
Revision 1 as of 2008-05-30 07:35:38

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[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:01:27] <johnc4510-laptop> ok, we ready to start
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:01:28] <johnc4510-laptop> ?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:01:32] <johnc4510-laptop> 1
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:01:33] <kennymc0_laptop>  i am
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:01:42] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:01:47] <kennymc0_laptop>  :)
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:01:53] <tyche>    +0
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:01:54] <johnc4510-laptop> any new people here
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:02:08] <johnc4510-laptop> soldats: you here
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:02:25] <johnc4510-laptop> t00na: meeting time
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:02:32] <johnc4510-laptop> ianmcorvidae: meeting
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:02:41] <johnc4510-laptop> Polygon89: meeting
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:02:51] <johnc4510-laptop> ok
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:02:55] <johnc4510-laptop> announcements
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:02:58] <johnc4510-laptop> i have 6
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:03:15] <johnc4510-laptop> Hardy Alpha 3 Released - Alpha 3 is the third in a series of milestone CD images that has been released during the Hardy development cycle. Alpha 3 includes several new features that are ready for large-scale testing. Pre-releases of Hardy are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent breakage. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:03:43] <johnc4510-laptop> you can go to that address to download the iso
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:04:00] <johnc4510-laptop> .
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:04:05] <johnc4510-laptop> Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop Course - There are 10 lessons in total. The course is modular - 2 days if all lessons are covered, however, topics and lessons can be selected as required. There are 2 versions of the course: an Instructor Guide, and a student guide. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-training-support/2007-December/000077.html
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:04:28] <johnc4510-laptop> i think those are free btw
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:04:34] <tyche>    They are
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:04:39] <kennymc0_laptop>  nifty
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:04:54] <johnc4510-laptop> KDE 4.0 - Packages are available for 7.10 and the development Hardy version. KDE4 installs to /usr/lib/kde4 and can be installed alongside your existing KDE 3, see: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.php. If you want to test KDE 4 without installing packages, try the Live CD: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/gutsy/kde4/.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:04:55] <tyche>    It's quite a course
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:05:02] <tyche>    especially for beginners.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:05:21] <johnc4510-laptop> i hear KDE 4 is hot
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:05:27] <kennymc0_laptop>  i didnt like it
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:05:29] <johnc4510-laptop> being a gnome guy
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:05:35] <kennymc0_laptop>  doesnt seem anywhere near done
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:05:35] <johnc4510-laptop> i'm not sure though
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:05:36] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:05:55] <kennymc0_laptop>  seemed like they were going too much for a vista feel
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:06:02] <johnc4510-laptop> yes, i heard the packages are, well incomplete
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:06:03] <kennymc0_laptop>  so i especially didnt like it
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:06:07] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:06:18] <johnc4510-laptop> can understand that
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:06:22] <johnc4510-laptop> .
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:06:34] <enigmastrat>      what's so bad about Vista?....
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:06:35] <johnc4510-laptop> Hug Day(Jan. 16,2008) - The second Hug Day of the new year, on Wednesday, January 16th, will be targeting OpenOffice.org. There are currently 300 new bug reports regarding OpenOffice.org and Hug Day will be focusing on reducing that number. The list of targeted bugs and tasks is posted at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080116. The goal is to deal with all of the bugs on that list. So on 16 January 2008, in all timezones,
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:06:44] Join       jsonder has joined this channel (n=chatzill@ip70-162-40-171.ph.ph.cox.net).
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:06:51] <johnc4510-laptop> jsonder: greetings
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:07:13] <jsonder>  Howdy, Xmas is now over.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:07:25] <johnc4510-laptop> anyone interested in learning about bugs and helping out should attend
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:07:29] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:07:37] <johnc4510-laptop> meeting underway
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:08:02] <johnc4510-laptop> this next one may not paste to well, we'll see
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:08:05] <johnc4510-laptop> .
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:08:30] <johnc4510-laptop> Help Design the New Launchpad Logo! - The Launchpad Logo Community Design Contest. * What: Design a new logo for Launchpad * When: Now through 31 March 2008 * How: See [WWW] http://help.launchpad.net/logo for more details and official rules * Prize: Winner will receive an Ubuntu Messenger Bag https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives launchpad-users/2008-January/002957.html
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:08:32] <tyche>    If it doesn't work, I'll grab the one from the UWN for the newsletter
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:08:35] <johnc4510-laptop> nope
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:08:56] <johnc4510-laptop> Help Design the New Launchpad Logo! - The Launchpad Logo Community Design Contest.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:09:05] <johnc4510-laptop> What: Design a new logo for Launchpad
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:09:14] <johnc4510-laptop> When: Now through 31 March 2008
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:09:24] <johnc4510-laptop> How: See [WWW] http://help.launchpad.net/logo for more details and official rule
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:09:40] <johnc4510-laptop> Prize: Winner will receive an Ubuntu Messenger Bag
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:09:52] <johnc4510-laptop> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives launchpad-users/2008-January/002957.html
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:09:56] <johnc4510-laptop> that's better
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:09:59] <johnc4510-laptop> ok,
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:10:01] <tyche>    The link that shows the Messenger bag is in the UWN article
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:10:14] <kennymc0_laptop>  it's a nice looking  bag
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:10:17] <tyche>    I'll make sure it's in the newsletter for you, too.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:10:18] <johnc4510-laptop> so if you like working in gimp and inkscape
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:10:24] <johnc4510-laptop> it's something to try
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:10:29] <johnc4510-laptop> open to all
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:10:38] <johnc4510-laptop> rules are at the link too
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:10:51] <johnc4510-laptop> .
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:10:55] <johnc4510-laptop> Tutorial of the Week - The tutorial of the week for Jan. 7, 2008 is PmDematagoda's explanation of the Magic SysRq keys -- and how to use them to recover your system, if it becomes unresponsive. Learn about the key sequences, and how to safely use them, in the tutorial. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t617349
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:10:58] <tyche>    They suggest SVG for a file type
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:11:02] <johnc4510-laptop> yes
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:11:18] <johnc4510-laptop> haven't read through that one yet
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:11:27] <johnc4510-laptop> might be usefull
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:11:28] <tyche>    Those sequences have saved me a hard reboot, on occasion
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:11:35] <johnc4510-laptop> ah
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:11:44] <johnc4510-laptop> from the horses mouth
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:11:47] <johnc4510-laptop> hee hee
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:11:49] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:11:56] <Polygon89>        oo the magic sys keys
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:11:56] <tyche>    ONe set allows you to log out and shut down safely
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:12:03] <Polygon89>        alt+sysrq + REIUSB
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:12:06] <Polygon89>        busier backwards
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:12:08] <johnc4510-laptop> ah
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:12:10] <tyche>    johnc4510-laptop: Wrong end
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:12:16] <johnc4510-laptop> ok'
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:12:19] <johnc4510-laptop> now
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:12:23] <Polygon89>        i had to do it to get out of the lkde4 live cd
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:12:28] <Polygon89>        since its so buggy, umount segfaulte
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:12:34] <Polygon89>        dlol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:12:44] <johnc4510-laptop> we need to discuss where we need to go during 2008
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:12:46] <johnc4510-laptop> goals
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:12:51] <johnc4510-laptop> projects
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:12:54] <johnc4510-laptop> to consider
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:12:57] <johnc4510-laptop> etc
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:13:04] <johnc4510-laptop> so
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:13:22] <johnc4510-laptop> 1. We need to do two install fests
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:13:47] <johnc4510-laptop> 2. We need to finish up approval process and submitt
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:14:10] <johnc4510-laptop> 3. We need to have a few get togethers
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:14:20] <johnc4510-laptop> including a statewide meetup
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:14:47] <johnc4510-laptop> anyone have any other ideas for the team
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:14:55] <johnc4510-laptop> to help promote Ubuntu
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:14:56] <johnc4510-laptop> ?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:15:25] <posingaspopular>  go to confrences, if at all possible
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:15:40] <posingaspopular>  I suggest a barcamp style hackathon sometime in the summer
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:15:45] <johnc4510-laptop> ah, any particular ones in mind?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:15:50] <posingaspopular>  the one we had in chicago was super succesful
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:15:54] <johnc4510-laptop> ah
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:15:59] <johnc4510-laptop> have a link?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:16:12] <johnc4510-laptop> to chicago wiki on barcamp
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:16:13] <johnc4510-laptop> ?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:16:24] <Polygon89>        barcamp?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:17:08] <johnc4510-laptop> http://barcamp.org/
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:18:06] <johnc4510-laptop> mostly a get together with presentations and improptu discussion
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:18:14] <johnc4510-laptop> on open source and ubuntu
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:18:16] <johnc4510-laptop> etc
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:18:49] <johnc4510-laptop> i think this kind of get together *might* draw some of our domant members out
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:18:51] <Polygon89>        i see.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:18:52] <johnc4510-laptop> ?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:19:06] <johnc4510-laptop> dormant
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:19:13] <tyche>    Might be.  I've got to take a better look.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:19:14] <johnc4510-laptop> non participating
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:19:33] <johnc4510-laptop> i know kentucky just had one
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:19:43] <johnc4510-laptop> maybe georgia
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:19:46] <posingaspopular>  barcampchicago.com should be it
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:19:51] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:20:27] <posingaspopular>  get some good sponsors (talk to ohio team about this, their sponsors list for ubucon08 is rocksolid), invite the lugs and you're good to go
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:20:34] <johnc4510-laptop> http://barcampchicago.com/
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:20:36] <posingaspopular>  make sure the wifi is up and running and hackaway
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:20:52] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:21:06] <johnc4510-laptop> this sounds taylor made for phoenix
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:21:08] <johnc4510-laptop> :)
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:21:26] <johnc4510-laptop> we need to get phoenix going better
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:21:30] <johnc4510-laptop> i think
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:21:31] <johnc4510-laptop> ??
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:21:34] <johnc4510-laptop> tyche: ?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:21:43] <tyche>    Yea, I'd like to see it happen
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:21:52] <johnc4510-laptop> and make it a statewide thing for the team
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:21:53] <kennymc0_laptop>  sounds like fun to me
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:22:02] <johnc4510-laptop> tyche: i wasn't asking you to do it
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:22:11] <johnc4510-laptop> just if you thought a good idea
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:22:14] <tyche>    That's good.  I don't go to bars.  LOL
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:22:31] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:22:31] <tyche>    Yea, I think it's a VERY possible thing.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:22:51] <johnc4510-laptop> ok, this looks like it would take some planning
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:22:52] <johnc4510-laptop> so
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:23:11] <johnc4510-laptop> we need to think about it for in the later half of the year maybe
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:23:13] <johnc4510-laptop> ??
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:23:23] <tyche>    Sounds reasonable
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:23:58] <kennymc0_laptop>  sounds good to me
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:24:14] <johnc4510-laptop> ok, tyche lets start a calendar
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:24:24] <johnc4510-laptop> impromtu
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:24:48] <johnc4510-laptop> pencil in barcamp last half of 08
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:24:54] <johnc4510-laptop> but first
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:25:05] <johnc4510-laptop> enigmastrat: you interested in this
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:25:06] <johnc4510-laptop> ?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:25:07] <tyche>    Set it up, I'll see what I can do to create something like the Fridge has.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:25:13] <enigmastrat>      possibly
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:25:16] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:25:44] <johnc4510-laptop> enigmastrat: if we had it, would you attend?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:25:55] <johnc4510-laptop> i know   i'm pushing
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:25:56] <enigmastrat>      I'm still trying to figure out what it is exactly
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:26:01] <enigmastrat>      reading the website
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:26:02] <johnc4510-laptop> want to see the interest though
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:26:14] <johnc4510-laptop> it's like a conference
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:26:23] <johnc4510-laptop> with talks on open source
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:26:26] <posingaspopular>  it's not a 100% ubutnu event, but more hacking in general. the point though is that the loco will help lead this.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:26:30] <johnc4510-laptop> like maybe security
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:26:33] <posingaspopular>  it's an "un-confrence" ;p
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:26:34] <johnc4510-laptop> wirelss
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:26:48] <johnc4510-laptop> gimp
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:26:52] <johnc4510-laptop> whatever
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:26:53] <tyche>    enigmastrat: Look at the chicago link (http://barecampchicago.com), and look at the second picture down.  I think that says it all.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:26:59] <Polygon89>        dont have important stuff on yourlaptop cuase it will get hacked into xD
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:26:59] <johnc4510-laptop> you can put together
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:27:04] <enigmastrat>      I'm with Tyche, I'm not a big bar goer, but the event sounds interesting
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:27:10] <johnc4510-laptop> Polygon89: lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:27:18] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:27:28] <johnc4510-laptop> ok, so there is some interest
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:27:29] <johnc4510-laptop> and
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:27:39] <enigmastrat>      well, I've got the laptop issue covered...
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:27:43] <johnc4510-laptop> i think that might grow as plans progress
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:27:45] <enigmastrat>      it's already dead
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:27:49] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:27:59] <tyche>    ROFL
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:28:25] <posingaspopular>  it's not actually at bar guys...
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:28:31] <posingaspopular>  headdesk
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:28:32] <johnc4510-laptop> right
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:28:44] <posingaspopular>  that's just the name
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:28:48] <johnc4510-laptop> i think they knew that   they were just funning
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:28:49] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:28:51] <enigmastrat>      well, bar or no bar, It sounds quite interesting
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:28:54] <tyche>    Oh.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:28:59] <tyche>    Hee hee
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:29:07] <kennymc0_laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:29:11]     * johnc4510-laptop chastises tyche
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:29:12] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:29:17] <tyche>    OOPS!
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:29:20] <johnc4510-laptop> trouble maker
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:29:22] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:29:23]     * tyche ducks
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:29:27] <johnc4510-laptop> np
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:29:33] <johnc4510-laptop> ok
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:29:39] <johnc4510-laptop> moving on then
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:29:45] <johnc4510-laptop> for the install fests
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:30:18] <johnc4510-laptop> i think they should be held after the releases during the year
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:30:20] <johnc4510-laptop> so
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:30:28] <johnc4510-laptop> hoary is in april
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:30:37] <johnc4510-laptop> and the next is october
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:30:43] <johnc4510-laptop> every 6 mths
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:30:44] <posingaspopular>  hardy johnc4510-laptop
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:30:49] <johnc4510-laptop> right
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:30:50] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:30:57] <kennymc0_laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:30:59]     * posingaspopular chastises johnc4510-laptop
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:31:00] <tyche>    johnc4510-laptop's sounded better
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:31:01] <johnc4510-laptop> i started with hoary
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:31:04] <Polygon89>        lolol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:31:11] <johnc4510-laptop> way back when
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:31:14] <johnc4510-laptop> so
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:31:18] <jsonder>  We're doing a 4th Wed of the month goodie in GV, but you've gotta be a Rec member
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:31:25] <johnc4510-laptop> i'm thinking may and nov
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:31:45] <johnc4510-laptop> jsonder: like to hear more about that
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:31:49] <johnc4510-laptop> so
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:32:06] <jsonder>  http://members.cox.net/jsonder/linuxintro.html
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:32:06] <johnc4510-laptop> by doing it a month after release
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:32:20] <johnc4510-laptop> some of the updates and bugs are worked out
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:32:22] <johnc4510-laptop> jsonder: ty
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:32:35] <johnc4510-laptop> does that sound reasonable to all
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:32:37] <johnc4510-laptop> ??
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:32:47] <johnc4510-laptop> tyche: ?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:32:55] <jsonder>  6 weeks???
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:32:58] <tyche>    I wouldn't know what to do at an install fest
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:33:06] <johnc4510-laptop> 6 months
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:33:16] <johnc4510-laptop> between releases
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:33:23] <johnc4510-laptop> if that's what you mean
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:33:28] <jsonder>  Install it on folks computers and send them home with the disk and a book reccomendation
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:33:35] <johnc4510-laptop> yes
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:33:40] <johnc4510-laptop> exactly
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:33:42] <ianmcorvidae>     I could try to help out; by may school is pretty much over
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:33:49] <johnc4510-laptop> ianmcorvidae: hey
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:33:50] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:33:51] <johnc4510-laptop> ty
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:33:53] <ianmcorvidae>     hello, lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:34:14] <johnc4510-laptop> btw, all should check out the topic for the stats page
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:34:27] <johnc4510-laptop> ian just set it back up on our server last wk
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:34:31] <johnc4510-laptop> ty ian
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:34:40] <jsonder>  it takes at least 4 weeks for the bugs to surface and get patched
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:34:47] <johnc4510-laptop> ah
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:34:51] <johnc4510-laptop> good point
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:35:12] <johnc4510-laptop> so 6 wks after release is better you think??
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:35:40] <johnc4510-laptop> tyche: ?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:35:41] <jsonder>  Yes
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:35:45] <johnc4510-laptop> anyone?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:35:47] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:35:50] <johnc4510-laptop> jsonder: ty
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:36:05] <ianmcorvidae>     that does seem reasonable
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:36:10] <tyche>    I'd need more information than I have now.  I'll talk to you about it.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:36:14] <ianmcorvidae>     mid-june is kinda bad for arizona, though :P
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:36:26] <johnc4510-laptop> ok, so we will set tentative dates
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:36:29] <ianmcorvidae>     I suppose we'll be inside, but nonetheless
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:36:36] <johnc4510-laptop> ianmcorvidae: yes, inside for sure
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:36:39] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:36:46] <jsonder>  If you go earlier, stress the updating process
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:36:49] <johnc4510-laptop> tyche: kk
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:36:54] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:37:22] <ianmcorvidae>     lol, stress it anyway
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:37:25] <ianmcorvidae>     updates are important :)
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:37:26] <johnc4510-laptop> ok, so that leaves meetups
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:37:58] <johnc4510-laptop> for the local ones, we can leave that up to tucson and phoenix to put together as seems fitting
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:38:01] <johnc4510-laptop> i think
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:38:08] <ianmcorvidae>     hopefully
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:38:19] <tyche>    We can work on something, I'm sure.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:38:30] <johnc4510-laptop> and if we do the barcamp, we can incorporate a statewide meeting into that
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:38:33] <johnc4510-laptop> i think
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:38:44] <tyche>    Yep
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:38:49] <ianmcorvidae>     it will probably end up as one anyway
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:38:59] <ianmcorvidae>     if any reasonable number of us participate :)
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:39:23] <br24>     sorry I am late
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:39:26] <br24>     I am here now
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:39:27] <kennymc0_laptop>  sounds like fun
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:40:12] <br24>     am I too late?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:40:28] <kennymc0_laptop>  pretty sure meeting is still going on
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:40:42] <kennymc0_laptop>  so i would say no you arent too lat
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:40:43] <tyche>    br24: well, you missed out on the barcamp.  Hee hee
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:40:43] <Polygon89>        whee!
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:40:58] <br24>     oh I missed on a lot
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:41:05] <br24>     been on this damn phone call
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:41:08] <br24>     stupid customers
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:41:10] <kennymc0_laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:41:20] <tyche>    I'll fill you in on some of it.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:42:27] <br24>     seems like everyone stops talking when I show up
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:42:42] <kennymc0_laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:42:45] <ianmcorvidae>     lol, I just got here as well
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:42:47] <tyche>    johnc4510-laptop: What else is needed for approval?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:42:49] <ianmcorvidae>     dunno what the topic is :)
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:42:55] <br24>     hey ianmcorvidae
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:42:59] <br24>     long time, no chat
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:02] <t00na>    zzzOMG! meeting!
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:06] <ianmcorvidae>     heh indeed
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:09] <ianmcorvidae>     hello, t00na
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:18] <tyche>    ianmcorvidae: we're trying to get this Team approved.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:25] <ianmcorvidae>     tyche: that's good
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:27] <ianmcorvidae>     :)
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:32] <br24>     then approve it now tyche!
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:39] <johnc4510-laptop> ??
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:39] <johnc4510-laptop> anyone?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:39] <johnc4510-laptop> does that seem right
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:39] <johnc4510-laptop> for all
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:39] Quit       johnc4510-laptop has left this server (Remote closed the connection).
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:51] Join       johnc4510-laptop has joined this channel (n=johnc451@ubuntu/member/johnc4510).
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:52] <br24>     interesting
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:53] <t00na>    helloes
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:56] <johnc4510-laptop> hey
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:43:58] <kennymc0_laptop>  wb
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:44:04] <t00na>    :D :D D: :D
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:44:05] <tyche>    Oh, *I* approve of it.  But Ubuntu community Council needs to.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:44:12] <br24>     hey johnc4510-laptop I made it!!!!
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:44:14] <johnc4510-laptop> i was talking to myself
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:44:18] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:44:20] <kennymc0_laptop>  lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:44:23] <johnc4510-laptop> didn't even realize it
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:44:28] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:44:33] <johnc4510-laptop> where did i leave ??
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:44:39] <tyche>    It's a sign of old age.  Hee hee
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:44:40] <enigmastrat>      "I think"
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:44:40] <br24>     a minute a go
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:44:43] <johnc4510-laptop> someone clue me in please
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:44:49] <br24>     ask tyche
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:06] <tyche>    Your last comment was about barcamp being statewide.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:08] <enigmastrat>      "and if we do the barcamp, we can incorporate a statewide meeting into that
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:08] <enigmastrat>       i think"
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:12] <johnc4510-laptop> ty
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:18] <br24>     barcamp???
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:23] <br24>     is it a full bar?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:24] <enigmastrat>      google it
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:28] <johnc4510-laptop> i was getting upset   no one was answering me
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:31] <t00na>    Okay, now I have to write down a bunch of open source-related books down as sources even though I haven't read them yet.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:34] <t00na>    Any ideas?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:41] <t00na>    I have Just for Fun
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:48] <t00na>    Cathedral and the Bazaar
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:49] <johnc4510-laptop> br24: hey
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:52] <Polygon89>        .......
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:54] <johnc4510-laptop> yes barcamp
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:45:58] <br24>     oh hey johnc4510-laptop
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:00] <t00na>    barcamp?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:04] <johnc4510-laptop> an open conference
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:08] <br24>     is there bars involved?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:09] <johnc4510-laptop> talks and such
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:10] <tyche>    There's the Ubuntu book, but I forget what it's called.  Check the Ubuntu store
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:11] <johnc4510-laptop> no
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:12] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:19] <br24>     am I barred?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:33] <johnc4510-laptop> i'm not sure where to pick back up so
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:40] <t00na>    tyche: it's called The Ubuntu Book
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:47] <tyche>    That works.
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:48] <johnc4510-laptop> i think maybe wait till next meeting??
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:49] <tyche>    Hee hee
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:55] <tyche>    OK
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:46:56] <johnc4510-laptop> tyche: ?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:47:00] <tyche>    +1
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:47:02] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:47:03] <t00na>    The one written by Jono Bacon, right?
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:47:09] <tyche>    Yep
[Sun Jan 13 2008] [21:47:12] <johnc4510-laptop> so meeting over   thanks all

Parent pages: ["ArizonaTeam/Meetings"] ["ArizonaTeam"]
