
Revision 1 as of 2008-05-30 06:08:42

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[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:02:09] <johnc4510-laptop>  ok    shall we start?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:02:11] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:02:18] <slofgren>  go
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:02:22] <tyche>     Yep
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:02:27] <johnc4510-laptop>  ok
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:02:39] <johnc4510-laptop>  no new people i don't think
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:02:45] <johnc4510-laptop>  so    announcements
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:03:05] <johnc4510-laptop>  tyche is getting ready to go for ubuntu membership
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:03:10] <johnc4510-laptop>  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CraigAEddy
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:03:14] <slofgren>  nice
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:03:17] <slofgren>  congrat tyche
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:03:17] <johnc4510-laptop>  that's his wiki page
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:03:22] <tyche>     Thanks
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:03:28] <johnc4510-laptop>  it's very impressive
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:03:34] <johnc4510-laptop>  lots of good stuff
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:03:40] <johnc4510-laptop>  congrats tyche
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:03:47] <tyche>     Thanks
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:03:48] <slofgren>  what happened to his creepy pic
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:03:50] Join        Wolf_45 has joined this channel (n=Relentle@node24.
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:03:57] <tyche>     That's on launchpad
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:04:01] <slofgren>  ah
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:04:05] <slofgren>   :p
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:04:06] <johnc4510-laptop>  that's the only draw back slofgren
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:04:08] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:04:24] <kennymc0>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:04:28] <johnc4510-laptop>  so, we'll announce when the council meeting is and
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:04:39] <Wolf_45>   hehehe....thought I wasn't going to make it, didn't you?  ;-)
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:04:40]      * tyche wonders how to add a graphic to a wiki
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:04:44] <johnc4510-laptop>  hopefully some on you will turn out to cheer him on
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:05:04] <slofgren>  when is it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:05:05] <johnc4510-laptop>  the council loves it when there's a cheer squad
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:05:14] <johnc4510-laptop>  they haven't set it yet
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:05:20] <slofgren>  oh
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:05:21] <johnc4510-laptop>  we'll announce it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:05:29] <slofgren>  I hop[e it is a some really awkward time
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:05:31] <johnc4510-laptop>  it's usually early here
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:05:35] <johnc4510-laptop>  like 6am
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:05:40] <kennymc0>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:05:46] <johnc4510-laptop>  since it's on london time
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:05:53] <johnc4510-laptop>  for shuttleworth
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:05:58] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:05:59] <slofgren>  I remember john's being like at 4am
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:06:06] <johnc4510-laptop>  yep
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:06:09] <johnc4510-laptop>  it was early
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:06:32] <johnc4510-laptop>  again congrats tyche  i know you're a shoe in
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:06:42] <johnc4510-laptop>  but wear them both to the meeting
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:06:44] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:06:48] <johnc4510-laptop>  ok
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:06:56] <johnc4510-laptop>  server
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:07:06] <johnc4510-laptop>  slofgren: anything going on there
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:07:09] <slofgren>  we have a server?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:07:13] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:07:15] <johnc4510-laptop>  :)
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:07:24] <slofgren>  I see that dx still has an account
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:07:27] <slofgren>  ;)
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:07:35] <johnc4510-laptop>  are the lug people playing nice nice??
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:07:36] <slofgren>  thats my only gripe
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:07:55] <slofgren>  dunno...I leave all that with you
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:08:02] <slofgren>  I want to ditch old accounts
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:08:14] <slofgren>  especially one not apart of us
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:08:17] <slofgren>  ones
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:08:26] <johnc4510-laptop>  the last news you gave me was something about closing out something automatically
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:08:28] <johnc4510-laptop>  ??:
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:08:39] <slofgren>  ...
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:08:39] <johnc4510-laptop>  it's been a while
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:08:43] <slofgren>  not sure
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:09:02] <slofgren>  crontab does some things
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:09:18] <slofgren>  I am not recalling anything
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:09:19] <johnc4510-laptop>  we were doing something when we left the server after using the connect to server in ubuntu i think
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:09:28] <johnc4510-laptop>  weren't
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:09:38] <johnc4510-laptop>  so you automated it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:09:50] <slofgren>  oh I automated the www permissions
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:09:55] <johnc4510-laptop>  right
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:10:14] <slofgren>  they get screwed up when you dump files in liek you did with remote connect
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:10:17] <johnc4510-laptop>  can you tell me more about that    and what we weren't doing correctly
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:10:24] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:10:37]      * johnc4510-laptop hangs his heaed
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:10:39] <slofgren>  you were using connect to emote server and dumping files
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:10:39] <johnc4510-laptop>  head
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:10:44] <johnc4510-laptop>  yep
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:10:46] <br24>      I am here
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:10:46] <johnc4510-laptop>  i was
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:10:50] <johnc4510-laptop>  br24: :)
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:10:53] <johnc4510-laptop>  greeting
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:10:55] <slofgren>  then the files dumped would not match the needed perms
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:10:55] <johnc4510-laptop>  s
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:11:08] <slofgren>  I just set it to fix perm,s every 15min
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:11:17] <slofgren>  HI br24
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:11:18] <johnc4510-laptop>  so, i just shouldn't have used the connect via remote
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:11:21] <johnc4510-laptop>  right?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:11:27] <slofgren>  now you can use it just finwe
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:11:29] <slofgren>  fine
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:11:38] <johnc4510-laptop>  i should learn to use the server correctly
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:11:38] <slofgren>  the crontab thing fixes it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:11:40] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:11:44] <johnc4510-laptop>  ah ok
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:11:54] <slofgren>  that is what crontab is for
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:11:55] <johnc4510-laptop>  i now think i should not have brought this up
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:11:57] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:12:02] <slofgren>  I want to automate all that I can
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:12:06] <johnc4510-laptop>  made myself look bad
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:12:07] <slofgren>  make things easy
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:12:11] <johnc4510-laptop>  yep
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:12:14] <tyche>     There's nothing wrong with that
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:12:17] <johnc4510-laptop>  we appreciate it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:12:25] <tyche>     Yep
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:12:26] <slofgren>  so now dump files how ever you like
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:12:31] <johnc4510-laptop>  just let me know when i'm bad   lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:12:33] <johnc4510-laptop>  kk
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:12:34] <slofgren>  k
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:12:56] <johnc4510-laptop>  enigmastrat: you updated anything on the page recently??
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:13:14] <br24>      slofgren, am I an old account?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:13:21] <slofgren>  br24: no
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:13:23] <enigmastrat>       nope... I could make up excuses, but I guess it really comes down to me being lazy
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:13:24] <br24>      thx
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:13:34] <slofgren>  I was speaking of non ubuntu group stuff
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:13:43] <enigmastrat>       :)
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:13:53] <slofgren>  does anyone have any server requests or needs
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:13:58] Join        juggyDS has joined this channel (n=juggyds@ip68-110-112-181.ph.ph.cox.net).
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:14:01] <johnc4510-laptop>  enigmastrat: hey it's been the holidays   np
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:14:02] <slofgren>  I don't think we are using it to its fullests
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:14:12] <johnc4510-laptop>  we've all been lazy or busy more likely
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:14:19] <johnc4510-laptop>  slofgren: agreed
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:14:22] <posingaspopular>   tyche: got that stupid programmed installed. anyway... afk
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:14:22] <johnc4510-laptop>  so
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:14:22] <enigmastrat>       but now It's after, so I'll get it done ;)
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:14:27] <br24>      Ive been the worst enigmastrat
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:14:34] <juggyDS>   im reinstalling, again
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:14:40] <johnc4510-laptop>  since slofgren is here, we should try to make a better plan
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:14:49] <johnc4510-laptop>  br24: np
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:14:53] <slofgren>  the server logs show that it is hardly logged into
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:15:04] <johnc4510-laptop>  i've been tied up
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:15:07] <slofgren>  basically it is only me logging into the server
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:15:17] <johnc4510-laptop>  those knots were heck to losen
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:15:18] <tyche>     If it means anything, I could still use some information for page 2 and page 3.  Any ideas would help.
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:15:25] <johnc4510-laptop>  right
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:15:35] <johnc4510-laptop>  and we need a plan
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:15:40] <johnc4510-laptop>  on direction
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:16:07] <johnc4510-laptop>  i have a hard time suggesting things since i know so little about servers
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:16:09] <johnc4510-laptop>  maybe
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:16:10] <tyche>     Team promotion and directions to help.
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:16:13] <slofgren>  server = ubuntuaz.selfip.com
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:16:31] <johnc4510-laptop>  slofgren could give us some ideas on how we could use it better
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:16:39] <johnc4510-laptop>  maybe
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:16:39] <juggyDS>   what does the server host?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:16:41] <johnc4510-laptop>  ??
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:16:48] <slofgren>  streaming pr0n server
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:16:52] <johnc4510-laptop>  right now just our page
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:16:54] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:16:54] <juggyDS>   sweet
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:16:59] <johnc4510-laptop>  we could
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:04] <slofgren>  or not
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:07] <juggyDS>   i never knew
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:13] <johnc4510-laptop>  do something like the stats ian use to keep
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:15] <johnc4510-laptop>  ??
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:19] <johnc4510-laptop>  for the channel
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:20] <johnc4510-laptop>  ??
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:23] <tyche>     Yea, that would be nice.
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:33] <slofgren>  host a IRC stats
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:38] <johnc4510-laptop>  yes??
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:42] <Wolf_45>   Sorry 'bout that, slofgren - I've been getting hammered by my aunt to get some genealogy crap done, and haven't had much time for anything else!
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:45] <slofgren>  yeah?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:48] <johnc4510-laptop>  for the team channel
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:55] <tyche>     Find out from ianmcorvidae what program he used.
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:58] <johnc4510-laptop>  Wolf_45: howdy
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:17:58] <slofgren>  Wolf_45: np
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:00] <ianmcorvidae>      pisg
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:07] <johnc4510-laptop>  yep
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:08] <ianmcorvidae>      perl irc stats generator
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:09] <johnc4510-laptop>  ianmcorvidae: hi
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:11] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:13] <ianmcorvidae>      running on my irssi logs :P
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:20] <slofgren>  ianmcorvidae: could you set it up for us?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:21] <ianmcorvidae>      I got pinged when you said ian XD
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:27] <johnc4510-laptop>  maybe ian would like to set that up???
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:33] <tyche>     So, we'd have to have the server logged into IRC?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:40] <ianmcorvidae>      yeah, it would be
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:40] <slofgren>  yeah
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:42] <johnc4510-laptop>  yep
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:50] <tyche>     Is that a possibility, slofgren
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:53] <johnc4510-laptop>  i miss the stats
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:18:54] <slofgren>  we have irssi on the server
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:19:03] <ianmcorvidae>      ok, then it's pretty easy
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:19:20] <ianmcorvidae>      er, we'd probably want screen as well
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:19:20] <slofgren>  ianmcorvidae: do you want to set it up on the server for us
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:19:24] <ianmcorvidae>      if you don't have it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:19:24] <johnc4510-laptop>  i didn't know irssi was on the server  nice
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:19:27] <slofgren>  screen is there
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:19:27] <ianmcorvidae>      I can do that, yes
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:19:37] <ianmcorvidae>      ok yeah, then pretty easy
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:19:48] <slofgren>  ianmcorvidae: apt-get install pisg?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:19:57] <ianmcorvidae>      uh, don't think it was in repos
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:20:00] <johnc4510-laptop>  can we set it up to keep only 30 days of log stats
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:20:09] <ianmcorvidae>      yeah, we can
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:20:16] <johnc4510-laptop>  otherwise it will be taking up a lot of space
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:20:17] <tyche>     rotating?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:20:18] <ianmcorvidae>      oh, no, it is there
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:20:19] <johnc4510-laptop>  we don't have
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:20:23] <slofgren>  johnc4510-laptop: shoudl I give ianmcorvidae sudo perm for setup
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:20:24] <ianmcorvidae>      hah yeah
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:20:31] <johnc4510-laptop>  sure
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:20:34] <tyche>     +1
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:20:49] <slofgren>  ianmcorvidae: you have the powah
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:20:54] <johnc4510-laptop>  he's been running server off his desktop for a while now
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:21:02] <juggyDS>   who?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:21:08] <johnc4510-laptop>  knows more than me
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:21:10] <johnc4510-laptop>  ian
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:21:17] <ianmcorvidae>      I run my desktop as a server-ish
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:21:23] <johnc4510-laptop>  yep
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:21:28] <ianmcorvidae>      I really need to get another machine, but... money
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:21:35] <johnc4510-laptop>  yep
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:21:46] <johnc4510-laptop>  ok, that's one small step
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:21:47] <johnc4510-laptop>  hee hee
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:21:54] <ianmcorvidae>      huh: /usr/bin/screen: Permission denied ;)
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:22:00]      * ianmcorvidae will fix that
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:22:02] <johnc4510-laptop>  what else shall we try to do with it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:22:34] <tyche>     List Team events
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:22:37] <johnc4510-laptop>  we can't do any file hosting because the HD is tooooo small
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:22:47] <slofgren>  ianmcorvidae: you have screen and irc
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:22:49] <juggyDS>   how big?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:22:55] <johnc4510-laptop>  8 gig
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:22:58] <johnc4510-laptop>  i think
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:22:59] <johnc4510-laptop>  small
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:23:04] <ianmcorvidae>      slofgren: no I don't :P; screen has chmod 750
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:23:05] <slofgren>  ianmcorvidae: you have suo rights
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:23:12] <juggyDS>   lol, i can donate a 20gb
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:23:21] <slofgren>  ianmcorvidae: logout and back in
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:23:26] <ianmcorvidae>      ok
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:23:26] <juggyDS>   maybe
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:23:26] <ianmcorvidae>      lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:23:33] <johnc4510-laptop>  slofgren: you see juggyDS offer??
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:23:37] <tyche>     juggyDS: That's appreciated, but it's a loaned computer.
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:23:44] <slofgren>  nope
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:23:52] <juggyDS>   i need to finish computer stuff
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:23:55] <johnc4510-laptop>  offered a 20 gig HD
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:23:59] <johnc4510-laptop>  maybe
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:24:01] <slofgren>  nice
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:24:09] <slofgren>  we could use it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:24:17] <johnc4510-laptop>  problem is getting access to install it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:24:20] <juggyDS>   like: get stable, operational ubuntu and xp, new dvd drive
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:24:20] <johnc4510-laptop>  :(
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:24:51] <slofgren>  xp?...what is this xp
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:24:54] <johnc4510-laptop>  well, we could host the tetris game ianmcorvidae use to do also
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:00] <juggyDS>   sorry, bought wrong dvd drive, ubuntu too unstable
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:02] <ianmcorvidae>      yeah, that's easy
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:02] <slofgren>  yeah!
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:07] <ianmcorvidae>      sudo aptitude install tetrinetx
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:10] <ianmcorvidae>      want me to do it?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:12] <johnc4510-laptop>  that was fun
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:14] <johnc4510-laptop>  for all
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:15] <slofgren>  ianmcorvidae: do it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:18] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:23] <juggyDS>   +99
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:35] <slofgren>  i am lazy admin
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:37] <ianmcorvidae>      still says I'm not in sudoers, lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:39] <johnc4510-laptop>  you guys are doing it faster than i can think of things
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:50]      * slofgren whips ianmcorvidae to do admin work
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:51] <johnc4510-laptop>  tyche: help
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:54] <tyche>     They're GOOD, johnc4510-laptop
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:25:59] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:26:00] <slofgren>  ianmcorvidae: you arte in wheel
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:26:07] <ianmcorvidae>      eh?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:26:09] <tyche>     I don't think there's any help for you.
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:26:12] <slofgren>  wheel group
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:26:27] <ianmcorvidae>      which does what now? lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:26:33] <slofgren>  wheel = sudoers
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:26:43] <ianmcorvidae>      ianmcorvidae@debuntu:/var/run$ sudo aptitude install pisg tetrinetx
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:26:43] <ianmcorvidae>      ianmcorvidae is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:26:44] <slofgren>  irc = irssi
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:26:49] <slofgren>  screen = screen
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:26:50] <ianmcorvidae>      lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:26:59] <johnc4510-laptop>  ok, so can we do a mail server that reroutes mail to a of site account??  slofgren ??
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:27:11] <johnc4510-laptop>  off
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:27:22] <slofgren>  we could just use googler hostes mail
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:27:28] <johnc4510-laptop>  kk
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:27:29] <slofgren>  just buy a domain
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:27:32] <johnc4510-laptop>  kk
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:27:50] <ianmcorvidae>      or just use .forward files
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:27:54] <ianmcorvidae>      those are easy
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:27:56] <johnc4510-laptop>  what other things is the server capable of doing for us as a team
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:27:59] <johnc4510-laptop>  ianmcorvidae: ty
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:28:33] <slofgren>  the shell accounts gives members a place to check out a server in operation
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:28:43] <slofgren>  they can view configuration
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:28:46] <slofgren>  and learn
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:28:51] <slofgren>  andf have web space
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:29:05] <johnc4510-laptop>  i need to blog more
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:29:17] <slofgren>  PEOPLE...get on the server and play..but play nice
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:29:24] <johnc4510-laptop>  and i just set up a redirect to my blog for my server page
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:29:29] <johnc4510-laptop>  kk
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:29:33] <tyche>     johnc4510-laptop: Sure.  Tell us about your experiences with the server.  Hee hee
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:29:47] <johnc4510-laptop>  i'm a little leary of to much exploring   lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:29:55] <kennymc0>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:29:55] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:10] <johnc4510-laptop>  kennymc0: you have a page on the server
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:13]      * slofgren removes johnc4510-laptop from wheel ;p
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:17] <johnc4510-laptop>  br24: you still here
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:21] <johnc4510-laptop>  what
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:21] <tyche>     ROFLOLPMP
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:23] <johnc4510-laptop>  ??
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:27] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:33] <kennymc0>  i have a page on the server
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:41] <kennymc0>  wow it probably looks pretty baren
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:42] <johnc4510-laptop>  slofgren: i'll get you
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:50] <slofgren>  haha
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:50] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:52] <slofgren>  your fine
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:57] <johnc4510-laptop>  i know
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:30:59] <br24>      Im here
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:31:12] <juggyDS>   ubuntu cd keeps crashing! frikin a
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:31:17] <johnc4510-laptop>  speak up on the server please
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:31:24] <johnc4510-laptop>  you must have some thoughts
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:31:26] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:31:28] <br24>      what should I say?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:31:33] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:31:37] <br24>      Ive been out of the picture for quite some time
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:31:39] <johnc4510-laptop>  any ideas
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:31:46] <slofgren>  br24: then fix that
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:31:46] <johnc4510-laptop>  that's not a problem
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:31:47] <br24>      not sure what to say
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:32:13] <johnc4510-laptop>  is there anything you'd like to see us do with the server??
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:32:16] <br24>      this is the first meeting Ive been to in a couple months
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:32:22] <tyche>     What things would you like to see done on the server?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:32:34] <br24>      Id have to think on it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:32:37] Join        geezu1 has joined this channel (n=jesus@
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:32:47] <johnc4510-laptop>  kk
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:32:47] <johnc4510-laptop>  geezu1: hi
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:33:10] <geezu1>    hello, finally got pidgen to work with IRC :)
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:33:10] <johnc4510-laptop>  ianmcorvidae: you done yet   lol    jk
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:33:19] <johnc4510-laptop>  seems like old times
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:33:23] <juggyDS>   ubuntu ruined my computer
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:33:28] <johnc4510-laptop>  what
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:33:31] <johnc4510-laptop>  !!
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:34:35] <kennymc0>  juggyDS: what happened to your computer????
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:34:39] <juggyDS>   frikin wont boot,
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:34:43] <juggyDS>   ubuntu
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:34:44]      * johnc4510-laptop nudges ianmcorvidae   lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:35:05] <slofgren>  juggyDS: hehe
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:35:20] <ianmcorvidae>      johnc4510-laptop: was waiting on slof :P
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:35:26] <slofgren>  johnc4510-laptop: when does the next server lts come out
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:35:31] <juggyDS>   just cuz it doesnt support good computers
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:35:56] <johnc4510-laptop>  hoary
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:35:58] <johnc4510-laptop>  ah
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:36:03] <johnc4510-laptop>  april
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:36:03] <kennymc0>  i was reading the reviews for your motherboard
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:36:08] <johnc4510-laptop>  i think
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:36:09] <kennymc0>  try turning off the overclocking
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:36:11] <juggyDS>   xp was fine, until ubuntu screwed up my computer
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:36:12] <slofgren>  ugh...apri;
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:36:24] <juggyDS>   ugh...
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:36:25] <kennymc0>  that has caused problems for some of the people who reviewed it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:36:25] <slofgren>  I have a server to setup next week
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:36:38] <juggyDS>   i go back to 2.2
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:36:41] <johnc4510-laptop>  unless you want to play with the alpha version   lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:37:04] <slofgren>  johnc4510-laptop: if the server dies tonight it is ian's fault ;)
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:37:13] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:37:14] <ianmcorvidae>      lol I'll try not to break it :P
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:37:17] <slofgren>  hehe
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:37:22] <johnc4510-laptop>  you gave him wheel powere
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:37:25] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:37:29] <ianmcorvidae>      tetrinetx is installed but I'm configuring it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:37:32] <juggyDS>   oc turned off
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:37:34] <ianmcorvidae>      I'll get to irssi/pisg next :)
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:37:34] <johnc4510-laptop>  ianmcorvidae: kk
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:37:38] <tyche>     That's funny, I didn't thing ian looked like a geological rift.
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:37:49] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:38:15] <slofgren>  ianmcorvidae: let us know when it is ready
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:38:30] <juggyDS>   imma try to install w/o oc
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:38:33] <juggyDS>   bye
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:38:35] <geezu1>    anyone here have any experience using virtualbox or vmware?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:38:36] <slofgren>  anyone up for agame tonight
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:38:46] <juggyDS>   thnx for tip, kenny
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:38:46] Quit        juggyDS has left this server ("DSOrganize IRC").
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:38:49] <johnc4510-laptop>  sure
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:38:56] <tyche>     geezu1: You might ask posingaspopular.  Hee hee
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:39:04] <johnc4510-laptop>  !vmware
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:39:04] <ubotu>     VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", not available for Gutsy, only Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:39:10] <slofgren>  server: /dev/sda1     ext3    236M   24M  201M  11% /boot
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:39:12] <johnc4510-laptop>  !virtualbox
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:39:13] <ubotu>     virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:39:28] <johnc4510-laptop>  geezu1: i don't, but there are a couple of links on them
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:39:47] <slofgren>  er: ext3    7.8G  800M  6.6G  11% /
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:39:52] <geezu1>    well i wanted to know which would be best, i read all that stuff.  Heard vmware player has some issues -- vmware server better
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:39:55] <slofgren>  not too bad
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:40:09] <ianmcorvidae>      I shall
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:40:30] <johnc4510-laptop>  geezu1: i've heard that vmware is the wave of the future in linux
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:40:34] <slofgren>  ianmcorvidae: while your at it run upgrade
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:40:41] <geezu1>    vitrualbox has problems with USB support from what i've read actually
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:40:42] <ianmcorvidae>      sure
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:40:46] <slofgren>  kk
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:40:57] <johnc4510-laptop>  channel is humming tonight
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:40:59] <johnc4510-laptop>  i love it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:41:06] <kennymc0>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:41:09] <johnc4510-laptop>  been dead over the holidays
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:41:20] <kennymc0>  lot better than the last meeting :P
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:41:21] <tyche>     It's your winning personality.  Or is that whining personality.  Hee hee
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:41:29] <johnc4510-laptop>  hee hee
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:41:31] <johnc4510-laptop>  sure
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:41:32] <slofgren>  I thought you said humping at first glance
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:41:38] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:41:42] <kennymc0>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:41:55] Join        juggyDS has joined this channel (n=juggyds@ip68-110-112-181.ph.ph.cox.net).
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:41:56] <tyche>     I think I'm glad most of you are in Tucson.
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:42:02] <slofgren>  channel humping is not nice
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:42:04] <juggyDS>   g
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:42:10] <juggyDS>   glendale
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:42:18] <juggyDS>   yucky
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:42:35] <slofgren>  n az ftw
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:42:38] <ianmcorvidae>      slofgren: update or safe-upgrade?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:42:39] <ianmcorvidae>      lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:42:45] <juggyDS>   im moving tho
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:42:58] <ianmcorvidae>      er
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:42:59] <ianmcorvidae>      ok
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:42:59] <slofgren>  apt-get update/upgrade
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:43:02] <ianmcorvidae>      yeah
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:43:05] <ianmcorvidae>      misread
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:43:10]      * johnc4510-laptop for those of you how don't know, the game is gtetrinet    install via synaptic or terminal
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:43:14] <slofgren>  do update first though
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:43:15] <slofgren>  always
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:43:21] <johnc4510-laptop>  yep
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:43:43] <geezu1>    how do i install firewall and configure it?  I installed firestarter but unsure if it's doing anything :(
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:44:04] <ianmcorvidae>      slofgren: are we using anything besides raw iptables for firewall?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:44:04] <slofgren>  geezu1: scann it
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:44:12] <ianmcorvidae>      tetrinetx requires port forwarding :)
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:44:14] <slofgren>  nope
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:44:20] <tyche>     geezu1: That's the way it should be. When the icon turns red, then you know something was happening.
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:44:21] <johnc4510-laptop>  geezu1: firewall iptables is installed
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:44:23] <ianmcorvidae>      ok so just flat iptables
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:44:25] <ianmcorvidae>      ok
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:44:33] <johnc4510-laptop>  use firestarter for gui front end
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:44:49] <geezu1>    oh, i need to install iptables as well?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:44:53] <johnc4510-laptop>  no
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:45:05] <slofgren>  firehol is great firewall for server
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:45:06] <johnc4510-laptop>  iptables is installed automatically
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:45:17] <geezu1>    i c
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:45:25] <juggyDS>   anyone here have an unstable ubuntu?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:45:29] <slofgren>  firehol is nongui
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:45:38] <slofgren>  nope
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:45:40] <johnc4510-laptop>  firestarter is just a graphical front end to configure iptables
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:45:46] <juggyDS>   lucky
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:46:08] <slofgren>  juggyDS: what happened
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:46:08] <geezu1>    so ww/e i configure on firestarter changes iptables?
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:46:17]      * Wolf_45 keeps his ubuntu stabled, less chance of throwing a shoe that way.
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:46:17] <johnc4510-laptop>  geezu1: yes
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:46:21] <geezu1>    ty
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:46:24] <johnc4510-laptop>  np
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:46:26] <johnc4510-laptop>  :)
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:46:27] <juggyDS>   i installed, then it just sucks
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:46:33] <geezu1>    rofl juggy
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:46:35] <slofgren>  ok...we are off meeting topic
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:46:42] <johnc4510-laptop>  a little
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:46:44] <johnc4510-laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:46:46] <slofgren>  johnc4510-laptop: are we done with meeting
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:47:00] <johnc4510-laptop>  yeah, i don't have anything else
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:47:02] <johnc4510-laptop>  :(
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:47:05] <johnc4510-laptop>  so
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:47:07] <johnc4510-laptop>  ok
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:47:15] <slofgren>  we shoudl not be trouble shootuing durring meeting
[Sun Jan 6 2008] [21:47:19] <johnc4510-laptop>  meeting over,   stick around for games

Parent pages: ["ArizonaTeam/Meetings"] ["ArizonaTeam"]
