18:37< br24> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=9026bd42f8a5a8b775eb6126fad3ad88&t=442792
18:37< johnc4510> br24: ty :)
18:37< br24> 10-4
18:37 * johnc4510 asks if other ?'s for br24 
18:37< dx00_> nope
18:37< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: membership team?
18:37< ianmcorvidae> Uh, sure.
18:38< johnc4510> :P
18:38< ianmcorvidae> Haven't done anything, still :/
18:38< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: when are you leaving,  the 4th
18:38< ianmcorvidae> 5th, but yeah.
18:38< johnc4510> notes not handy
18:38< johnc4510> sorry
18:38< ianmcorvidae> No problem :)
18:38 * bluecat9 wonders if everyone uses gmail?
18:39< ianmcorvidae> I do, not sure who else does.
18:39< bluecat9> a shared google calendar for our loco would be great
18:39< br24> yep
18:39< ianmcorvidae> bluecat, it would.
18:39< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: are you going to work any from germany?  or should
18:39< ianmcorvidae> I will attempt to, but I probably won't make meetings.
18:39< ianmcorvidae> As they'll be at about 3 AM my time there :P
18:39< br24> where at ianmcorvidae?
18:39< ianmcorvidae> Not sure of exact numbers.
18:39< johnc4510> we make someone here sort of speak for you at meetings
18:39< johnc4510> ?
18:39< ianmcorvidae> Just outside of Cologne, br.
18:39< SloggerKhan> Germany is AWESOME....
18:40< ianmcorvidae> Yeah, anyone who's here from membership can talk :P
18:40< br24> wouldnt mind going to Koeln
18:40< johnc4510> k
18:40< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: please have a great time
18:40< johnc4510> :P
18:40< ianmcorvidae> I'll attempt to, lol.
18:40< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: we will miss you    :P
18:40< ianmcorvidae> And hopefully we can get something done while I'm gone.
18:41< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: gah
18:41< johnc4510> :P
18:41< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: i'll put homer on it
18:41< ianmcorvidae> Anyway, I'm done.
18:41< bluecat9> ianmcorvidae, blackberry + data plan + irc ;p
18:41< johnc4510> :)
18:41< ianmcorvidae> bluecat9: money :P
18:41< bluecat9> lol
18:41< ianmcorvidae> Got a laptop, though.
18:41< ianmcorvidae> Heh.
18:41< bluecat9> coo
18:41< ianmcorvidae> Anyway. Next.
18:42< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: anything on recycling and reservations?
18:42< bluecat9> i gotta run early
18:42< bluecat9> today
18:42< SloggerKhan> I think we have to give that up.
18:42< ianmcorvidae> later, blue.
18:42< johnc4510> slofgren: both or just one?
18:42< SloggerKhan> I haven't been successful in getting a real response.
18:42< SloggerKhan> About either one.
18:43< SloggerKhan> Which is too bad.
18:43< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: well, if res.  not interested,  we should try schools or needy school kids
18:43< ianmcorvidae> Indeed.
18:43< johnc4510> yes
18:43< SloggerKhan> I think schools.
18:43< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: k
18:43< bluecat9> SloggerKhan, what have we tried thus far?
18:44< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: this is a good project, it may just take some time to get started:)
18:44< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: just keep trying please
18:44< johnc4510> ok
18:44< SloggerKhan> I haven't gotten into schools.
18:44< SloggerKhan> I will do that next.
18:44< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: sounds good to me
18:44< bluecat9> SloggerKhan, I can probably track down some contacts for you if you want?
18:45< SloggerKhan> WIth the Navajo, I think they just have a lot of inertia and not exactly anyone of them wants to really make it their project as they have other things they want to address first.
18:45< SloggerKhan> Yes, I could use school contacts.
18:45< johnc4510> bluecat9: that would be great   thanks
18:45< SloggerKhan> However, I think we need to make very certain we know specifically what we would be providing them.
18:45< bluecat9> SloggerKhan, what is our objective with the schools?
18:46< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: i think we should feel them out on
18:46< johnc4510> whether they want in schools or for needy kids
18:46< bluecat9> SloggerKhan, I want to get more involved with this area but I want to know what we have thus far also. ;p
18:46< SloggerKhan> Well, we have to decide. Basically, we can either create a program to give Ubuntu comps to needy kids. Or we can see if schools are interested in a broader deployment of Ubuntu within their school.
18:47< johnc4510> bluecat9: i think we all want to help in this,   and we are feeling our way around at first here
18:47< johnc4510> :P
18:47< bluecat9> gotcha
18:47< bluecat9> just trying to suck out as much info before i leave
18:47< bluecat9> ;p
18:47< bluecat9> sorry gents, i have to run
18:47< bluecat9> carry on ;)
18:47< br24> comps for needy kids & families may be more successful
18:47< ianmcorvidae> See ya, blue.
18:47< SloggerKhan> See ya blue.
18:47-!- bluecat9 [n=bluecat9@ip70-171-253-76.tc.ph.cox.net] has quit ["Leaving"]
18:48< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: we might want to make it edubuntu with the school kids?
18:48< SloggerKhan> I tend to agree that needy kids and families is much better goal short term. It only involves 3 things: Getting computers set up, finding families, and getting word out.
18:48 * johnc4510 asks if anything else for SloggerKhan 
18:48 * johnc4510 agrees with SloggerKhan 
18:49< SloggerKhan> I am not certain whether Edubuntu would be best. I think it might depend.
18:49< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: ok
18:49< br24> if it is for schools or kids exclusive, edubuntu might be better
18:49< br24> if families, *ubuntu then
18:49< johnc4510> will leave that up to you
18:50< johnc4510> agreed
18:50< johnc4510> anything else?
18:50 * johnc4510 says that is all of teams he thinks, and announcements
18:51< johnc4510> agenda for next meeting?
18:51< br24> johnc4510, what about the goals
18:51 * johnc4510 hopes to have approval guide done 
18:51 * johnc4510 again apologizes for not having it ready :(
18:52< br24> johnc4510, do you have any info prepared for viewing?
18:52 * johnc4510 says put it on agenda for next time ianmcorvidae  please
18:52< johnc4510> yes
18:52< johnc4510> hang on a sec
18:52< ianmcorvidae> Ok.
18:53< johnc4510> br24: here is what i have so far,  still may be edited: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Approval%20Outline
18:53< br24> sorry, ianmcorvidae gave me that link
18:53< br24> was just saying that for those who didnt have it
18:54< ianmcorvidae> Yeah, that seems to be the one to give :)
18:54< johnc4510> right
18:54 * johnc4510 says just remember it is not complete and could change
18:54< johnc4510> :)
18:54< SloggerKhan> If anyone wants to discus CompsForKids further, I'd like to screen what I'm figuring we'd be orienting towards.
18:55< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: great   how do you want to do it?
18:55-!- Irssi: #ubuntu-arizona: Total of 13 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal]
18:55< SloggerKhan> First of, I figure with computers, we'd probably be setting minumum specs.
18:55-!- bluecat9 [n=bluecat9@ip70-171-253-76.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-arizona
18:56< SloggerKhan> I'm guessing 600mhz 256mb RAM CD-ROM drive, at least 1 USB port, and 15 gb hardisk would be about it.
18:56< johnc4510> bluecat9: wb
18:56< SloggerKhan> That is open for discussion
18:57< SloggerKhan> 2nd, I figure we would want to distribute comps w/ only optical mice.
18:57< SloggerKhan> (no ball mice.)
18:57< SloggerKhan> I'd prefer better specs, but I think we should have min specs.
18:58< SloggerKhan> 2nd, we need a way to identify families.
18:58< SloggerKhan> I think the best way is to ask for flyers we give to the school to be sent home with students.
18:58< SloggerKhan> And have a website.
18:58< br24> maybe American Cross might help?
18:58< br24> or some org like them
18:59< SloggerKhan> Lastly, I think we need to come up with a base install. I figure it should include special status kids account(s), filtering/content protection, and extra educational software.
18:59< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: the schools ought to be able to point us toward to right families
18:59< SloggerKhan> Agreed, John
19:00< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: nice ideas
19:00< SloggerKhan> They are also obligated to not give us such info, I am pretty sure.
19:00< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: do you have other people on your team yet?
19:00< SloggerKhan> So we can ask them to give info to people they think are appropriate.
19:01< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: then we might let them decide who they should go to?
19:01< SloggerKhan> Not really. I am not sure what my team is, technically.
19:01 * ianmcorvidae wanders off to eat. Back later.
19:01< SloggerKhan> brb
19:02< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: k, first you should define goals and objectives of team on a wiki page for all to look at and help with
19:02< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: then as those are defined and taking shape we should think about other team members to help out
19:03< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: does that sound right to you?
19:03< dx00_> i would love to help
19:04< dx00_> im all about helping out the kids :)
19:04< dx00_> specially when pushing new technologies
19:04< br24> I wouldnt mind helping either
19:04 * johnc4510 says he thinks this is something the whole team can work on and help SloggerKhan out with
19:04< dx00_> after all, they are the ones that will be dirving the next gen technologies
19:04< johnc4510> agreed
19:04< johnc4510> :P
19:05 * johnc4510 needs to hit head, brb     
19:05< SloggerKhan> sounds Good :)
19:05 * br24 is away: busy
19:06< dx00_> i gtg guys
19:06< dx00_> SloggerKhan: i will help with anything you need
19:06< dx00_> and that i can
19:06< SloggerKhan> ok, thnks all!
19:06< dx00_> ill talk to you all latter, bye
19:07< SloggerKhan> I guess I'd work on a wiki page ofter I finish my dinner.
19:07< dx00_> good luck
19:07-!- dx00_ [n=ssjgolle@ip70-190-146-74.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit ["leaving"]
19:07< SloggerKhan> bye
19:07< johnc4510> SloggerKhan: does that seem right
19:07< johnc4510> bye
19:07< SloggerKhan> johnc4510: yeah, that sounds good.
19:07< johnc4510> k
19:08< johnc4510> thanks
19:09 * johnc4510 is back btw
19:16 * ianmcorvidae is back.
19:24 * bluecat9 is sort of back
19:25< bluecat9> i like the idea of Kids or Youth as our target audience
19:25< bluecat9> especially the kids without PCs
19:25< bluecat9> sort of like a OLPC ;p
19:26< bluecat9> i like the idea of minimum specs for PC give-aways but.. I'm afraid it may be hard to get our hands on such machines
19:26< bluecat9> i have several PII and PIII machines in the ~333-533mhz range to donate
19:27< bluecat9> and I will be happy to buy more of them at ~$5 a pop to donate in the dfuture
19:28< bluecat9> we need "Human Repo's"
19:29< bluecat9> places where we can drop off PCs and they will have Ubuntu installed on them
19:29< johnc4510> bluecat9: thanks   very generous
19:29< johnc4510> :)
19:29< johnc4510> agreed
19:29< bluecat9> cos i can always donate a PC or two a month.. but i don't have the time to work on em
19:29< johnc4510> drop offs in each town
19:29< bluecat9> aye
19:29< johnc4510> tucson, phoenix, flagstaff, etc
19:30< bluecat9> we also need a web page or something to keep track of our stock, etc
19:30< bluecat9> so we can set a number of machines to keep in stock, etc
19:31< bluecat9> to keep the flow going
19:31< bluecat9> even if it's 4 PCs a month
19:31< bluecat9> once we have something in effect like officially donating PCs to children w/o them.. i think we can get ppl to donate PCs to our cause
19:31< johnc4510> bluecat9: the wiki SloggerKhan is setting up should have that info tied into it
19:31< bluecat9> cool
19:32< johnc4510> bluecat9: if not, we can suggest it
19:32< bluecat9> I'm personally going to talk to my boss about it (donating old PCs)
19:32< bluecat9> ..he just gave away a bunch
19:32< johnc4510> bluecat9: good idea
19:32< bluecat9> we play musical chairs about once a year
19:32< johnc4510> bluecat9: that is tax deductable now btw
19:32< bluecat9> so ill try to get some of these.. but if not, maybe later
19:33< bluecat9> aye
19:33< bluecat9> he used to donate them to org's
19:33< johnc4510> cool
19:33< bluecat9> but now he is letting employees have em
19:33< bluecat9> which is nice for them
19:33< bluecat9> but bad for us
19:33< bluecat9> lol
19:33< bluecat9> i am already installing ubuntu on one of the machines ;p
19:33< bluecat9> that some lady got
19:34< bluecat9> pushing the Ubu at work.. priceless
19:34< johnc4510> cool
19:34< johnc4510> :)
19:34< bluecat9> you know..
19:34< bluecat9> all LoCo's should form PC Repo's
19:34< bluecat9> for old pc drop off
19:35< johnc4510> agreed
19:35< bluecat9> espeically now with vista coming out
19:35< johnc4510> yes
19:35< bluecat9> i think a lot of PCs are going in the trash or dropped off at those donation bin's
19:35< ianmcorvidae> Yeah.
19:36< bluecat9> i really like the idea of a "Computer Repo"
19:36< bluecat9> it could even be a wiki
19:36< ianmcorvidae> Hehe :)
19:36< bluecat9> that we can all add PCs to the repo as they are ready
19:36 * johnc4510 says maybe we ought to post a thread on forum about donating old pcs to loco's in their state?
19:36< bluecat9> ready = ubuntu installed
19:37< bluecat9> or we could start the model
19:37< bluecat9> then spread the word
19:37< bluecat9> ;p
19:37< johnc4510> nice idea
19:37< bluecat9> let's leave the word "old" out
19:37< bluecat9> just in case
19:37< bluecat9> we get lucky
19:38< johnc4510> bluecat9: this is a good idea for SloggerKhan to work on since it is his team.

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