
Revision 1 as of 2008-05-30 07:38:32

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[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:00:31] <johnc4510-laptop> kk, we'll start if all are ready?
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:00:40] <kennymc0> im ready
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:00:46] <word>     me, me
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:00:51] <paul928>  rdy
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:00:52]     * johnc4510-laptop no new members tonight
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:00:56] <rsthree>  woot
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:01:00] <johnc4510-laptop> announcements
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:01:15] <johnc4510-laptop> btw, welcome back to rsthree
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:01:16] <johnc4510-laptop> :)
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:01:19] <rsthree>  <3
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:01:20] <johnc4510-laptop> to meetings
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:01:34] <johnc4510-laptop> Announcing a mockup contest for kubuntu.org  The aim is to find a new layout for the official Kubuntu website: http://www.kubuntu.org More information for the contest can be found on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/WebsiteMockups
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:01:46] <johnc4510-laptop> if you want to enter
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:02:04] <johnc4510-laptop> making up a new web page for Kubuntu
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:02:07] <johnc4510-laptop> .
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:02:32] <johnc4510-laptop> Oakland University Replaces UNIX with Ubuntu - The School of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS) now uses Linux for CAD/CAM/CAE applications. http://www.ubuntu.com/products/casestudies/oakland-university
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:02:39] <johnc4510-laptop> .
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:02:43] <tyche>    This is heavy.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:02:48] <tyche>    CAD/CAM/
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:02:54] <johnc4510-laptop> Ubuntu supports technology-enabled teaching at The Johns Hopkins University - John Hopkins uses Ubuntu as the OS platform for its BigBoard support system. http://www.ubuntu.com/products/casestudies/johns-hopkins
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:03:02] <tyche>    CAE just isn't done on Linux.  Now it is.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:03:12] <johnc4510-laptop> tyche: welcome, better late than never  hee hee
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:03:14] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:03:21] <kennymc0> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:03:32] <tyche>    Better never late.  LOLO
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:03:43] <kennymc0> ah no ones perfect
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:03:47] <johnc4510-laptop> not sure about this next one   won't affect to many of us i don't think
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:03:54] <johnc4510-laptop> The tutorial of this week is "HOWTO: RT2500, etc. wireless cards [Gutsy Gibbon]," by wieman01. While the thread is specific to a particular range of hardware, it stands out as a tutorial that's well written, concise, clearly documented and constantly maintained. If you have a Ralink-based wireless adapter, you'll want to look it over; if you don't, it's still worth reading as an excellent example of a how-to. http://tinyurl.com/2g
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:03:56] <tyche>    No, but I'm darned good.  Hee hee
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:04:16] <johnc4510-laptop> at least he didn't say pretty good
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:04:18] <johnc4510-laptop> :)
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:04:29] <rsthree>  sadly, i have an RT61 rather than a 2x00 series :(
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:04:38] <tyche>    Nope. I'm not pretty.  Hee hee
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:04:47] <johnc4510-laptop> Server: http://ubuntuaz.selfip.com/
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:04:51] <johnc4510-laptop> .
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:05:06] <johnc4510-laptop> Team Stats: http://ubuntuaz.selfip.com/~ianmcorvidae/  BTW, we haven't been able to keep Kenny quiet since we put stats back up! LOL
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:05:10] <johnc4510-laptop> hee hee
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:05:13] <johnc4510-laptop> .
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:05:18] <kennymc0> .......
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:05:28] <johnc4510-laptop> gtetrinet server address: http://ubuntuaz.selfip.com/  Install the game from the repos, launch, hit the connect button and type in the address. Up to 6 can play. fast paced and fun for all. The more playing the better the game.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:05:44] <rsthree>  now that i have not done in ages
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:06:01] <johnc4510-laptop> .
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:06:03] <t00na>    oh, meeting tiemz!
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:06:05] <johnc4510-laptop> The computer club jsonders belongs to in Green Valley does Linux introductory support every 4th Wed of the month. To view their support page: http://members.cox.net/jsonder/linuxintro.html
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:06:30] <johnc4510-laptop> jsonder: if we can help you folks with that in any way, let us know
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:06:31] <johnc4510-laptop> :)
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:07:08] <johnc4510-laptop> ok, i've padded my stats enough with announcements
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:07:10] <johnc4510-laptop> hee hee
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:07:12] <johnc4510-laptop> next
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:07:21] <kennymc0> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:07:21] <jsonder>  We've had such a drop off in club visits in general that I'm sure we can hadle the limited interest
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:07:48] <johnc4510-laptop> jsonder: kk, just let us know if needed    glad to help
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:07:55] <johnc4510-laptop> Last week we discussed having a barcamp and a couple of install fests
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:08:17] <johnc4510-laptop> barcamp being an open source conference
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:08:27] <johnc4510-laptop> and
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:08:43] <johnc4510-laptop> incorporating a state wide meet up at the same time
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:09:12] <johnc4510-laptop> the idea is to promote open source in AZ and support for the LUG in the state
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:09:32] <johnc4510-laptop> and maybe get some of the inactive members to show up for the conference
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:09:46] <kennymc0> sounds like a good idea to me
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:09:47] <johnc4510-laptop> so several birds in one toss
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:09:49] <rsthree>  we know who we are :(
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:09:51] <rsthree>  nudge nudge
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:09:54] <johnc4510-laptop> nope
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:09:57] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:10:09] <johnc4510-laptop> some of them have never attended a meeting
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:10:20] <johnc4510-laptop> actually quite a few
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:10:21] <johnc4510-laptop> so
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:10:38] <johnc4510-laptop> this will be on the calendar for the last half of the yr.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:10:40] <johnc4510-laptop> now
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:10:53] <johnc4510-laptop> install fests
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:11:02] <johnc4510-laptop> we decided on 2 during the yr
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:11:24] <johnc4510-laptop> about 6 wks after the release of the two yearly ubuntu versions
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:11:40] <johnc4510-laptop> next on is 8.04
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:11:42] <rsthree>  cool
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:11:52] <johnc4510-laptop> so april of 2008 is next release
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:11:57] <johnc4510-laptop> and
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:12:10] <johnc4510-laptop> it is usually around the 18th of the monthe
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:12:13] <johnc4510-laptop> month
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:12:14] <johnc4510-laptop> so
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:12:37] <johnc4510-laptop> end of may first of june for the first install fest
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:12:56] <johnc4510-laptop> we will need to find places to do this
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:13:01] <johnc4510-laptop> with widi
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:13:03] <johnc4510-laptop> wifi
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:13:04] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:13:06] <kennymc0> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:13:07] <kennymc0> widi
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:13:24] <johnc4510-laptop> and plugs   tables   etc
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:13:24] <jsonder>  24 April is release date on web
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:13:30] <johnc4510-laptop> jsonder: ty
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:13:47] <johnc4510-laptop> so first wk, in june might be good then
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:13:50] <johnc4510-laptop> ??
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:14:28] <kennymc0> around then sounds good
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:14:32] <johnc4510-laptop> so, this wk, i'm going to make a wiki page
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:14:39] <johnc4510-laptop> for the install fests
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:14:49] <johnc4510-laptop> i'll post it in the topic
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:14:59] <johnc4510-laptop> so everyone can see the addy
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:15:02] <johnc4510-laptop> now
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:15:09] <johnc4510-laptop> i'll put in the basics
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:15:23] <johnc4510-laptop> and leave a section at the bottom for comments and ideas
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:15:46] <johnc4510-laptop> any member can go in and edit the wiki page and add constructive ideas
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:15:47] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:15:49] <johnc4510-laptop> :)
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:16:06] <johnc4510-laptop> actually please make comments
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:16:09] <rsthree>  yes sir
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:16:12] <rsthree>  er, yes
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:16:19] <tyche>    aye aye, sir
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:16:23] <johnc4510-laptop> so i can get an idea of what everyone thinks
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:16:29] <kennymc0> ok
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:16:29] <johnc4510-laptop> alright
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:16:30] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:16:52] <johnc4510-laptop> i'll also try to set up a wiki page for the barcamp idea
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:17:07] <johnc4510-laptop> if i can find the time that is
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:17:10] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:17:22] <kennymc0> rofl
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:17:25] <rsthree>  :D
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:17:29] <johnc4510-laptop> if i do, i'll post it's addy in the topic too
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:17:52] <johnc4510-laptop> it will be the same idea
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:18:11] <johnc4510-laptop> all members going in and posting ideas about what they want
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:18:13] <johnc4510-laptop> so
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:18:27] <tyche>    johnc4510-laptop: We might want to put out special announcements on the mailing list, too, for those who aren't in channel.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:18:39] <johnc4510-laptop> think about it this wk and be ready to help out by posting ideas and comments
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:18:43] <johnc4510-laptop> :)
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:18:54] <johnc4510-laptop> tyche: good idea
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:19:06] <johnc4510-laptop> i knew i had you around for something
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:19:07] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:19:09] <johnc4510-laptop> :)
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:19:17] <tyche>    Thanks.  I think
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:19:23] <tyche>    :-)
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:19:35] <kennymc0> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:19:47] <johnc4510-laptop> so, as soon as we have the pages up, we'll get an email together and post it to the team mail list
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:20:43] <johnc4510-laptop> i'm wondering if google in phoenix would be interested in sponsoring the barcamp
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:20:55] <johnc4510-laptop> we might get them to
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:21:00] <tyche>    Who would one contact?
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:21:03] <johnc4510-laptop> and also to donate space for it
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:21:21] <johnc4510-laptop> tyche: i'll have to google around and find out
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:21:28] <tyche>    ROFL
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:21:40] <kennymc0> LMAO
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:21:40] <johnc4510-laptop> but it would be their marketing rep in phoenix to start with
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:21:47] <johnc4510-laptop> they should have one
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:21:55] Part       paul928 has left this channel.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:22:02] <johnc4510-laptop> cya
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:22:04] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:22:13] <jsonder>  Phoenix is pretty central in the state, too
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:22:18] <johnc4510-laptop> yep
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:22:33] <johnc4510-laptop> and we need to up our presence there
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:22:36] <johnc4510-laptop> i think
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:22:44] <kennymc0> and it isnt a far drive for poor college students like me
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:22:51] <kennymc0> who live in phoenix
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:22:52] <johnc4510-laptop> no offense to the phoenix folks
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:22:53] <kennymc0> :)
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:22:59] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:23:06] <kennymc0> i think i have enough presence here
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:23:23] <johnc4510-laptop> your stats seem to indicate that    lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:23:25] <johnc4510-laptop> jk
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:23:37] <johnc4510-laptop> ok, so
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:23:38] <kennymc0> well i think this meeting is helping you out a lot with catching up
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:23:45] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:24:17] <johnc4510-laptop> we need to contact some of the other loco's who have done a barcamp
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:24:23] <johnc4510-laptop> and ask some questions
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:24:34] <johnc4510-laptop> about how they went about organizing
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:24:35] <johnc4510-laptop> and
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:24:47] <johnc4510-laptop> getting people for talks
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:25:05] <johnc4510-laptop> we want some good folks for talks
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:25:13] <johnc4510-laptop> and of course
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:25:21] <johnc4510-laptop> we should do a talk on Ubuntu
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:25:33] <kennymc0> of course
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:25:34] <johnc4510-laptop> presentation
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:25:51] <johnc4510-laptop> do any of us have a projector??
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:01] <johnc4510-laptop> to hook up to a laptop
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:09] <johnc4510-laptop> i don't
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:11] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:13] <kennymc0> i dont
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:15] <johnc4510-laptop> probably not
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:17] <rsthree>  afraid not
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:17] <tyche>    -1
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:19] <johnc4510-laptop> so
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:26] <rsthree>  i could get one, but it wouldn't be worth the loss of my job :D
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:28] <tyche>    I don't even have a laptop.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:30] <johnc4510-laptop> maybe if we get someone like google
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:33] <johnc4510-laptop> they would have one
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:36] <johnc4510-laptop> surely
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:57] <johnc4510-laptop> and being a sponsor i'm sure they would let it be used
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:26:59] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:27:04] <johnc4510-laptop> i assume a lot
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:27:26] <kennymc0> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:27:29] <johnc4510-laptop> anyway, back to contacting other loco's
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:27:35] <johnc4510-laptop> for info
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:27:49] <johnc4510-laptop> i volunteer for that
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:27:50] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:28:22] <soldats>  johnc4510-laptop, i has projector
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:28:31] <johnc4510-laptop> soldats: cool
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:28:39] <johnc4510-laptop> could we use it maybe?
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:29:03] <rsthree>  you has projector?  NOOO THEY BE STEALIN YOUR PROJECTOR?
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:29:09] <soldats>  yuh
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:29:13] <johnc4510-laptop> cool ty
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:29:16] <soldats>  err of course
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:29:26] <johnc4510-laptop> soldats: your in tucson right?
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:29:39] <soldats>  yea a few streets from you :)
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:29:41] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:29:54] <johnc4510-laptop> tyche: mark soldats down for a gold star
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:29:56] <johnc4510-laptop> hee hee
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:30:18] <tyche>    Right.  The one with the glue on the back so we can paste it on his head.  Hee hee
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:30:24] <johnc4510-laptop> hee hee
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:30:26] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:30:34] <kennymc0> and outline it with a sharpie?
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:30:44] <rsthree>  stylin'.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:30:52] <soldats>  star on head makes me cool right
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:30:53] <tyche>    Bling.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:30:56] <johnc4510-laptop> anyone else have some ideas about all this?
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:31:04] <jsonder>  You'll need to check compatiblility of connectors and drivers.  I had to drop back to an older laptop to be in harmony with the projector.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:31:19] <johnc4510-laptop> jsonder: good thinking
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:31:36] <soldats>  johnc4510-laptop, sorry i noticed the projector part but i was in the middle of helping someone on xubuntu. i have to re-read all this
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:31:45] <johnc4510-laptop> ok,
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:32:00] <kennymc0> if we have it before i graduate i could ask school and see if i can get a room for this
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:32:07] <johnc4510-laptop> we would need it to hook up to a laptop for a slide show sort of thing
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:32:09] <kennymc0> dont know if it will be possible but i could ask
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:32:24] <johnc4510-laptop> kennymc0: nice idea
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:32:39] <johnc4510-laptop> when do you graduate
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:32:40] <kennymc0> and they have projectors in every room so it would probably be purfect
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:32:47] <johnc4510-laptop> nice
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:32:47] <kennymc0> october of this year
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:32:58] <johnc4510-laptop> oh, that would be about right
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:33:03] <soldats>  oh wow, that would be great
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:33:10] <johnc4510-laptop> i was thinking sept maybe
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:33:28] <johnc4510-laptop> kennymc0: what school
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:33:29] <kennymc0> if i have a date i could ask and see if i can get a room
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:33:33] <kennymc0> devry
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:33:37] <johnc4510-laptop> ah
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:33:48] <johnc4510-laptop> date would be tentative right now
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:33:54] <kennymc0> yeah i know
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:34:05] <johnc4510-laptop> until i find us some sponsors and the like
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:34:10] <kennymc0> yeah
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:34:19] <johnc4510-laptop> kk, but a great idea
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:34:30] <kennymc0> just thought i would throw that one in :)
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:34:42] <kennymc0> and it's a short drive for me so it makes it better for me too
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:34:50] <johnc4510-laptop> tyche: mark kennymc0 done for a star to be tattoo'd on his forheade
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:34:57] <johnc4510-laptop> forehead
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:35:04] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:35:05] <soldats>  for life :)
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:35:10] <tyche>    sure.  And we'll glue that fake ruby in the center.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:35:12] <johnc4510-laptop> yep
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:35:20] <kennymc0> ROFL
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:35:27] <johnc4510-laptop> bling bling
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:35:32] <tyche>    LOL
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:35:37] <johnc4510-laptop> the girls will love it
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:35:52] <kennymc0> sure they will ....................
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:35:57] <johnc4510-laptop> k, anyother ideas or thoughts
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:35:59] <johnc4510-laptop> ?
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:36:50] <kennymc0> im out of good ideas at the moment
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:36:51]     * johnc4510-laptop wondering what subjects would interest everyone for the conference
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:37:01] <johnc4510-laptop> linux security??
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:37:10] <johnc4510-laptop> wireless??
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:37:23] <tyche>    Video driver installation
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:37:27] <johnc4510-laptop> ah
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:37:28] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:37:37] <johnc4510-laptop> proprietary??
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:37:41] <johnc4510-laptop> or open source
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:37:45] <kennymc0> oh and devry has wireless internet too
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:37:50] <tyche>    Whatever is available.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:37:51] <johnc4510-laptop> kennymc0: :)
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:37:53] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:38:07] <tyche>    Also Wine and VirtualBox or VMWare
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:38:12] <johnc4510-laptop> system administration??
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:38:16] <tyche>    Yep
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:38:35] <soldats>  i think if there are move novice people there should be some sort of visual demonstration on basic commands to use in everyday computing
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:38:46] <tyche>    Is there anything we can rope some of the Canonical team into?
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:38:46] <johnc4510-laptop> good
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:38:50] <rsthree>  overcoming terminal phobias
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:38:55] <johnc4510-laptop> not sure
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:39:06] <tyche>    soldats: Good idea.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:39:07] <johnc4510-laptop> they will sponsor though i'm pretty sure
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:39:15] <johnc4510-laptop> and then there are the partners
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:39:20] <johnc4510-laptop> of canonical
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:39:32] <johnc4510-laptop> who might be good for some talks
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:39:45] <johnc4510-laptop> there are a few in california
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:39:53] <johnc4510-laptop> that might come
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:40:05] <johnc4510-laptop> at least send someone to speak
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:40:09] <johnc4510-laptop> .
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:40:25] <johnc4510-laptop> graphics    inkscape, gimp   etc
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:40:25] <johnc4510-laptop> ?
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:40:30] <soldats>  deffinitely need be able to answer all questions regarding linux problems
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:40:37] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:40:41] <soldats>  like video monitors and what not
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:40:43] <johnc4510-laptop> troubleshooting
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:40:46] <johnc4510-laptop> maybe
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:40:47] <soldats>  yes
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:40:52] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:41:03] <johnc4510-laptop> command line might be good
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:41:04] <johnc4510-laptop> ?
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:41:07] <rsthree>  absolutely
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:41:08] <soldats>  what was that about inksape and gimp
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:41:11] <johnc4510-laptop> basic msg
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:41:27] <johnc4510-laptop> basic graphics
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:41:36] <johnc4510-laptop> using those apps
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:41:50] <soldats>  ahh got it
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:41:57] <johnc4510-laptop> what about periferals
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:04] <johnc4510-laptop> ? spelling of that
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:09] <johnc4510-laptop> add ons
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:10] <tyche>    Jooysticks
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:12] <johnc4510-laptop> like
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:15] <johnc4510-laptop> cameras
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:25] <kennymc0> cameras are fun
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:25] <johnc4510-laptop> scanners
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:33] <tyche>    Cameras pretty much set themselves up.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:33] <johnc4510-laptop> etc
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:34] <johnc4510-laptop> ?
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:40] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:41] <rsthree>  are peripherals ever difficult?
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:43] <tyche>    Unless you mean Video cameras
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:45] <rsthree>  ;D
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:42:51] <johnc4510-laptop> scanners can be
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:43:13] <johnc4510-laptop> printers have the scanners and wireless built in now don't they
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:43:14] <johnc4510-laptop> ?
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:43:19] <soldats>  they all can be if you hang out in #ubuntu as much as i do
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:43:23] <johnc4510-laptop> but they have to be set up
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:43:30] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:43:47] <jsonder>  the classic hardware is recognised
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:43:52] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:44:11] <johnc4510-laptop> well, we seem to have a start on this anyway
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:44:17] <jsonder>  includingmy scsi scanners
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:44:28] <rsthree>  oh, yes, scsi is often a bear
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:44:47] <johnc4510-laptop> so, think about it some this wk and if anything pops into mind, let us know
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:44:52] <johnc4510-laptop> ll
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:44:54] <johnc4510-laptop> kk
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:45:07] <rsthree>  definitely.
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:45:16] <kennymc0> ok
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:45:18] <johnc4510-laptop> anything else before i give up all this extra stat work
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:45:26] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:45:32] <kennymc0> ROFL
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:45:36] <johnc4510-laptop> :)
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:45:37] <rsthree>  we have a wine team, right
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:45:43] <rsthree>  or like some kind of wine/virtualization/etc team
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:45:51] <johnc4510-laptop> rsthree: kk
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:46:07] <rsthree>  my memory of this whole loco thing remains a bit hazy :D
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:46:20] <kennymc0> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:46:38]     * johnc4510-laptop says thanks for the input and we'll talk more at the next meeting
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:46:49] <johnc4510-laptop> i'll try to have the wiki pages set up
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:46:55] <kennymc0> ok
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:47:14] <johnc4510-laptop> and some kind of contacts made with the other loco's about their barcamps
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:47:23] <rsthree>  keen
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:47:36] <johnc4510-laptop> and see if i can find out who to contact at google
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:47:38] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:47:47] <johnc4510-laptop> googling google
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:47:49] <johnc4510-laptop> lol
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:47:53] <tyche>    Hee hee
[Sun Jan 20 2008] [21:48:03] <johnc4510-laptop> ok meeting over    thanks to all

Parent pages: ["ArizonaTeam/Meetings"] ["ArizonaTeam"]
